
fǎ luó qún dǎo
  • the Faroe Islands
法罗群岛[fǎ luó qún dǎo]
  1. 欧洲的十几个目的地入选我们的“2015年52个必去之地”榜单,包括马其顿(Macedonia)和法罗群岛(FaroeIslands)。

    A dozen different European destinations , including Macedonia and the Faroe Islands , made our list of 52 Places to Go in 2015 .

  2. 分布于法罗群岛的一种斯堪的那维亚语(接近于冰岛语)。

    A Scandinavian language ( closely related to Icelandic ) that is spoken on the Faroe Islands .

  3. 他将不会到法罗群岛参与国际比赛。

    He won 't travel for the international in the Faroe Islands .

  4. 法罗群岛的行政中心。

    The administrative center of the Faroe Islands .

  5. 丹麦领土包括北极圈内的法罗群岛和格陵兰岛。

    Denmark 's territory includes the Faeroe Islands and Greenland in the Arctic Circle .

  6. 法罗群岛总理的住宅也是草坪屋顶。

    The Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands has a grass roof on his house .

  7. 在4月12号,英国在瓦伦丁行动中占领了丹麦的法罗群岛。

    On12 April , in Operation Valentine , the British took over the Danish Faroe Islands .

  8. 破坏者在雕像旁的一条小径上写下“丹麦保护法罗群岛鲸鱼”的字样。

    Vandals had written " Denmark defend the whales of the Faroe Islands " on a footpath nearby .

  9. 法罗群岛位于苏格兰约翰奥格罗茨以北约260英里处,由17个有人居住的岛屿组成。

    The Faroe Islands comprises 17 inhabited islands located around 260 miles north of John O'Groats , Scotland .

  10. 去年秋天,前任美国总统克林顿造访法罗群岛,就气候变化的影响发表讲话。

    Last fall , former U.S. president Bill Clinton visited the Faroe 's capital for a conference , and spoke on the effects of climate change .

  11. 一个名叫纳德多德的男子从挪威前往英格兰北部的法罗群岛,当时他的船遇上了风暴。

    A man called Naddodd was on his way from Norway to the Faroe Islands , north of England , when his ship was caught in a storm .

  12. 北欧一地区,包括挪威、瑞典和丹麦,通常芬兰、冰岛和法罗群岛也包括在这一地区内。

    A region of northern Europe consisting of Norway , Sweden , and Denmark . Finland , Iceland , and the Faeroe Islands are often included in the region .

  13. 丹麦是君主立宪的国家,它还包括自治领地-于挪威海的法罗群岛和世界上最大的岛屿格陵兰岛。

    The Kingdom of Denmark is a constitutional monarchy that includes the self-governing territories of the Faroe Islands , in the Norwegian Sea , and Greenland , the world 's largest island .

  14. 每年约800头领航鲸被赶进法罗群岛的海湾,之后在“法罗群岛捕鲸活动”中被刺死。

    Every year around 800 pilot whales are herded into coves on the Faroe Islands before being stabbed to death during a hunt known as grindadrap - or " the grind . "

  15. 但皇权的打击埋下了言官群体分化蜕变的祸根。语言:官方语言为丹麦语。法罗群岛居民讲法罗语。

    However , Emperor 's stroke covered up the disaster that supervisors began to divide and transmute . Language : Danish is the official language . Faroese is spoken in the Faroe Islands .

  16. 走在位于冰岛和苏格兰之间的法罗群岛的任何一个城镇或者村庄,你都很难不注意到每条街上绿色的草坪屋顶。

    Walk through any town or village in the Faroe Islands , located between Iceland and Scotland , and it will be hard not to notice the green grass roofed houses on every street .

  17. 目前从挪威、法罗群岛和智利进口三文鱼在中国加工,并以小包装和鱼片形式出口到欧洲市场的数量越来越多。

    Of interest is also the increasing quantities of salmon based on raw-material from Norway , Faeroe Islands and Chile that is processed in China and sold in the European market as portions , cutlets etc.

  18. 谷歌街景打算雇一群羊,让它们扛上360度摄像头和太阳能板,用来收录法罗群岛的街景。

    That is , Google Street view is planning on bringing their services to the Faroe Islands with the help of the many sheep there , Google 's 360 degree cameras and some solar panels .

  19. 法罗群岛水产实验室的海洋学家赫亚马。哈腾说,北极冰层常会崩裂并被洋流带走,这只手可能随著其中一块碎冰向南漂流。

    Hjalmar hatun , an oceanographer with the Faeroese fisheries laboratory , said the watch likely drifted south with one of the chunks of ice that frequently break away at the north pole and are carried off by ocean currents .