
  • 网络Encounters of the Third Kind;Close Encounter of the third kind
  1. 我一直最喜欢的科幻电影是《第三类接触》。

    My favorite sci-fi movie of all time is Close Encounters of the Third Kind .

  2. 看《第三类接触》让我们在吃爆米花时动作停顿;

    And let 's see Close Encounters of the Third Kind just so we can freeze there in mind-popcorn .

  3. 问:你在《E.T.外星人》(E.T.)和《第三类接触》(CloseEncountersoftheThirdKind)这样的影片里拍过了外星世界,现在你又开始研究历史。

    With " E.T. " and " Close Encounters of the Third Kind , " you looked out beyond the world . Now you 're mining history .

  4. 面试&第三类接触

    Interview & The third kind of touch

  5. 我也是个星战迷,不过最爱的是《第三类接触》。

    I was a huge Star Wars fan as well & but Close Encounters , I love .

  6. 那是个夏天,正好赶上《第三类接触》的特别版发布.

    This was the summer when the special edition of " Close Encounters of the Third Kind " was released .

  7. 所谓「感性活动的第三类接触」系相对于感性活动的第一类接触与第二类接触而言。

    The so-called " third contact of the activity of sensation " is contrasted to the first and the second contact of the activity of sensation .

  8. 《第三类接触》的导演史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格以5部入围影片成为入围影片最多的导演,而希区柯克,斯坦利库布里里克和比利怀尔德各有4部电影。

    " Close Encounters " director Steven Spielberg had the most films on the list with five , while Hitchcock , Stanley Kubrick and Billy Wilder each had four .

  9. 笔者尝试提出「感性活动的第三类接触」的观念,以此观念作为中心来解读现代生活中感性活动的新局面。

    The author coins a new idea-the third contact of the activity of sensation , which is taken as a key term to explain the new sphere of activity of sensation in modem life .

  10. 它像第三类亲密接触,在那里人们被驱往‘城堡’,受一困惑不解图像的折磨?

    Is it like Close Encounters of the Third Kind where people were impelled to go to the'Tower ' , haunted by an image that they were at a loss to explain ?

  11. 据说史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格到此小村的一游,给予他大量的灵感来拍摄电影《第三类亲密接触》,虽然他在电影中所用的地点是怀俄明州的魔塔。

    A visit to Bugarach is said to have inspired Steven Spielberg in his film , Close Encounters of the Third Kind - although the actual mountain he used is Devil 's Tower in Wyoming .