
fǎ lǜ xínɡ wéi
  • Legal acts;juristic act;act of law;legal action/act
  1. 文章首先阐述中外合作办学是一种法律行为,必然会在主体间产生一定的法律关系。

    The article explains that Sino-foreign Joint School running is a sort of act of law that causes inevitably the emerging of legal relationship among the subjects .

  2. 证人作证行为作为法律行为理应受到法律规范,明确直接言词原则在理论与立法上的指引作用,进行系统化的规制尤为重要。

    As an act of law , testifying should be ruled by law , thus it is very important to definite the leading role of the direct and oral principle in both legal theory and legislation in order to make a systemized standard .

  3. 股份回购(ShareRepurchase)是指股份有限公司购回本公司已发行在外的股份的法律行为。

    Share Repurchase is a kind of legal act which Incorporated Company buys back the issued shares .

  4. 从理论上讲,MBO实质为一种特殊的商事法律行为,其特殊性体现在强制性与当事人意思自治相结合。

    In theoretically analysis , MBO is a kind of special commercial juristic action in fact , it 's peculiarity is that combine its embodiment with party 's autonomy .

  5. 在此情形下,英美法系创设了不正当影响(Undueinfluence)规则,向该受不正当影响而同意交易、合同或实施该法律行为的当事人提供救济。

    Under such circumstances , the Common law created the rule of " undue influence " , providing support for the party who was subjected to agree this transaction , contract and to implement this legal act under undue influence .

  6. 房地产属于不动产,设定房地产抵押权时,需依法履行抵押登记的法律行为。

    To enact the real estate mortgage need register by law .

  7. 第四章:国家单方法律行为的解释。本章运用了从一般到具体的方法。

    Chapter IV : Interpretation of Unilateral Legal Acts of States .

  8. 营销同教育和法律行为有何区别?

    How does marketing differ from education and force of law ?

  9. 受让人必须通过有效的法律行为而取得财产;

    The assignee must take a legitimate act to acquire the property ;

  10. 从而在此基础上确立法律行为形式要件基本类型。

    Thus the types of formality of a promise can be established .

  11. 论法律行为制度的精要及缺失检讨

    Essence of Legal Act System and Self-criticism of Its Lacking

  12. 法律行为内容及其构成要件浅析

    Simple Analysis of the Content and Important Components of the Legal Behavior

  13. 法律行为的效力依据

    On the Basis of the Effect of a Legal Act

  14. 非原则性的权宜手段.论《物权法》中非依法律行为引起的物权变动

    Real Right Alternation Caused by Non-juristic Acts in Property Law

  15. 对企业有关法律行为或书面材料进行律师见证;

    Providing a testimony for company 's legal measures or legal documentation ;

  16. 遗失、拾得是事实行为,抛弃是法律行为。

    Losing and picking-up are factual behaviors while abandoning is of juristic act .

  17. 规定生效要件是对法律行为进行限制的重要手段。

    There are many ways to restrict jural behavior .

  18. 无效法律行为转换之研究

    Study on Transitions of Null and Void Juristic Act

  19. 法律行为的法技术意义

    The Significance in the Law Technology of Legal Act

  20. 民事法律行为仅为合法行为吗?

    About the legality of acts in civil law ?

  21. 论对法律行为中不法动机的规制

    On Legal Control of Illegal Motive in Juristic Act

  22. 市场经济非成熟态及其法律行为特征

    On the Immaturity of Market Economy and the Features of Its Legal Acts

  23. 民事法律行为的成立与生效是两个具有本质差别的概念。

    The establishment and validity of civil juristic act are two different concepts .

  24. 当事人诉讼行为与民事法律行为关系考

    One the Relationship Between Act of Procedure of a Party and Civil Juristic Act

  25. 证人作证行为是一种法律行为,具有权利和义务的统一性。

    Witness testification is a legal activity with the unity of right and obligation .

  26. 无效民事法律行为转换的若干问题探讨

    The Transformation of the Invalid Civil Law Behavior

  27. 论法律行为解释的性质

    On the Nature of Interpretation of Legal Acts

  28. 哲学与法律行为概念名称

    Philosophy vs the Term of Juristic Act Concept

  29. 无论从经济行为的角度还是从法律行为的角度看,票据行为都是很重要的一个方面。

    Bill behavior is and important aspect of the economic behavior or legal behavior .

  30. 中产阶层的法律行为方式与和谐社会构建

    The Legal Behavioral Mode of the Middle Class and the Building of Harmonious Society