
  • 网络Finnish;Finland;suomi;FIN
  1. 芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言

    Finnish and Swedish are the official languages .

  2. 大多数服务被冠以ovi的品牌名称ovi在芬兰语中的意思是“门”。

    Most carry the brand name Ovi which is Finnish for door .

  3. (Jolla在芬兰语中的意思是小帆船,暗指这是一艘离开沉船的救生船。)

    ( Jolla means little sailing ship in Finnish , with the implication that it was a lifeboat leaving the sinking ship . )

  4. 另据说KenHale,这位于2011年去世的麻省理工学院的语言学家,生前学习了50种语言,甚至在一架飞往赫尔辛基的航班上学会被公认极难的芬兰语。

    Ken Hale , who was a linguist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and died in 2001 , was said to have learned 50 languages , including notoriously difficult Finnish while on a flight to Helsinki .

  5. 拉丁语、波兰语及芬兰语都是有很多屈折变化的语言。

    Latin , polish and Finnish are all highly inflected languages .

  6. 是的,我只能说一点点芬兰语。

    Yes , I speak only a little bit of Finnish .

  7. 中显示了芬兰语版。

    A look at the Finnish version is shown in .

  8. 语言:芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言。

    Language : Finnish and Swedish are the official languages .

  9. 他们能讲芬兰语。他也能。

    They can speak Finnish . So can he .

  10. 然而芬兰语和萨米语有一些相似处。

    However , the Finnish language bears some similarities to the Sami language .

  11. 30新版本~!!!,现在已经支持芬兰语!修正了一些缺陷!

    NEW !!! version 1.30 , Now support for Finnish ! Defects fixed .

  12. 比方,我真的学会了芬兰语。

    For example , I actually learned Finnish .

  13. 如果你是讲德语或希伯来语、荷兰语、法语、芬兰语、波兰语。

    If you speak German or Hebrew , Dutch , French , Finnish , Polish .

  14. 我会说流利的芬兰语我知道

    I speak fluent Finnish , I know

  15. 至少有16个事例表明芬兰语有非常复杂的语法,芬兰排在第六位。

    At least 16 cases and a very complicated grammar makes Finnish to the number 6 .

  16. 这个词语在芬兰语中是“门”的意思,能够见诸于某些电视节目当中。

    Ovi the Finnish word for " door " could even offer TV programs at some point .

  17. 语言:挪威语为官方语言;萨米语和芬兰语在少数民族地区通用。

    Language : The official language is Norwegian , Sami and Finnish are also spoken by small minorities .

  18. 有些人在会议上默不作声,有些人从公司职能岗位调到了说芬兰语的分支行,还有些人甚至跳槽到对手那里。

    Some kept silent in meetings , others migrated from corporate roles into the Finnish-speaking branch network and some joined competitors .

  19. 当然,这并不是说芬兰语对芬兰人来说不重要、毛利语对毛利人来说不重要。

    That does not mean that Finnish is not important to the Finns , and Maori is not important to the Maoris .

  20. 他还能讲各种语言,比如英语、法语、芬兰语、德语、西班牙语、立陶宛语、罗马尼亚语、爱沙尼亚语冰岛语、威尔士语和世界语。

    He also speaks a variety of languages including English , French , Finnish , German , Spanish , Lithuanian , Romanian , Estonian , Icelandic , Welsh and Esperanto .

  21. 问题在于现在大多数会议的与会者包括来自不同国家的人士,所以讲法语或是芬兰语,会比讲听不懂的英语还要无礼。

    The problem is that most business meetings these days contain people speaking several languages , so that speaking French , or Finnish , would be ruder than speaking incomprehensible English .

  22. 因为这些语言的使用者更多,使用范围更广。并不是说芬兰语对于芬兰人不重要,或者毛利语对于毛利人不重要。

    Because they are spoken by more people , in more countries . That does not mean that Finnish is not important to the Finns , and Maori is not important to the Maoris .

  23. 我并不信教,但这座教堂依然给了我美的享受,我听不懂芬兰语,但在众人之中,我依然感受到一种爱的力量。

    I don 't believe any religions , but this church still brought me joy of beauty . I don 't understand Finnish , but I still feel a strength of love among the people .

  24. 身为古代语言学专家的托尔金有发明两种精灵语,包括日常较通用的辛达林,以及以芬兰语为底的昆雅,昆雅主要是祭典中使用的语言。

    Tolkien was an expert in ancient languages who had developed two forms of elvish : the more common sindarin ; and quenya , which related to finnish , and was largely a ceremonial language .

  25. 芬兰语对芬兰人很重要,毛利语对毛利人也很重要,但对于其他人来说就不那么重要了。

    That does not mean that Finnish is not important to the Finns , and Maori is not important to the Maoris . It is just that these languages are not so important to the rest of us .