
fēn lán
  • Finland
芬兰[fēn lán]
  1. 他把一张芬兰地图钉在了墙上。

    He had pinned up a map of Finland .

  2. 芬兰出品的电影并不多。

    Not many films are made in Finland

  3. 芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。

    A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges

  4. 伦敦的火车准点到达,却不见我那芬兰朋友的踪影。

    The London train was on time , but there was no sign of my Finnish friend .

  5. 一两年前,我有一阵子曾迷上了在芬兰海域中进行帆船运动。

    A year or two ago I found myself indulging in a spot of yachting in Finnish waters

  6. 迈茜以其怪趣的食品专栏闻名芬兰,该专栏在全国多家报纸均有刊登。

    Myssi is well known in Finland for her quirky food column , which is syndicated across the country .

  7. 芬兰的这一机构和北欧其他国家的同类机构迥然不同。

    The Finnish organization was very different from that of its counterparts in the rest of the Nordic region .

  8. 他奉令调离芬兰。

    He is under order to leave from Finland .

  9. 或许繁荣和萧条最好的例子就是芬兰大浅滩的渔业。

    Perhaps the best example of boom growth and bust decline is the Grand Banks fishery .

  10. 芬兰和挪威的人均收入增长都成功地达到了美国的水平,甚至比美国快得多,而且更加平等。

    Finland and Norway have all succeeded in having about as much or faster growth in per capita incomes than the United States and with far greater equality .

  11. 人们听腻了斯堪的纳维亚的成功故事,但事实是瑞典、芬兰和挪威的人均收入增长都成功地达到了美国的水平,甚至比美国快得多,而且更加平等。

    People get tired of hearing about Scandinavian success stories , but the fact of the matter is that Sweden , Finland and Norway have all succeeded in having about as much or faster growth in per capita incomes than the United States and with far greater equality .

  12. 你知道芬兰每年都有一场扔手机比赛吗?

    And do you know that there 's a mobile phone throwing competition in Finland every year ?

  13. 在芬兰,农民们会穿着纸靴,从而在雪地里保持脚的温度。

    In Finland . the farmers wear paper boots to keep their feet warm in the snow .

  14. 芬兰成为世界上最重要的造纸国家。纸可以有多种用途。

    Finland became the most important ones in paper making Paper can be used in many ways .

  15. 为了回收旧手机,芬兰东南部的萨文林纳镇每年都会举行一次扔手机比赛。

    In order to recycle old mobile phones , the town of Savonlinna in southeast Finland holds a Mobile Phone Throwing Competition every year .

  16. 冰岛、丹麦、瑞士和荷兰紧随其后。值得注意的是,今年中国跻身榜单前20名。2021年度世界最幸福国家排行榜1.Finland芬兰2.Iceland冰岛3.Denmark丹麦4.Switzerland瑞士5.Netherlands荷兰

    For the fourth year running , Finland has come out on top in the annual list powered by data from the Gallup World Poll , with Iceland , Denmark , Switzerland , and the Netherlands following in second , third , fourth and fifth position respectively .

  17. 比如,芬兰就挑选了5000名网络时代的年轻人来培训本国教师使用电脑。

    For example , in Finland 5000 N-Geners have been chosen to train the country 's teachers in computers .

  18. 也就是说最不鼓励竞争的芬兰教育体系,却培养出了最具有竞争力的孩子。

    In other words , Finland 's education system , which least encourages competition , cultivates the most competitive children .

  19. 2014年,哈留在一项研究中调查了87个芬兰机构的1.1万名员工。

    In 2014 , she worked on a study , looking at more than 11000 workers at 87 Finnish organisations .

  20. 自1996年起,世界空气吉他锦标赛开始成为芬兰奥卢音乐影像节的一个部分。

    Since 1996 the annual Air Guitar World Championships have been a part of the Oulu Music Video Festival in Oulu , Finland .

  21. 在研究期间,25%的参与者患上了癌症,其中有11%的芬兰男性死于癌症。

    Over the course of the study 25 % of participants had developed cancer , with 11 % of the Finnish men involved dying from the condition .

  22. 东芬兰大学的研究团队调查了2570名中年男性,从20世纪80年代开始就一直监测他们的健康状况和死亡率。

    A team from the University of Eastern Finland worked with 2570 middle-aged men , monitoring their health and mortality from the 1980s to the present day .

  23. “虎妈”热潮席卷全球,在全世界引发热烈讨论。与此同时与“虎妈”采取截然相反方法的芬兰教育系统也引起了关注。

    While " Tiger Mom " touched off a huge wave of debate around the world , the opposite method from Finland 's education system is also drawing widespread attention .

  24. 发表在芬兰科学期刊《环境研究快报》上的这项研究评估了5种拥有和处理衣服的不同方法对环境造成的影响,包括租赁、转售和回收。

    The study , published by the Finnish scientific journal Environmental Research Letters assessed the environmental impact of five different ways of owning and disposing of clothing , including renting , resale and recycling .

  25. 在芬兰坚信教育是个“服务”过程,孩子们就是“顾客”,芬兰的教育方式基本上等于“放羊”,所以又称这种教育方式为“羊妈”。

    Finland firmly believes that education is a " service " and children are " customers " . Since the education mode in Finland basically amounts to " sheep-herding " , it is also called " Sheep Mom " .

  26. Solid于1992年在芬兰赫尔辛基成立,提供创新的数据库解决方案,支持快速、防错的数据访问。

    Originally founded in1992 in Helsinki , Finland , Solid had the early vision to provide innovative database solutions that allow fast , failure-proof access to data .

  27. OECD国家推进教育公平的典范&韩国和芬兰

    Models of Promoting Educational Equality in OECD Countries : Korea and Finland

  28. 较大的岛在西南部,Åland岛的一部分,沿着芬兰海湾南部的海岸线。

    The greater part of the islands is found in southwest , part of the archipelago of the Å land Islands , and along the southern coast in the Gulf of Finland .

  29. 方法:运用CR系统中8×10英寸IP板内芯,替代芬兰索菲(Sophie)乳腺机的专用暗盒。

    Methods The core of the 8 × 10 inch IP board of CR system substitute cassette of finland sophie .

  30. com贝尔罗斯集团总部位于芬兰,是全球领先的电信、医疗和电子工业行业的供应商。

    Perlos Corporation , headquartered in Finland , is a leading global supplier for the telecommunications , healthcare and electronics industries .