
  1. 吉林省单站暴雨特征分析及评估方法

    Methods of characteristics analysis and assessment for single-station heavy rainfall in Jilin province

  2. 本文以吉林省大来站单站蒸发计算为例,论述影响线性扰动模型有效性的主要因素。

    This paper , taking the calculation of evaporation at the Dalai Station in Jilin Province as an example , discusses the main factors affecting the efficiency of the linear perturbation model , and the characteristics and function of the seasonal model .

  3. 本文参考吉林市九站松花江大桥主桥荷载试验资料,研究了桥跨结构的技术状况、承载能力和动力特性,为确保桥跨结构的安全可靠、经济合理提供了科学依据。

    This essay takes the loading test of the Jiu Zhan Song Hua Jiang Bridge as reference studying the technical conditions bearing capacity and motive power character of bridge structure . It apply science for the reliability of structure and rational economy .

  4. 吉林油田CNG压气站与加气站简介

    Natural Gas Compressing Station and Adding Gas Station in Jilin Oilfield

  5. 吉林省和龙火车站滑坡地质灾害防治措施概述

    The Summarization of Helong Railway Station of Jilin Province Landslide Geological Calamity prevention and Control Measure

  6. 我省年度气象火灾与延吉、吉林、通化3站1月湿润系数存在三元线性回归关系,可以用来预测年度森林火灾;

    Meteorological fire in Jilin Province and wet coefficient in January in Yanji , Jilin , Tonghua region were ternary linear regression , which can forecast forest fire of the whole year .

  7. 根据线性扰动模型有效性的时空代表性,进一步探讨了站点观测项目和观测期等问题.在此基础上,提出了吉林省全省蒸发站网的布设方案。

    According to the time-spatial representativeness of the efficiency of the seasonal model and linear perturbation model , the paper further discusses the items and period of observation , and on this basis , puts forward the plan of the evaporation network in Jilin Province .

  8. 长吉城际铁路经过长春市、吉林市,设有长春站、龙嘉机场、新桦皮厂、新吉林站、吉林站等5个车站。

    For Changchun-Jilin Intercity Railway after Changchun City , Jilin , Changchun station , a dragon Kerry airport , new skin factory , new Jilin station , Jilin station 5 station .