
  • 网络Automotive designer;Automobile designers
  1. 点睛之笔是:上千盏LED灯点缀全车,让它周身散发出明亮的蓝光,这是泛亚中心高级汽车设计师曹明(音译)和他的团队对上海名扬全球的夜景灯光秀的礼赞。

    The crowning touch : Thousands of LED lights swathe the vehicle , illuminating it outside and in with a bright blue light , an ode to Shanghai 's famous evening light shows from PATAC advanced vehicle designer Cao Min and his team .

  2. 韩国蔚山科学技术大学(UlsanNationalInstituteofScienceandTechnology)教授、曾经在现代担任高级汽车设计师的ChungYeon-woo表示:等级制度和习惯是韩国企业界非常重要的组成部分。

    Hierarchy and habit are very important parts of Korean corporate life , says Chung Yeon-woo , a professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology who was previously a senior car designer at Hyundai .

  3. 如果你是一个架构师或者开发人员,你就应该为系统设计一套完整的异常处理机制,就像汽车设计师为汽车加上了缓冲溃缩区(crumplezones)一样。

    If you 're an architect or a developer , you need to design good failure modes into your systems , just like automobile engineers design the crumple zones into a car .

  4. 我长大后想当一名汽车设计师。

    When I grow up , I want to be a car designer .

  5. 因为她喜欢车,所以她想成为一名汽车设计师。

    Because she loves cars , she wants to be a car designer .

  6. 这个概念来自于意大利的汽车设计师,这些概念作为将激励和影响未来形式的标准。

    The concept is considered by the Italian carmaker as a technological demonstrator that will inspire and influence all the future model line-up .

  7. 汽车设计师还可以通过更模块化、人性化的设计彻底改变汽车的内饰。

    There is also an opportunity for automotive designers to revolutionize the interior of the vehicle by making it more modular and user friendly .

  8. 我敢打赌那些草图超强的汽车设计师们,一定投入在专业中了大量时间。

    I am willing to bet that those car designers who are able to sketch or draw so well , have put in serious time into their profession .

  9. 我们一起寻找意大利的汽车设计师,并且确实研究过他们设计的汽车,我们观察它们的外观、质地、材料、颜色,还有其他很多。

    We really did study the designs of cars that they had done and looking at the fit and finish and the materials and the colors and all of that .

  10. 毫无疑问,全球日益收紧的燃油经济性标准,正在刺激汽车设计师们设计更小、更轻,同时又具备实用性和撩人外观的车型。

    No doubt that tightening fuel efficiency standards worldwide are playing a role in stimulating designers to create smaller , lighter designs that still will be useful and maybe even sexy to carbuyers .

  11. 汽车设计师对此作出回应,扩大了驾驶员的坐靠空间,并通过改变车门高度使他的膝盖(他们几乎都是男性)得以放松。

    Car designers are responding by enlarging the space available for a driver 's spreading backside , and sparing his knees ( they are almost always men ) with changes to the door height .

  12. 与电子游戏业类似,汽车设计师也能够以“回馈用户”的方式,使用户感到最终收获远远大于购买产品的付出。

    Like the video game industry , vehicle designers can " reward the user " and make the user feel as if he or she is getting back more than what was originally paid for the product .

  13. 那些父母大把地将钞票花在盛大的舞会、昂贵的汽车和设计师设计的名牌服装上。

    Parents pay for wastful grand parties , expensive cars and designer clothes .

  14. 通用汽车的设计师们正关注驾驶员的更多的感官感受。

    GM car designers , with instructions to innovate , are focusing on the driver 's tactile experience , infotainment needs and more .

  15. 对很多着眼于未来的车迷来说,汽车工程师和设计师显然太沉迷于过去了。

    For a bunch of forward-looking car guys , automotive engineers and designers sure love to live in the past .

  16. 但是,威廉斯在发表上述言论之前,英国《金融时报》等媒体已报道称,苹果拥有一个秘密的汽车工程师与设计师团队,正在研制电动汽车。

    But Mr Williams ' comment follows reports in the Financial Times and elsewhere that Apple has a secret team of automotive engineers and designers working towards an electric vehicle .

  17. 文章对这一现象的出现和发展趋势,从设计的角度加以分析,并提出作为设计师如何在汽车设计中体现设计师的社会职责。

    Faced with this phenomenon and the trend of development , this article analyzes the disadvantages from the angle of the design and suggests that a designer should bear social responsibility in the process of the car design .

  18. 随着世界汽车保有量、特别是发展中国家汽车保有量的快速增加,给各国环保、能源、安全和城市交通带来了负面影响,于是给汽车设计师们带来了越来越多的难题。

    The rapid increase of motor vehicles in the world , especially in the developing countries also brings about negative effects on environmental protection , energy , safety and urban transport , which accordingly raises many puzzles and problems to vehicles designers .