
  1. 他母亲控制欲很强,过去他常常一天给她打好几次电话。

    He used to ring his possessive mother several times a day .

  2. 她发现他这个人非常傲慢,而且控制欲极强。

    She found him arrogant and domineering .

  3. 他爱上了将军的侄女波琳娜——一个控制欲极强的年轻女子,她总像操纵木偶的大师一样操纵着他。

    He falls in love with the General 's niece , Polina — a manipulative young woman who pulls his strings .

  4. 控制器兄弟是两位喜欢用控制器并且控制欲极强的DJ。

    Controller Brothers are two DJs who enjoy using controllers & desire for control .

  5. 这道测试题选自CaliperProfile,它测试的是答题者的(A)控制欲、(B)情感敏感度、(C)合群程度以及(D)强势性格。

    This question , from the Caliper Profile , measures someone 's need to be controlling ( A ) , as well as their sensitivity ( B ) , gregariousness ( C ) and aggressiveness ( D ) .

  6. 她知道怎么能享受生活,但Katherine非常缺乏耐心又很有控制欲,自私还很冲动。

    She knew how to have a good time . But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled . And selfish , and , um , and impulsive .

  7. SimonRussellBeale(如图)扮演了一个冷酷却又惹人发笑的斯大林,用西方粗喉音代替了他原来的乔治亚时期的口音。他世故圆滑,富于魅力,控制欲强,具有威慑力同时又反复无常。

    Simon Russell Beale ( pictured above ) is a chillingly hilarious Stalin ; substituting a West Country burr for the original Georgian accent , he is cunning and charming , manipulative , menacing and intellectually insecure .

  8. 但另一项却是狡猾,且控制欲强

    but another item on the checklist is cunning , manipulative .

  9. 我觉得她是哪种很商务人士的样子,充满野心,控制欲又强。

    I think she 's very business-like , ambitious and controlling .

  10. 如果你有控制欲很强的父母,你将称为一个固执的人。

    You had controlling parents : You become a stubborn adult .

  11. 被拒绝可能会诱发他的控制欲

    Rejection could have triggered his need for power over them .

  12. 主管型的同事他们是何许人也:主管型的同事有强烈的控制欲。

    Who They Are : Director colleagues are obsessed with control .

  13. 儿童长大后倾向于继承父母的强控制欲。

    The children will also likely grow up to inherit this trait .

  14. 你被看作是自负的、以自我为中心、且有很非常强烈的控制欲。

    You 're seen as vain , self-centered , and extremely dominant .

  15. 为什么所有的男人都有控制欲?

    Why do all men have a thing for manipulation ?

  16. 他一定认为我是个控制欲很强,吝啬的女人。

    He must be thinking I 'm this manipulative , mean woman .

  17. 她不严肃控制欲也不强,她就是酷

    She 's not uptight or controlling . She 's just cool .

  18. 他们都控制欲强,各行其事。

    Both of them wish to dominate and have their own way .

  19. 缺乏同理心,口若悬河,狡猾,控制欲强

    the lack of empathy , the glibness , cunning , manipulative .

  20. 所以你可能会认为我的控制欲过强。

    So yes , you might say I 've got control issues .

  21. 它就写在检核表上:狡猾且控制欲强

    It 's on the checklist : cunning and manipulative .

  22. 他控制欲太强了,我实在没法忍受。

    He is really a control freak and I can 't bear it .

  23. 可能是有强控制欲的有钱人。

    Somebody rich who likes to manipulate people probably .

  24. 有时他真的很自私,控制欲也挺强。

    He can be quite selfish and really manipulative .

  25. 他们还可以学习降低控制欲。

    They can also learn to be less controlling .

  26. 我走了,控制欲极强的同性恋好朋友们。

    I am out of here , overpossessive best friends with weird lesbian energy .

  27. 她是个控制欲很强的人,无论在哪儿都想操纵控制权。

    She has a strong control desire and always like to take control everywhere .

  28. 但凯瑟琳非常缺乏耐心又很有控制欲

    But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled

  29. 你想告诉他我控制欲很强。

    You 'll tell him I 'm controlling .

  30. 史蒂夫非常清楚自己的控制欲

    Steve is so know for his restraint .