
  • 网络secondary source;Secondary data
  1. 根据所选的指标体系进行第一手资料和第二手资料搜集;

    Primary and secondary data were collected according to requirements of indicator evaluation .

  2. 文献研究法获得的是第二手资料。

    Data studies obtain the secondary source data .

  3. 历史学家们现在写的书都是第二手资料。

    Books written in the present day by historians are secondary sources .

  4. 他的报告里只有第二手资料。

    His report contained only secondhand information .

  5. 他关于写作的第二手资料是错误的,这里便是证据。

    His second-hand ideas of authorship were wrong , for here was the proof of it .

  6. “如果我们不得不完全依赖来自这些独立机构主要管理人员的第二手资料,我们就不可能成功地完成这个使命,”他说。

    " We could not successfully carry out this mission if we had to rely entirely on second hand reports from primary supervisors of these individual institutions ," he said .

  7. 在无法或难以获得第一手资料的情况下,也可以用第二手资料作为原始数据,再按研究的需要,进行定性或定量分析。

    The author also points out that in case original data are not available or difficult to obtain , second-hand sources can be collected for necessary qualitative or quantitative analyses .

  8. 实证研究要求审美人类学的研究要以口头表述的资料为基础,传统美学研究中看重的文献资料在范丹姆的眼中只能是第二手资料。

    Empirical research ask aesthetic anthropology research for verbal expression , on the basis of the data of traditional aesthetic value in the study of literature in the eyes of Van Damme is only secondhand information .

  9. 以期为不孕症的现代临床治疗提供经验依据。方法:本课题主要对第一手资料(文献原著)进行研究,将第二手资料(后人的论述和引用)作为参考。

    The period of clinical treatment of infertility in the modern empirical evidence . Methods : The main topic of the first-hand information ( original documents ) to study the secondary sources ( later the discussion and references ) as a reference .