
  • 网络auto market;automobile market;auto marketplace
  1. 那位熟悉吉利的人士说,与Crown财团相比,吉利的一个明显优势是在中国汽车市场上的经验。

    The person close to Geely said a clear advantage that the company has over the Crown group is Geely 's experience in China 's auto market , which is poised to surpass the U.

  2. 随着我国汽车市场不断发展以及车载电子电器不断增加,汽车电磁兼容(EMC)研究将会成为一个新的研究热点。

    With the development of China auto market and the increase of on-board electrical and electronic equipments , automotive electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) will become a new research hotspots field .

  3. 旧汽车市场已经饱和。

    The market for the used car is saturated .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,中国汽车市场的国际化,使我国的汽车工业将受到进口汽车的严峻挑战和冲击。

    Chinese auto industry is facing the challenge and the impact of the internationalized auto market .

  5. 基于AHP及Logit回归的新能源汽车市场预测模型

    Market Forecasting Modeling Study for New Energy Vehicle Based on AHP and Logit Regression

  6. 输家:德国大众(Volkswagen)尽管志在主导全球汽车市场并在美国市场实现复兴,但是大众的成绩平淡无奇。

    Loser : Volkswagen despite its plans for world domination and an American revival , VW fell flat .

  7. 同时汽车市场的激烈竞争也要求OEM对汽车零件制造商的选择更加慎重和苛刻。

    Meanwhile for the marketing competing reason , the sourcing for suppliers is becoming more and more careful and restrict for OEM .

  8. 因此,研究和分析汽车市场分销渠道体系的结构和管理模式,对于J公司找出为什么落伍的原因及今后改进自己的分销渠道,具有重要的实践价值。

    So , it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to research and analyze the construction and management mode of auto distribution channel for J company .

  9. 近两年来,随着人们生活水平的提高和中国加入WTO,国内汽车市场需求猛增。汽车消费文化已经形成,人们对轿车都倾注了极大的热情。

    With the improvement of living condition and the entrance of WTO during recent two years , the auto consumption culture has been developed in China , People endow extreme zeal with chat about car anywhere .

  10. 正当中国汽车市场出现了比预期更糟的放缓迹象时,通用汽车(generalmotors)以及其它陷入困境的汽车制造商正期待通过中国销售的增长来缓冲美国市场问题造成的影响。

    Signs of a worse-than - expected slowdown in the Chinese car market come at a time when general motors and other troubled carmakers are counting on growth in China to cushion the effect of problems in the US market .

  11. SUV作为都市新兴购车族偏爱的车型,是拉动近几年汽车市场增长的主力军之一。

    As a preferred model by urban consumer , SUV is one of the main models that accelerate the automobile market these years .

  12. 大众旗下品牌西雅特(Seat)在西班牙面对的是一个业已崩溃的汽车市场。本周,该公司派遣全部董事访华,走访中国多个城市,参加经销商开业仪式并推出车型。

    Seat , the VW-owned brand which faces a collapsed car market in Spain , dispatched its entire board to China this week , where they fanned out across several cities to attend dealership openings and launch the marque .

  13. 在北京某汽车市场,为北京一家外贸公司工作的29岁的孙晓刚(音)说,他为老板订购了一台林肯领航员(Navigator)。

    At the car market in Beijing , Sun Xiaogang , a 29-year-old staffer for a foreign trading company in Beijing , said he ordered a Navigator for his boss . '

  14. 现在的汽车市场上,一方面是轿车日益变得轻便、省油又便宜,一方面却是CUV大量涌现。

    At one end of the automotive world , cars are getting lighter , more fuel efficient , and less expensive .

  15. 联想负责全球消费者营销的副总裁克里格•梅里根(CraigMerrigan)说,笔记本电脑市场越来越象汽车市场了,你驾驶的汽车可以反映你的个性;

    ' The notebook market is getting more like cars , 'says Craig Merrigan , vice president of global consumer marketing for Lenovo .

  16. 概述了OBD系统在国内汽车市场上的应用,并分析了我国汽车业实施OBD系统面临的挑战和应采取的对策。

    The application of OBD system in China market and the challenge for China automobile manufacture to make OBD system to be capability may be met was clarified , also the strategy should be taken in current situation was presented in this paper .

  17. 最后,大4S营销技术强调的是营销基本功,主要是在现代市场营销技术的基础之上,整合关系营销技术与网络营销技术的优势,进而解决现有汽车市场营销技术单一、落后等方面的问题。

    Lastly , what the Big 4S Marketing Technology emphasizes is the basic skill of Marketing , which is on the base of advantage in Modern Marketing Technology , the Relationship-marketing and the Online-marketing technology , in order to solve the single and backward question of marketing technology .

  18. 与此同时,明年汽车市场将增添另一个驱动力:换车需求。

    Meanwhile , next year could add another driver : replacements .

  19. 它维护了消费者的权益,规范了汽车市场。

    It keeps the consumer 's benefit and regularize automotive market .

  20. 中国的汽车市场是最好的脚注消费心理。

    China 's auto market is the best footnote to consumer psychology .

  21. MPV&未来中国汽车市场的主导车型

    MPV & the Leading Model on Chinese Auto Market in the Future

  22. 中国汽车市场及消费者行为研究

    Study on the Consumer 's Behavior in Auto-market of China

  23. 中国汽车市场需求及其弹性和预测分析

    Analysis of Demand and Its Elasticity and Forecasting About Chinese Automobile Market

  24. 中国自主品牌汽车市场营销策略研究

    A Study on Marketing Strategies of China Self-owned Brand Vehicles

  25. 谁将从中国汽车市场出局?

    Who will be drove out from the Chinese markets ?

  26. 这也是世界汽车市场激烈竞争场面的缩写。

    This also is world car market the abbreviate of intense competition occasion .

  27. 清洁汽车市场化的研究

    Research on the Market Popularization Mechanism of Clean Vehicles

  28. 近几年,国际汽车市场格局正在逐渐转变。

    In recent years , the international automobile market structure is gradually shift .

  29. 中国微型汽车市场的经济活动分析

    An Economic Active Analysis of China Mini Bus Market

  30. 雪佛兰牌正式进入汽车市场,与福特进行竞争。

    Chevrolet officially enters the automobile market in competition with the Ford Model T.