
zī ɡé zhènɡ shū
  • qualification;credentials;diploma;certificate of competence
  1. 职业技术教育资格证书体系分为普通教育证书(GCE)、国家职业资格证书和国家普通职业资格证书,三者之间具有相互联系的等价关系。

    Vocational and technical education credentials system includes general education certificate ( GCE ), national job credentials and national general job credentials . Having equivalent relation between the three each other .

  2. 想得到你梦想中的工作,你需要哪些资格证书呢?

    What credentials do you need for the dream jobs out there ?

  3. 上大学需要有中学毕业的资格证书。

    A senior certificate with matric exemption is required for entry to university .

  4. 去年,五分之一的男孩没有获得资格证书就离校了。

    Last year , one in five boys left school without a qualification

  5. 她不停跟他说,让他去考取一些资格证书。

    She kept on at him to get some qualifications .

  6. 让分数和资格证书都见鬼去吧。

    To hell with grades and qualifications .

  7. 苏珊拥有戏剧教育资格证书。

    Susan has a certificate in drama education .

  8. 被美国学校接受的外国留学生将会收到一份被称为资格证书的文件

    Foreign students accepted at an American school will receive a document called a Certificate of illegibility ( Eligibility ) .

  9. 优素福表示,在TeachFirst的两年让她有机会在不用花钱攻读传统资格证书的情况下尝试教学工作。

    She says the two-year program ­ me gave her a chance to taste teaching without the cost of studying for a traditional qualification .

  10. MBA等资格证书可以成为进入管理行业的基本要求。

    Qualifications such as MBAs could be the basis for entry into management .

  11. 使用AutoCAD制图时的一些方法职业资格证书&辅助设计绘图员(级技能),熟练的CAD制图能力。

    Some methods of cartography by Auto CAD ; Professional Qualification of Computer Aid Design , proficient in AutoCAD .

  12. 通过比较中国和澳大利亚两国的职业教育培训体系和职业资格证书制度,探讨assess一词、其相关词及短语的汉语翻译问题。

    Comparing Chinese Vocational Education and Training ( VET ) System and Qualification System and Australian ones , the paper discusses the Chinese translations for the word " assess ", its relevant-words and phrases .

  13. IIA负责颁发内部审计员资格证书,但很多公司其实并不需要这种认证。

    The IIA offers certification for internal auditors , but many firms do not require it .

  14. FFA是IFA的最高资格证书,并且是对各个领域的财务管理能力和企业战略管理技能的证明。

    FFA is the final level of the IFA qualification and demonstrates competence in all aspects of financial management plus the strategic management skills .

  15. 学校本身也很热衷于介绍国际学士学位(InternationalBaccalaureate,IB)的好处。这一国际文凭是年轻人在他们国际学校的最后两年获得的最常见的资格证书。

    The schools themselves are keen to point to the benefits of the International Baccalaureate , or IB , diploma the most common qualification taken by young people in their final two years at international schools .

  16. 通过AHIP的这一新认证项目,IT人士可以增强他们的商业知识并且取得行业认可的资格证书。

    Through AHIP 's program , IT professionals deepen their business knowledge and earn a badge of industry recognition .

  17. 该协会颁发的专业风险管理师(PRM)资格证书是全球财务风险管理经理们遵循的标准,该协会已经为全球140多个国家和地区的专业人员颁发了此证书。

    The Professional Risk Man-agement ( PRM ) certificate is recognized as the global risk management standard by financial risk managers . Risk manage-ment professionals in more than 140 countries and regions have been conferred this certificate .

  18. 杰克:你有相关技术资格证书吗?

    Jack : What certificates of technical qualification have you got ?

  19. (三)专利代理人姓名及其资格证书;

    The names of patent agents and their certificates of qualification ;

  20. 中英职业资格证书教育的比较与借鉴

    Comparative Study on the Professional Qualification Certificate between China and England

  21. 对高职院校推行职业资格证书制度的思考

    Thinking on Introducing the Professional Credential System in Higher Vocational School

  22. 立足本职贯彻执行好国家的职业资格证书制度

    Based on Own Duty Carrying Out the Vocational Qualification Certificate System

  23. 会员资格证书自注销之日起失效。

    The membership shall become invalid upon the date of cancellation .

  24. 如何取得注册设备监理师资格证书?

    How to acquire the qualification of registered plant engineering consultant ?

  25. 我要不要事先给您寄上我的资格证书复印件?

    Should I send you copies of my qualification in advance ?

  26. 我国职业资格证书制度的走向及其政策研究

    Study of the Trend and Policy of Our Professional Qualification Certificate

  27. 关于建立我国图书馆职业资格证书制度的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Establish Library Vocational Qualification Certificate Institution in China

  28. 完善职业资格证书制度和就业准入制度。

    Perfecting the system of technical credential and the system of employment .

  29. 就业导向与大学生职业资格证书制度

    Orientation of Employment and the Professional Qualification Certificate System of College Students

  30. 我获得了副教授资格证书。

    I 've got an associate professor 's qualification certificate .