- 名reserves;reserve ; reserve;provision

If so , firms like Capital One could look forward to sharply higher earnings as lower defaults would allow lenders to ease off on the expense of building their loan-loss reserves .
This was subsequently modified in Basel II , to give banks some theoretical discretion to raise reserves against sovereign risk .
There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or , importantly , who is responsible for their provision .
The effect of the transiting mechanic required reserve system vehicle is low .
The People 's Bank of China announced on Friday it was cutting both interest rates and the reserve requirement ratio again to boost the economy .
Thirdly , it empirically demonstrates the VaR Method , which provides reference for quantifying the credit risks and reform of bed debt reserves system .
Reserve requirements are like what the Bank of England did or the Suffolk Bank did long ago .
Another attractive feature of higher reserve ratios is that they allow the government to modify , and in some cases eliminate , the liquidity and capital ratios dictated by new Basel III banking regulations .
Euro overnight bank lending rates have " normalised " , while banks have scaled back the amount of money held at the European Central Bank above reserve requirements known as excess liquidity .
Further evidence of the deteriorating state of the US economy emerged yesterday as JPMorgan Chase reported that fourth-quarter earnings had been hit by higher provisions for loan losses in consumer-related businesses .
When the insurer is constant absolute risk aversion ( CARA ), the initial reserve has no effect on insurer 's behavior .
Traditional monetary policy has already done what it can : short-term interest rates are close to zero , commercial banks hold a trillion dollars of excess reserves , and the money supply is growing more rapidly than nominal gross domestic product .
The People 's Bank of China may have renewed interest in the market this week by cutting the amount of reserves banks must hold , which should free up liquidity .
Ben Bernanke , the Fed chairman , has recently announced steps to disengage from expansionary policy , including the termination of MBS purchases at the end of March and measures to drain reserves from the banking system .
As Commerzbank notes , liquidity created through foreign exchange intervention since 2004 has tracked closely the liquidity absorbed via bill issuance and RRR rises .
Mr Rubin was in charge of the Treasury during the Asian financial crisis , whereas Mr Paulson was among the five major investment banking chief executives who persuaded the Securities and Exchange Commission not to extend prudential reserve requirements to their companies .
Because traditional reserving methods can not provide the precise of reserving , stochastic reserving methods are used in DFA to provide the estimate of reserve variability , not only in the reserve estimates themselves .
Lou Crandall of Wrightson ICAP , a research firm , reckons that half of those reserves have ended up with the American subsidiaries of foreign-owned banks .
Indeed last week the central bank cut the banking reserve requirement by 100 basis points , the largest single reduction since 2008 . But the slowdown in growth is ingrained , and no material change in this trajectory is likely in the rest of the year .
In spite of evidence of over-exuberance right on its doorstep , the People 's Bank of China is still limiting tightening efforts to the reserve requirement ratio or the proportion of lenders ' deposits to be kept at the central bank .
This paper is focused on introducing the rules as to the calculation of long term unearned premium reserve required by NAIC released in 1997 and effective in 1998.It is anticipated that it could be a reference to nonlife companies and insurance regulatory offices in China .
The calculation of the life insurance reserves for future claims .
Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance
Reductions in banks ' reserve requirements may need to follow .
Latest Development of International Loan Loss Provision and its Implication for China
Reserve of continuous increasing life insurance under random interest rate
Supervision on Provisions in Foreign Bank : Comparison and Suggestion
Behavior of Bank Reserve Management Under Zero Reserve Requirement System
The reserve only covers Fannie and Freddie repurchase claims .
Effects of Hike of Differentiated Deposit Reserve Ratio on Banks