
  • 网络quaternary ice age
  1. 第四纪冰期成因的讨论

    A discussion on the origin of the Quaternary ice age

  2. 松潘黄龙自然保护区第四纪冰期划分与古气候环境分析研究

    Quaternary ice age division and paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment in the Huanglong Nature reserve , Songpan

  3. 巴颜喀拉山地区第四纪冰期初步探讨

    A preliminary discussion on the Quaternary glaciation of Bayan Har region

  4. 北京地区第四纪冰期与构造-气候旋回

    The Quaternary Glaciations and the TECTONO-CLIMATIC cycles in the Beijing area

  5. 岩溶洞穴堆积与第四纪冰期气候

    Deposits in limestone cave of erosion and the Quaternary climatic changes

  6. 巴基斯坦北部的地貌发育与第四纪冰期问题

    Studies on the landform development and Quaternary Glaciations in North Pakistan

  7. 天山博格达峰地区第四纪冰期探讨

    A Discussion on Quaternary Glaciation in the Bogda Region , Tian Shan

  8. 地球轨道根数变化与第四纪冰期

    Changes of the Earth 's Orbital Elements and the Quaternary Glacial Epoch

  9. 中国东部山地第四纪冰期气候问题

    Climatic problems of Quaternary glaciation in the eastern China mountains

  10. 青藏高原第四纪冰期序列及其意义

    Sequence of Quaternary glacial period in Qinghai Xizang Plateau and its significance

  11. 中国第四纪冰期、地文期和黄土记录

    Quaternary glaciations , physiographic stages and loess record in China

  12. 论中国第四纪冰期与间冰期

    On the glacial and interglacial stages in Quaternary of China

  13. 吉林省第四纪冰期的划分

    Classification of the Quaternary glacial stages in Jilin Province

  14. 第四纪冰期,使许多物种绝灭。

    Pleistocene glaciation caused the extinction of many species .

  15. 中国东部第四纪冰期气候与环境的基本特征

    On basic features of climate and environment in Quaternary glacial period in eastern China

  16. 庐山第四纪冰期研究的新认识

    A new note on Quaternary glacial period in the Lushan mountain , east China

  17. 中国第四纪冰期数值年表初步划分

    Numerical periods of Quaternary Glaciations in China

  18. 孟加拉湾晚第四纪冰期和间冰期古生产力演变研究

    The study of the glacial interglacial paleoproductivity evolution during late Quaternary in the bay of Bengal

  19. 植物区系起源古老,保留有大量第四纪冰期前区系成分;

    The flora had come from floristic constituents before quaternary and retains many floristic element before quaternary .

  20. 中国第四纪冰期

    Quaternary Glaciations in China

  21. ,并将我国某些地点的冰期进行了对比,提出了第四纪冰期今后的研究方向。

    Makes a comparison of ice age in some regions of China and proposes the further direction of the Quaternary glaciation study .

  22. 中国东部第四纪冰期之我见&庐山更新世冰川发育有限性初探

    The Quaternary ice age in eastern china & a preliminary study of the " limitation " of the Pleistocene glaciation in Mount Lushan

  23. 岩层产状平缓,垂直节理发育,第四纪冰期的缺失都为岩柱群地貌的形成提供了有利的条件。

    Rock occurrence flat , vertical joints of the development , the missing Quaternary glacial were good for the formation of this landform .

  24. 论鄂西南岩溶洞穴发育与第四纪冰期和间冰期的关系

    Relationships between the evolution of karst caves and the interchange of glacial epoch to inter glacial epoch in Quaternary in the southwest of Hubei Province

  25. 中国东部(含庐山)第四纪冰期之争,表现在地貌、沉积与冰川发生条件三个方面。

    The disputes about the Quaternary Ice Age in eastern China ( including Mount Lushan ) involve three aspects , i. e. topography , sedimentation and conditions of glaciation .

  26. 第四纪冰期的严酷气候条件对兽类是一个巨大的考验,最重要的影响因素来自低温和低辐射,因为温度和光照对兽类的生殖能力有很大的影响。

    Harsh climatic conditions in the Quaternary glacial periods are severe tests to mammals . The most influential factors are low temperature and radiation , because they tremendously affect reproductive abilities of mammals .

  27. 用第四纪冰期时一月份的地温及深度值,拟定出深度&地温对数曲线方程,并用其求出不同地点的最大冻结深度。

    After analysing the curve figures , the authors calculated the logarithm equations of the ground temperature of different depths , then to obtain the average maximum frozen depth during the Quaternary ice age .

  28. 达古冰川是我国青藏高原最东缘、第四纪冰期末期现代山地冰川中心区之一,也是我国距离中心城市最近、面积最大、全球海拔最低的现代山地冰川之一。

    Dagu glaciers are the late quaternary glaciations of the central area of the modern mountain glaciers , which are also the closet one to the centre city , with the largest and lowest elevation of the modern world mountainous glaciers .

  29. 冰期海冰扩张与北美大陆气候的相互关联,揭示了晚第四纪冰期旋回中白令海海冰扩张及其对全球气候变化的响应。

    The extension of sea ice during glacial periods was linked with the climate over North American continent , revealing the responses of sea ice extension in the Bering Sea to global climate change during late Quaternary glacial and interglacial cycles .

  30. 西鄂尔多斯经历了一系列地理环境演变,由于没有受到第四纪大陆冰期的直接侵袭,物种在经历了不同程度的干旱气候后,在适宜的生境中保存下来。

    Following were the results : It experienced a series of geographical environment succession , however the Quaternary continental glaciation had not directly hit west Ordos and species survived in the suitable habitat after they went through different dry climate .