
  • 网络Southern France;South France;French Southern Territories
  1. 贝克汉姆一家另在法国南部拥有一个度假住宅,在加利福尼亚和迪拜还拥有两套房子。

    The family also owns a holiday home in South France plus two more homes in California and Dubai .

  2. 曾在法国南部工作的美国-英国科学家,以及来自挪威的一个夫妻研究小组一起赢得了今年的诺贝尔医学奖。

    A US-British scientist who worked in the South France and a husband-and-wife research team from Norway share this year 's Nobel Prize in medicine .

  3. 他们在法国南部买了一座别墅。

    They bought a villa in the South of France .

  4. 他离开英国,去了阳光更为明媚的法国南部。

    He left Britain for the sunnier climes of Southern France

  5. 他曾在法国南部呆过一段时间,法语流利。

    He was fluent in French , having spent stretches of time in Southern France .

  6. 他坐在自己位于法国南部的阳光别墅的露天平台上。

    He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France .

  7. 我今年很想出国,可能是去法国南部。

    I would love to go abroad this year , perhaps to the South of France .

  8. 法国南部的夏季大部分时间天气干燥且晴朗。

    Summers in the south of France are for the most part dry and sunny .

  9. 大会虚拟启动仪式在法国南部的ITER总部举行。

    A virtual ceremony of the assembly was held at ITER headquarters in southern France .

  10. 出于上述担心,他把她“折叠”进一个行李箱里,并且放在回尼斯(Nice,法国南部)的火车行李架上。

    Because of these fears , he ' folded ' herinto a suitcase and placed her in the luggage rack of a train as he set offback to Nice , in southern France .

  11. 一个阿拉伯移民准备在法国南部的港口城市Sète开一家主营鱼和蒸粗麦粉的餐馆而做着种种努力,故事以此为主线展开。

    An inter-generational family drama , it follows the efforts of an Arab immigrant in the southern French port of S è te to open a fish-and-couscous restaurant .

  12. 还有艾丽西亚•凯斯(AliciaKeys),她的婚礼也是同一天,不过比切尔西早六个小时。我中午就看着表说:我猜艾丽西亚现在就在法国南部举行婚礼。

    Alicia Keys ─ same night , 6 hours before , in fact I looked at my watch at noon and said , ' Alicia 's getting married right now ' in the south of France , I believe .

  13. 赛拉斯(Silas):这只来自法国南部的鸟常驻在黑心肝船长肩膀上。没在做侦查工作的时候,他的空中重击也是非常恐怖的。

    Perpetually perched on Capt. Gutt 's shoulder , this bird from the south of France packs a surprisingly dangerous airborne punch when he 's not scouting out trouble ahead .

  14. 弗思饰演一个名叫斯坦利・克劳福德(StanleyCrawford)的傲慢自大的英国魔术师,他应一位魔术师老友霍华德・布尔坎(HowardBurkan)之邀来到法国南部。霍华德由西蒙・麦克伯尼(SimonMcBurney)饰演。

    Mr. Firth 's conjuror , a haughty Englishman named Stanley Crawford , has come to the south of France at the request of an old friend and fellow magician , Howard Burkan ( Simon McBurney ) .

  15. 几个月前,我站在人来人往的拉马丁广场的拐角,马路对面是进入法国南部阿尔勒的古罗马门。这个地方对文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)的一生都至关重要。

    A few months ago , I stood at the corner of a busy roundabout called Place Lamartine , across from the Roman gates leading into Arles in southern France , on a spot that was pivotal in the life of Vincent van Gogh .

  16. 为见不得光之人准备的阳光天堂,这是作家W•萨默塞特•毛姆(W.SomersetMaugham)对摩纳哥的精炼总结。他就在这个法国南部避税天堂和富人度假胜地附近度过了大半生的时光。

    ' Asunny place for shady people , was W. Somerset Maugham 's pithy summation of Monaco , the tax haven and wealthy resort in the south of France close to where the writer lived for much of his life .

  17. Wimco公司在加勒比、法国南部、意大利、希腊以及摩洛哥等地区的12座小岛上都拥有自己的豪华别墅。

    Wimco represents villas on twelve islands in the Caribbean , the south of France , Italy , Greece and Morocco .

  18. 这幅画作最初的主人是梵高在法国南部阿尔勒市(Arles)寄宿的咖啡馆的业主,后来被日本的一个私人收藏家买下。

    It was first owned by the proprietors of the caf é where Van Gogh lodged in the city of Arles and was later held in a private collection in Japan .

  19. 在三年的时间里,他们饲养山羊,并在卡斯黛诺-奥德(Castelnau-d’Aude,法国南部纳博讷附近的一个村庄)的市场里卖奶酪。

    For three years , they raised goats and sold cheese on markets in Castelnau-d'Aude , a village near Narbonne in southern France .

  20. 两年多前,两人在大约20名亲友的见证下,在他们位于法国南部的米拉瓦尔庄园(ChateauMiraval)内一座罗马式小教堂举行了婚礼。

    The announcement came a little over two years after the couple married in a ceremony before roughly 20 friends and family members in a Romanesque chapel on the grounds of Chateau Miraval , their estate in the South of France .

  21. 在法国南部召开的国际龟类保护大会

    On international chelonian Conservation Congress held at gonfaron , southern France

  22. 我们经常在法国南部度假。

    We usually spend our holidays in the south of france .

  23. 她现在住在法国南部的一个高雅的别墅里。

    Lives in an elegant villa in the south of france .

  24. 在法国南部的一座隐蔽的小修道院。

    A secluded little convent in the southern part of france .

  25. 勒布朗于八年后在法国南部逝世。

    Leblanc died in the south of France eight years later .

  26. 法国南部的公路边有成行的白杨树。

    Rows of poplars line the roads through the south of france .

  27. 他进军到当时称为高卢的法国南部。

    He marched into southern France , which was then called Gaul .

  28. 卡尔卡松是法国南部一座迷人的中世纪城市。

    Carcassonne is an enchanting medieval city in southern france .

  29. 在法国南部,他们希望他们陷入香槟困境。

    In the south of France they wish they had champagne dilemma .

  30. 南方人居住在南方地区的人,尤指法国南部的人。

    An inhabitant of a southern region , especially the south of france .