
  1. 斯威夫特和李汝珍都在自己的小说中批判了社会的阴暗面,表达了自己对理想社会和美好未来的憧憬。

    The writers criticize every kind of malpractices and express their longing for an ideal society and a better future .

  2. 本文结合《李氏音》一书,通过对先贤评价李汝珍音韵学理论的考察,从音韵学的角度对清代李汝珍的小说《镜花缘》中有关谈韵说文的内容进行了分析研究。

    This paper is based on the former studies on Li Ruzhen 's theory of phonology and the reference information from Jinghuayuan written by Li Ruzhan in the Qing Dynasy in terms of phonology .

  3. 当然,作为一名男性文人,李汝珍不仅遭遇到自身性别和女性视角之间的错位,也存在着一些明显的局限性。

    Of course , as a male author , he not only has some " Dislocation " between its own perspective of gender and female perspective , but also it exists some obvious limitations .