
  • 网络the Gulf of Finland;Finnish Gulf
  1. 俄罗斯欧洲部分一城市;俄罗斯第二大城市;位于涅瓦河沿岸,芬兰湾的顶端;以前是苏联的首都。

    A city in the European part of Russia ; 2nd largest Russian city ; located at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Neva River ; former capital of Russia .

  2. 北临芬兰湾,西侧为波罗的海,南面是拉脱维亚(边界长达343公里),东侧就是俄罗斯联邦(边界长达338,6公里)。

    It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland , to the west by the Baltic Sea , to the south by Latvia ( 343 km ) , and to the east by the Russian Federation ( 338,6 km ) .

  3. 该国的北面和芬兰被狭长的芬兰湾分隔开,西面和瑞典被波罗的海中部分隔开。

    It is separated from Finland in the north by the narrow Gulf of Finland and from Sweden in the west by the middle part of the Baltic Sea .