
  • 网络The Russian museum
  1. 俄罗斯博物馆纪念美国二战老兵。

    Russian museum honors US WWII vet .

  2. 《阿马尔菲海岸》1841.布面油画.俄罗斯博物馆、俄罗斯圣彼得堡。

    《 The Coast at Amalfi 》 1841 . Oil on canvas . The Russian Museum , St. Petersburg , Russia .

  3. 米哈伊洛夫斯基宫殿群是由卡洛罗西设计的,他以帝国风格的建筑闻名,其中的四座宫殿,包括大理石宫接是现在的俄罗斯博物馆,这是世界上俄罗斯艺术品及画像收场量最大的博物馆。

    The Mikhailovsky Palace Ensemble is the creation of Carlo Rossi , known for his imperial style of architecture . Four palaces , including the Palace of Marble , now house the Russian Museum , the world 's largest collection of Russian art and icons .

  4. 俄罗斯的博物馆依然没有归还的意思,他们表示,宝藏将会用于补偿二战期间德国对前苏联城市的破坏。

    But Russian museums are now stonewalling , saying they plan to keep the treasure as reparation for Germany 's destruction of Soviet cities during the war .

  5. 穿着一件配有刺绣花朵装饰传统哥萨克白色礼服的安娜·戈勒温正在休息,她是在附近海滩的俄罗斯民间博物馆工作。

    Wearing a traditional Cossack white dress embellished with embroidered flowers , Ina Golovin is taking a break from her job working in a Russian folk museum near the beach .

  6. 有个叫“苏丹王的礼物”的展览会去年在洛杉矶开展,而该版本的MIA版本则青出于蓝胜于蓝—-还收录了从俄罗斯的Hermitage博物馆中借来的珍品(美国举办的展览中是没有的)。

    The MIA version of the " Gifts of the Sultan " show that started last year in Los Angeles includes objects from Russia 's Hermitage museum that the American exhibition did not have .

  7. 我参观过俄罗斯圣彼得堡的冬宫博物馆(HermitageMuseum),在那里我什么都不能碰。

    I 'd been in the Hermitage Museum [ in St. Petersburg , Russia ] where I couldn 't touch anything .