
fǎ xī sī
  • fascist;fasces
法西斯 [fǎ xī sī]
  • [fasces]古罗马长官权力的标志,是用红带捆绑的榆木或桦木棍棒,上面插着战斧的斧头。后象征强权、暴力、恐怖统治,对外侵略掠夺,是资本主义国家的极端独裁形式

  • 我们决不忘记日本法西斯给中国带来的灾难

法西斯[fǎ xī sī]
  1. 我怀疑他是秘密的法西斯分子。

    I suspect he 's a closet fascist .

  2. 德国政府已经宣布一些法西斯团体为非法。

    The German government has outlawed some fascist groups .

  3. 我的祖父曾经在西班牙与法西斯分子作战。

    My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain .

  4. 看来反法西斯情绪并未受到鼓励。

    It seemed that anti-Fascist feeling was not being encouraged .

  5. 这助长了对法西斯意识形态的简单化解释。

    This encourages reductionist explanations of fascist ideology .

  6. 他是个秘密的法西斯分子。

    He is a closet Fascist .

  7. 法西斯分子惨无人道地屠杀了那些妇女儿童。

    The fascists massacred those women and children in cold blood .

  8. 法西斯是人民最残酷无情的敌人。

    Fascists is the most ruthless enemy of the people .

  9. 法西斯头子干的种种坏事使他自食其果

    The ill-doings of the fascist chieftain redounded upon himself .

  10. 卓娅英勇地承受法西斯匪徒加在她身上的酷刑

    Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her .

  11. 在俄罗斯人熟知的伟大的卫国战争(GreatPatrioticWar)中,纳粹德国及其盟友被称为法西斯。

    Nazi Germany and its allies were called fascists during what Russians know as the Great Patriotic War .

  12. 1.backlashn.激烈反应,强烈反对法西斯专政的垮台引起左翼运动的高涨。

    The fall of the fascist dictatorship was followed by a left-wing backlash .

  13. 四年后,在亚特兰大,美国hbo电视网放映了萨马兰奇身着法西斯制服,与佛朗哥在一起的图片。

    Four years later , in Atlanta , the American HBO network screened pictures of Samaranch in fascist uniform with Franco .

  14. FBI对海明威的侦查文件显示,FBI一直在追查海明威在战争中是否建立了反法西斯间谍联盟。

    Hemingway 's FBI file showed that the organization had a keen interest in Hemingway and his wartime attempts to set up an anti-fascist spy network .

  15. 上月,微软研究院(MicrosoftResearch)首席研究员凯特?克劳福德(KateCrawford)警告称,如果被威权政府滥用,威力与日俱增的人工智能可能会酿成一场“法西斯梦”。

    Last month , Kate Crawford , principal researcher at Microsoft Research , warned that the increasing power of AI could result in a " fascist 's dream " if the technology were misused by authoritarian regimes .

  16. 如今,尊贵楼变成了一个小博物馆,专门介绍20世纪20年代至40年代的罗马反法西斯艺术家,包括作家兼画家卡洛·莱维(CarloLevi)。

    The Casino Nobile now features a small museum dedicated to the Roman School of anti-Fascist artists active between the 1920s and 1940s , including the writer and painter Carlo Levi .

  17. (加班纳在自己的Instagram页面上说埃尔顿·约翰是法西斯,还贴了我是查理式的宣传画,标题是我是杜嘉班纳。)

    ( On his Instagram page , Mr. Gabbana called Elton John a fascist and posted images of a Je Suis Charlie-style campaign , titled appropriately Je Suis DG . )

  18. 该党还成立了一个准军事组织匈牙利卫队(hungarianguard),制服上带有战前匈牙利法西斯党的徽章已发展到在布达佩斯城市中行军,而且在很多小城镇拥有势力范围。

    It has also formed a paramilitary wing , the Hungarian guard , whose uniforms bear the insignia of pre-war Hungarian fascist parties and which has staged marches in Budapest and has a presence in many small towns .

  19. 他们才不管这项法令是在法西斯统治下颁发的,由痴迷于取缔“鸡尾酒”和“三明治”等词语的贝尼托·墨索里尼(BenitoMussolini)推动。

    Who cares if the decree was issued under fascism and driven by Benito Mussolini 's obsession with banning words like " cocktail " and " sandwich " ?

  20. 罗马——贝尼托·墨索里尼(BenitoMussolini)在著名的托洛尼亚别墅(VillaTorlonia)住了近20年。1941年,别墅地下深处的一个酒窖被改造成地堡,以保护这位法西斯首脑。前不久,地堡向公众开放。

    ROME - Deep beneath the historic Villa Torlonia , where Benito Mussolini lived for nearly two decades , a wine cellar repurposed in 1941 as a bunker to protect the Fascist leader was recently opened to the public .

  21. 旅程凉爽而快捷,但米兰中央火车站(MilanoCentrale)的闷热、拥挤和混乱,却让我毫无防备。这座宏伟的车站始建于1912年,但由法西斯分子完工和装饰。

    The journey is cool , fast but leaves me totally unprepared for the fuggy heat and crowded chaos of Milano Centrale , a monumentally grand station started in 1912 but finished and decorated by the Fascists .

  22. 文章第三部分对意大利法西斯体制的基本结构进行阐述。

    The third part expatiated the basic structure of fascist system .

  23. 完全是基于根深蒂固的法西斯价值观。

    It 's all based on some very profound fascist philosophy .

  24. 你怎么能有与那个法西斯党员在一起的渴望?

    How could you have stayed with that fascist so long ?

  25. 这次不会行法西斯礼了吧?

    Well if you do no fascist salute this time right ?

  26. 日本和德国作为东西两个重要的法西斯国家为了自己的世界霸业,开始疯狂扩张。

    Japan and Germany as a fascist states started crazy expansion .

  27. 法西斯曾在世界很大范围内横行霸道。

    The Fascists once tyrannized a large part of the world .

  28. 记住,告诉熙德他是头法西斯猪。

    And remember , tell Syd he 's a fascist pig .

  29. 重庆抗战戏剧与美国反法西斯戏剧比较研究

    Comparative Study on Chongqing War Dramas and US Anti - fascist Dramas

  30. 当您抗议法西斯不戴上口罩。

    When you protest against the fascists do not wear a mask .