
fǎ lǜ ɡuī fàn
  • legal norm;norm of law
  1. 本文着重从法律规范层面探讨WTO的规则体系对于我国现有法律规范体系的冲击过程,它体现的是两种法律规则体系冲突和协调的过程。

    From the perspective of legal norm , this thesis examines the conflict and coordination between Chinese legal norm system and WTO rule system .

  2. 再谈对第三者的法律规范

    One More Study of the Legal Norm to The Third Party

  3. 二是我国没有一部专门针对BOT投资方式的法律规范,目前现有的法规不能满足调整BOT投资方式的要求。

    The present laws can 't meet the demands in the legal adjustment of BOT project .

  4. WTO是建立在自由、平等、公正、开放基础上的国际贸易体系和法律规范体系,入世对中国产生了很大的冲击和影响。

    Chinese traditional legal ideas and the fixed form of cultural system have restricted the development of economy , politics , culture and some other aspects . WTO is based on free , equal , fair and open international trade system and legal canonical system .

  5. 第二部分是通过一些重要规则,比如投资的定义,管辖权的认定,适用法律规范等的不同来对ICSID与区域贸易投资争端解决机制进行分析。

    The second chapter is comparison of ICSID and regional trade and investment dispute settlement mechanism through some important rules , such as the definition of " investment "," jurisdiction ", and the applicable law of different specification .

  6. 南诏国刑事法律规范的渊源探析

    An Analysis on the Origins of Nanzhao Kingdom 's Criminal Laws

  7. 法律规范是法律内容的基本成分或核心成分。

    Legal provisions are the basic or core element of law .

  8. 论经济全球化下对国际税收竞争的法律规范

    On Regulating International Tax Competition In the Age of Economic Globalization

  9. 法律规范缺乏系统性,存在法律漏洞;

    The law norm lacks systematicness , existing law loophole ;

  10. (二)必须合乎法律规范;

    They must be in conformity with the legal norm .

  11. 法律规范具有指引、裁判、教育的功能。

    They have the function of guidance , the referee and education .

  12. 同时,颁布了一系列的监察法律规范。

    Meanwhile , a series of supervisory law were issued .

  13. 从社会事实到法律规范&作为社会实践的法律

    From Social Facts to Legal Norms : The Law Asa Social Practice

  14. 授予权力与授予权利:法律规范的基本功能

    Granted Right and Granted Power : on the Basic Functions of Law Norm

  15. 道德规范和法律规范的统一;

    The unity of the moral and law standardization ;

  16. 营销道德不同于道德营销,更与营销伦理、法律规范、社会责任有别。

    Marketing Ethics differs from Ethical Marketing , Law and Company Social Responsibility .

  17. 选择妥当的法律规范作为衡量的依据;

    Appropriate legal norms should be selected to be the basis of balance .

  18. 浅析中国保险中介市场的法律规范

    The Analysis of law about Insurance Intermediaries in China

  19. 法律规范和定义常常是模模糊糊的。

    Legal norms and definitions often remain vague .

  20. 建立一个长期机制,按照法律规范。

    D setting up a long-term mechanism , in accordance with the law regulating .

  21. 性道德与性法律规范的历史演变

    The historical evolution of the sex morals and the law standard of the sex

  22. 以信息披露为核心的法律规范体系。

    2nd , establish law standard system taking the information disclosing as the core .

  23. 强化社会保障基金筹集与运营的法律规范;

    Streng then the legal norm that the social security fund raises and runs ;

  24. 人才流动的法律规范分析

    Analysing the legal system of mobility of talents

  25. 职业武术俱乐部法律规范问题研究

    Study on Law Standard of Professional Wushu Clubs

  26. 编辑法律规范论略

    A Brief Discussion on Legal Norms for Editing

  27. 草原旅游与草原法律规范

    Grassland tourism and grassland laws and regulations

  28. 论法律规范与经济的关系

    On Relationship Between Legal Norms and Economy

  29. 法律规范与个案裁判基本矛盾的法哲学分析

    Analysis on Basic Contradiction Between Legal Prescriptions and Judgments In Individual Cases with Legal Philosophy

  30. 论行政法律规范的冲突及控制机制

    Administrative Legal Norms : Conflict Controlling Mechanism