
zhǔn què dù
  • accuracy;degree of accuracy;degree of preciseness;percent of accuracy
准确度[zhǔn què dù]
  1. 这是一宗很重要的诉讼案,有必要搞得很准确度。

    It was an important suit , and great accuracy was imperative .

  2. 该研究团队发现,他们的人工智能模型可以通过扫描检查来预测乳腺癌,而且其准确度与放射科专家相当。

    The team found that their AI model could predict breast cancer from the scans with a similar accuracy level to expert radiographers .

  3. 机器语音电话令人头疼的原因与其说是量大,不如说是准确度低。

    The reason that robocalls are a headache has less to do with amount than precision .

  4. 对比3D检测点的理论准确度σ?

    By comparison of theoretical precision of 3-D check points σ?

  5. 结论:双期CT扫描方法可提高急性胰腺炎的诊断准确度。

    Conclusion : The accuracy of diagnosing acute pancreatitis could be promoted by using double-phase CT scan protocols .

  6. 结果表明:压膜法测定腈纶纺丝原液的P和w的准确度和精密度较拉丝法的高,且分析时间较短;

    The results showed that the pressed film method had higher accuracy and precision in shorter time ;

  7. 利用ACCESS提高工业铂电阻温度计测量准确度提高工业铂电阻测温不确定度的途径


  8. 测定24种元素的检出限、准确度和精确度表明,X射线荧光光谱法适用于区域化探试样中主元素和微量元素的分析。

    The method is well suited for analysis of 24 major and trace elements in regional geochemical exploration samples .

  9. 采用简单PWM原理单相三线瓦特/频率变换器及准确度分析

    A Single-phase Three-Wire Watt to Pulse Frequency Converter Using Simple PWM and Its Accuracy Analysis

  10. 根据其特性,利用FPGA设计了高准确度的数字频率信号源。

    According to its characteristic , a high accuracy digital frequency supply oscillator has been designed using FPGA .

  11. 研究了溶液pH值、氯化钠含量、样品浓度等对各组分~(31)P化学位移的影响。探讨了影响定量准确度的因素;

    The effects of pH , NaCl content , and concentration of sample solution on 31P chemical shifts of each band have been investigated .

  12. 目的研究MR对离体肝脏体积测量的准确度及其在劈离式肝移植中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate a method of using MR to accurately measure the volume of vitro conserved liver , and its value for liver transplantation .

  13. 并将测定结果与HPLC法和分光光度法做了比较,结果表明DSC法具有较高的准确度。

    Result : I. Result ; The analysis result was compared with HPLC and UV - Visible methods .

  14. 结果MRI对宫旁浸润判断的准确度为94%,特异度为96%,敏感度为90%。

    Results The accuracy , specificity , and sensitivity of parametrial invasion were 94 % , 96 % and 90 % , respectively .

  15. 提高X射线荧光理论计算相对强度准确度的研究

    Radiation Laboratory , Univ. of California , Livermore , CA , USA , 1969 Improving Accuracy of Calculated Relative Intensities in X-ray Fluorescence Analysis

  16. CVT中补偿电抗器对准确度的影响

    Influence of the Compensation Reactor in CVT on Accuracy

  17. 使用Matlab设计定位算法并进行仿真,采用MIT-BIH心律不齐数据库里的部分心电数据进行测试,测试结果显示检测准确度达到90%以上。

    The algorithm is programmed and simulated using Matlab and tested using data of MIT-BIH database .

  18. 最大熵确定真ODF准确度的研究

    On the Accuracy of Near - True ODF Determined by Maximum Entropy Method

  19. 用定值血清以改良MONICA法做准确度的随机监控。

    To use the evaluating blood serum to improved Monica method to do the random inspection of accuracy .

  20. 使用计算机对LED芯片图像进行处理和计数,这种方法可以大大提高工作效率,提高准确度,具有较高的实用价值和应用前景。

    When processing and counting the LED chip image with computer , this method can greatly improve work efficiency and accuracy , and has a high practical value and promising application prospect .

  21. 结果证明SP的准确度是高的,SP的评分准确性受所接受培训状况所决定。

    The result shows that the grading accuracy by SP is high and it is decided by the status of training to SP.

  22. 结果CTA显示肝动脉解剖的准确度为95.8%(23/24);

    Results Accuracy of CTA for visualizing hepatic artery anatomy was 95.8 % ( 23 / 24 ) .

  23. 实验结果充分证明该简化Volterra级数模型在准确度,线性化效果及系数量上都具有显著的优势。

    The experimental results show that the simplified Volterra series model has advantages in accuracy , linearity and complexity . 4 .

  24. 相比于原DCT估计算法,改进后的估计算法最大限度的去除了噪声干扰,提高了估计的准确度。

    Compared with the original DCT estimation algorithm , the improved estimation algorithm maximumly eliminates noise interference , and the channel estimation performance is improved .

  25. 影响磁式TIMS测量准确度的主要因素

    The Main Factores of the Affecting Accuracy by TIMS

  26. 通过调整钼测试溶液pH值,使钼在溶液中存在形态一致(MoO24-),并选用高纯试剂三氧化钼为基准物质标定硝酸铅标准溶液,提高方法的准确度。

    The existing morphology of molybdenum in solution is identical by adjusting molybdenum to test pH value of solution . Lead nitrate standard solution is demarcated by choosing high-purity reagent MoS_2 as datum with high accuracy .

  27. 而利用CCD测量具有无接触、准确度高、便于计算机处理、易于和自动控制设备连接等一系列优点。

    The survey method with CCD ( Charge Coupled Device ) has advantage over other methods because it is noncontact , accurate , easily handled by computer and connected with auto-controlled equipment .

  28. 识别出分形模型后,应用R/S分析、方差分析和频谱分析求取3个H值,取其平均值以提高准确度。

    After identifying fractal pattern , three H values can be acquired through R / S analysis , variance analysis and spectrum analysis , thereby , average value of which can be used to improve calculation precision .

  29. 本论文以聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为目标物,采用淀粉碘化镉法和浊度法测定其含量,确定各方法的最佳测定条件,分析方法的重复性、准确度、检测范围等。

    In this paper , starch cadmium iodide and turbidimetry were used to determine the concentration of polyacrylamide ( PAM ) which was the target object .

  30. 确切知道X射线管激发的原级能谱分布是X射线荧光分析中的一个重要前提,所用能谱分布函数的准确度大大影响了最终的测量结果。

    A premise of X-ray fluorescence analysis is the determined acquisition of the primary energy spectral distribution emitted by the X-ray tube , and the energy spectral distribution function affects the accuracy of the final measurement greatly .