
  • 网络Palace architecture;Imperial architecture
  1. 九重宫殿是历史上彝族君长的宫廷建筑。

    Nine heavy palaces were in the history the Yi 's leader 's palace construction .

  2. 综观丹麦建筑,较有特色的建筑类型为宫廷建筑、小住宅和宗教建筑。构筑地方非建筑类院校建筑学教学体系框架

    There are three typical kinds of building in Denmark . Constructing the Frame of the Architectural Teaching System of Locality Non-Architectural Academy

  3. 法国古典主义建筑的代表作是规模巨大、造型雄伟的宫廷建筑和纪念性的广场建筑群。

    The French neo-classicism architecture masterpiece is huge , and the scale of the grand palace architecture and modelling of the memorial complex .

  4. 如何真实、完整的再现盛唐宫廷建筑的雄风,也是千余年来历代艺术家的共同心愿。

    How to reproduce the heroic appearance that Tang imperial court buildings truly and entirely has come to common wish of many artists over thousand years .

  5. 中国传统装饰要素包含中国宫廷建筑、寺庙建筑、民居建筑、园林建筑中的装饰形式的实质和组成部。

    The elements of Chinese traditional decoration includes the essence and the constitution of the ornamental forms of Chinese palace , temple , local-style dwelling houses and garden .

  6. 明初宫廷建筑所用琉璃瓦,在陵墓照壁、宗教庙宇、佛塔供器以及器具饰件中,很多都用到琉璃制品。

    Court building in the early Ming glazed tile used in Zhaobi tomb , religious temples , pagodas , and apparatus for ornaments , many of which are used in glass products .

  7. 聊城山陕会馆装饰艺术风格汲取宫廷建筑装饰精华与民居建筑装饰特色,巧妙的将两者融合在一起,同时,聊城山陕会馆建筑装饰还包含了多样的地域性特色。

    Liaocheng Mountain Guild Hall Art Deco palace architectural essence and draw residential architectural features , the clever two together at the same time , Liaocheng Shanshan Hall decoration also includes a variety of regional characteristics .

  8. 对传统宫廷建筑、宗教建筑和民居建筑门饰在造型、色彩、构图方面的不同特征分别进行了分析,揭示出其中隐含的象征意义,以期对现代建筑的设计和创新有所帮助。

    It analyzes different features of door decoration of traditional royal architecture 、 religion and folk house from modeling 、 color 、 composition , and opens out hidden symbolic meaning , which can benefit for design innovation of modern architecture .

  9. 中国古代绘画包括墓室壁画、宫廷壁画、建筑彩画、崖画、纸质画、绢画等。

    Ancient Chinese Painting includes coffin chamber Fresco , palace Fresco , Paper Painting and Juan Painting etc.

  10. 中国宫廷音乐和宫廷建筑关系初探

    Exploration of the relationship between Chinese palace music and palace architecture