
  1. 我不想错过足球赛啊,况且我不是一个古典音乐迷。

    I didn 't want to miss the football game . Well , I 'm not a classical music fan anyway .

  2. 是性格把古典音乐迷和重金属音乐迷联系到一起的,他们都比较喜欢一个人独处,比较内向,虽然热爱金属音乐的人在工作中也比较害羞。

    And it 's their personality that seems to bring classical and metal fans together , both at ease with themselves and introverted , although metalheads do tend to be work-shy as well .

  3. 重金属音乐迷往往具有反社会人格和侵略性,喜欢慢情歌的人往往是多愁善感的,古典音乐迷往往自命不凡。

    Heavy metal fans are often considered antisocial and aggressive , while those who prefer slow love songs might be thought of as soppy , and classical music fans are seen as pretentious .

  4. 男生回答:我不想错过足球赛啊,况且我不是一个古典音乐迷。

    M : I didn 't want to miss the football game . Well , I 'm not a classical music fan anyway . ? Q : What do we learn from the conversation ? A ) The man was sorry to miss the football game . ?

  5. 不过,要在现代大剧院欣赏知名古典音乐家的演奏,门票可能贵得令人望而却步;大多数古典音乐迷们只能将就着在家听听CD。

    Yet tickets to hear well-known classical musicians in the modern , grand theatres can be prohibitively expensive ; most classical music fans have to make do with listening to CDs at home .