
pān pà sī cǎo yuán
  • Pampas Grassland;Pampas Steppe
  1. 在肥沃的潘帕斯草原上种植小麦或大豆总是产量颇丰。

    Plant wheat orsoyabeans in the fertile pampas and they will produce bounteous crops .

  2. 阿根廷潘帕斯草原上形似野兔的啮齿动物。

    Hare-like rodent of the pampas of Argentina .

  3. 平坦的草地上的潘帕斯草原,或是深在沙漠中的巴塔哥尼亚。

    We picnicked on the flat grassy Pampas and snacked in the teahouse of a Welsh settlement deep in the deserts of Patagonia .

  4. 阿根廷是南美洲的一个美丽的国家,与优雅的殖民建筑物,滚动潘帕斯草原,宜人的气候和温暖的人。

    Argentina is a beautiful country in South America , with graceful colonial buildings , the rolling pampas grasslands , pleasant climate and warm people .