
  • 网络glacier retreat;glacial retreat;glacier shrinking
  1. 冰川退缩的争论被过于简化了。

    The glacial retreat debate has been too simplified .

  2. 这组科学家说,目前预测该地区河流量的模型已经考虑到了冰川退缩。

    Current models predicting river flow in the region have taken recent glacial retreat into account , say the researchers .

  3. 但是我们没有关于大多数兴都库什喜马拉雅(HKH)冰川退缩或膨胀了多少米的信息,也没有关于冰川表面增加或减少了多少的信息。

    But we do not have information on how many metres most of the Hindu-Kush-Himalayan ( HKH ) glaciers are retreating or expanding by , or how much expansion or decrease in surface ice there has been .

  4. 人们甚至对冰川退缩的后果也不太清楚。

    Even the consequences of glacier retreat are poorly understood .

  5. 人类活动与天山现代冰川退缩

    Relationship between the human activities and the retreating of modern glaciers in the Tianshan Mountains

  6. 现在裸露的岩石和一条小河是冰川退缩的证据。

    Now bare rock and a small river are evidence of the glacier 's retreat .

  7. 上世纪八十年代以来,长江源区出现了冰川退缩、冻土退化、湖泊萎缩、植被退化等现象。

    Since 1980s , glacier retreating , permafrost degradation , lakes shrinking , vegetation degradation and so on happen in the regions .

  8. 另外,气温上升、蒸发量增大、冰川退缩也在一定程度上影响径流的演变。

    In addition , the rising of temperature , increasing of evaporation and retreating of glacier affected the evolution of runoff to a certain extent .

  9. 近30年来,冰川退缩速度加快,冰川物质平衡有10年左右的波动变化,目前处于负平衡状态。

    Over the recent 30 years , the retreating rate of glacier has increased , there is a fluctuation of glacier mass balance with a period of about 10 years . At the present , the glaciers are in negative balance .

  10. 气候变暖使珠穆朗玛峰地区冰川处于退缩状态

    Climatic Warming Causes the Glacier Retreat in Mt. Qomolangma

  11. 文中指出,自90年代至本世纪前10年,这些冰川的退缩速率增加了两倍,这也导致了近年来的洪患。

    That rate tripled from the 1990s to the 2000s , the report said . That has resulted in floods in recent years .

  12. 大多数专家一致认为许多喜马拉雅山冰川正在退缩,这对于生活在下游的无数人的水供应有严重影响。

    There is consensus among most experts that many Himalayan glaciers are retreating , with serious implications for the water supply of the millions who live below .

  13. 安装在喜马拉雅山脉尼泊尔一侧的照相机将帮助解决这个高山区域的冰川正在退缩还是正在前进以及它们退缩或前进的速度的问题。

    Cameras being installed high in the Nepal Himalayas will help settle the issue of whether and how fast glaciers in the high mountain region are retreating & or advancing .

  14. 计算说明,流域冰川全面退缩量值相当于乌鲁木齐河流域高山带在过去30年中气温升高了0.35±0.27℃。

    Further calculation demonstrates that glacier shrinkage in the last 30 years corresponded to an air temperature rise of about 0.35 ± 0.27 ℃ in the high mountain region of the Urumqi River .

  15. 关于喜马拉雅冰川正在退缩的争议凸显了关于冰川的行为还有很多需要加以了解的地方(见冰川消融之争显示研究的漏洞)。

    The dispute about whether the Himalayan glaciers are shrinking has highlighted just how much more there is learn about the behaviour of glaciers ( see Glacier dispute reveals holes in research ) .

  16. 此外,该区域冰川的退缩是受气温、降水、冰川规模、地形等多种因素共同控制,其中气温上升幅度大和冰川自身规模较小是导致该区冰川强烈退缩的主要原因。

    Moreover , the glacier retreat were controlled by the combined impact of temperature , precipitation , the glacier size and topography , of which temperature and glacier size were the most important factors .

  17. 珠穆朗玛峰自身也在随着冰川消融而退缩,这让湖泊暴涨,某一天可能爆裂并引发特大洪水。

    Mount Everest itself is retreating and glaciers are melting , swelling lakes that could one day burst and cause massive flooding .

  18. 现代冰川和冻土退缩对铁路影响的研究述评社会退缩青少年的友谊特点

    A Review of the Effect of Degradation of Glaciers and Permafrost on Railways The Research of the Friendships of Adolescents with Social Withdrawal Behavior

  19. 结果,高原上82%的冰川都在退缩,而10%的永久冻土带正在退化。

    As a result , 82 per cent of the plateau 's glaciers have retreated while ten per cent of its permafrost has degraded .

  20. 他们说棕色云非常可能已经对该地区气温升高有了贡献,因此也就对观察到的冰川融化和退缩负有部分责任。

    They say the brown clouds have most likely contributed to the increase in air temperature in the region , which in turn is in part responsible for the observed melting and receding of glaciers .

  21. 在8月发布的迄今为止最完整的气候报告中,联合国表示,人类活动“很可能是20世纪90年代以来全球冰川几乎普遍退缩的主要驱动因素”。

    In its most complete climate report to date , published in August , the UN said that human actions are " very likely the main driver of the near-universal retreat of glaciers globally since the 1990s . "

  22. 尽管人们发现冰川鼻通常正在退缩,冰川鼻的数据几乎不能显示整个冰川的质量。

    Although snouts in general have been found to be retreating , snout data reveals little about the overall mass of water .

  23. 近期北半球大多数山地冰川的物质平衡为负,冰川普遍退缩,表明北半球气候暖化的趋势。

    Most of the mountain glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere are retreating recently because of the negative mass balance , reflecting the warm tendency of the climate change .

  24. 结果表明:目前的冰川融水量(Ri)是处在冰川退缩阶段的高值期,假设的二十种气候情景下的Ri均小于此值。

    The results show that the present runoff yielded in the glacierized area is the maximum during the period of glacial retreat , higher than that among the twenty hypothetical scenarios .

  25. 冰川学家在中国西部各地都观测到冰川退缩的现象。

    Glaciologists have observed glaciers in retreat across western China .

  26. 30年代以后冰川开始衰退,从1944~1954年该冰川退缩了300m(平均30m/a)。

    From the 1930 's on , the glacier began to decline . From 1944 to 1954 it receded 300 m ( averaged at 30 m / a ) .

  27. 从冰川鼻移动的定义出发,大部分冰川都在退缩。

    A large majority of glaciers are in retreat , defined as the shifting of the snout .

  28. 北京——多年来,中外冰川学家称,气候变化是导致冰川侵蚀的主要原因,而冰川的退缩危及了许多人的水资源供给。

    BEIJING - Glaciologists in China and elsewhere have said for years that climate change is the main cause of glacier erosion , which threatens the water sources of much of humanity .

  29. 由于区域气候波动和变化的差异性以及冰川对气候变化的敏感性(响应程度)的不同,北半球山地冰川在普遍退缩的背景下具有鲜明的区域特征。

    The glacier mass balance in the mountains of the Northern Hemisphere has a significant regional features owing to the difference of the regional climate variations and the glacier responses to climate changing .

  30. 冰川变化的影响因素:研究区以小规模冰川占绝大多数,小冰川数量众多是导致该区冰川对气候变化敏感而冰川面积退缩率较大的重要因素。

    The influencing factors of the glacier changes : Small glaciers in the study area account for the vast majority , a large number of small glaciers is an important factor of the cause for the glacier sensitive to climate change and retreat of glacier area .