
bù huà jī
  • walkie-talkie;walky-talky;walk-talker
步话机 [bù huà jī]
  • [walk-talker] 一种便于携带的小功率无线电话收发机,可在行进中进行联络

步话机[bù huà jī]
  1. 一月开工、定于2014年完工的“步话机”大厦就是与金丝雀码头集团(CanaryWharfGroup)的合作项目。

    The Walkie-Talkie building , work on which started in January and is due to be completed in 2014 , is a joint venture with Canary Wharf Group .

  2. 伦敦的一批新楼盘正在拔地而起,并有了“碎片(Shard)”、“步话机(Walkie-Talkie)”和“干酪擦(Cheesegrater)”这样的绰号。

    A cluster of new buildings is going up in London , with nicknames like the Shard , the Walkie-Talkie and the Cheesegrater .

  3. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)将把深处困境中的手机业务与从其他业务中分离出来。这家拥有80年历史的美国公司,是汽车无线电、步话机和手机领域的先驱。

    Motorola , the 80-year-old American company that pioneered the car radio , walkie-talkies and the mobile phone , is to separate its struggling handset business from its other operations .

  4. 警察们设法用步话机进行联络。

    The policemen managed to communicate with each other through walkie-talkies .

  5. 振动提示,游戏,待机时间长,步话机!

    Vibrating Alert , Games , Long Standby Time , Walkie-talkie !

  6. 周围有许许多多带着步话机的警察。

    There were hundreds of policemen around with walkie-talkies .

  7. 每一个人都在用步话机,无线电。

    Everybody 's working on the phone , everybody 's working on the radio .

  8. 理查兹对着步话机大吼一声。

    Richards barked into a walkie-talkie .

  9. 网络性能及容量监察警察们设法用步话机进行联络。

    Network performance and capacity monitoring The policemen managed to communicate with each other through walkie-talkies .

  10. 在练兵场边上,站着一组组训练有素的带着步话机的担架兵,还停着一排救护车。

    On the edge of the field stood a row of ambulances and teams of trained stretcher bearers with walkie-talkies .

  11. 手表、一根指挥棒、步话机、一个口哨,以及一个带夹子和鉴定卡的徵章。

    T.watch , a baton , walkie-talkie , a whistle , and a badge with a clip and an identification card .

  12. 这位未具名作者写道:据说在抗日战争中,八路军部队相互之间联系由于保密需要,都是派两个温州人,进行电话或者步话机联系,而日本的情报部门,总也翻译不出发音极为复杂的温州话;

    The author , who posted the list anonymously , writes that the Wenzhou dialect is so notoriously difficult that during the war against Japan , the Chinese Communist Party 's Eighth Route Army used Wenzhou speakers to relay messages by foot or by phone so that Japanese intelligence officers would not be able to understand them .