
ɡāo fēnɡ xiǎn
  • high risk
  1. 有一次,当我面临一个高风险的决定时,我去找了一个朋友。

    Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk , I went to a friend .

  2. 张家界卫健委表示,7月22日晚18点至19点时段魅力湘西所有观众属于高风险人群,应立即向当地社区或疾控机构报告并配合检测。

    Zhangjiajie health authorities said that all audience members who watched the performance from 6 pm to 7 pm on July 22 are at high risk of coronavirus infection and should report to their residential testing .

  3. 各银行贷出去太多高风险贷款,目前无法收回,他们还进行地产投机,而地产的价值目前已经下跌了。

    The banks made too many risky loans which now can 't be repaid , and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped .

  4. 换句话说,当青少年和同龄人共处时,奖励对他们而言作用更强烈,这促使他们去追求可能会带来巨大回报的高风险体验(比如,在信号灴变红之前冲过去所带来的兴奋)。

    In other words , rewards are more intense for teens when they are with peers , which motivates them to pursue higher-risk experiences that might bring a big payoff ( such as the thrill of just making the light before it turns red ) .

  5. 确需出行人员原则上不前往中高风险地区。

    In principle , people who do need to travel should not go to medium and high risk areas .

  6. 国内中高风险地区及全域实行封闭管理的人员,原则上不能进京。国内其他口岸入境人员满21天方可进京。

    Entry to the Chinese capital will be declined for those from domestic medium and high-risk and lockdown areas , while inbound travelers entering the Chinese mainland via other cities must wait for 21 days before visiting Beijing .

  7. 通知指出,疫情高风险地区群众均应就地过年,防止因人员流动导致疫情传播扩散。中风险地区群众需要出行的,需经属地疫情防控机构批准。

    All residents in areas at high risk of COVID-19 shall stay at their current residing localities to prevent spreading the epidemic , said the circular.Travel from medium-risk areas will need permission from the local epidemic prevention and control authorities .

  8. 减少不必要出行提醒广大游客,元旦、春节期间合理安排行程,减少不必要出行,非必要不安排出境旅游,不要前往国内中高风险地区旅游。

    Residents are urged to carefully plan their trips for the New Year and Spring Festival holidays , reduce unnecessary travel , and avoid nonessential outbound travel as well as travel to medium - or high-risk areas in the country .

  9. 方法:对342例具有产前诊断指征高风险孕妇抽取孕中期羊水细胞培养,制备中期细胞染色体,G显带分析。

    Methods Amniocentesis was employed to detect amniotic cells collected from 342 pregnant women with high-risk prenatal diagnosis indications .

  10. PCR产物的取丙烯酰胺凝胶电脉结果显示5例HD高风险者有4例携带异常HD基因。

    The result shows that 4 of total 5 high risk members carry the HD gene .

  11. 通过CMM测试模式对需求及系统进行的测试,能够保证系统在各个开发阶段的质量,并针对高风险的系统需求进行测试,用最低的成本,找到最具影响的系统缺陷,降低了系统风险。

    The requirement testing and system testing aiming at the highest risk can guarantee the software quality .

  12. EPC总承包是一项高风险事业,有效的风险管理是项目成功的保证。

    EPC project is a high risk business , but effective risk management is a guarantee of success of the project .

  13. 结论对于高风险病人采纳OPCAB的方法是安全的,临床效果满意。

    Conclusions OPCAB is safe and effective in high risk patients .

  14. 此外,潜伏感染结核菌的重新激活对于其他疾病也是一个高风险因素,尤其是HIV病人以及糖尿病病人(进行抗肿瘤坏死因子治疗的病人)等免疫缺陷的个体[2]。

    The reactivation of latent TB represents high risk for other abnormalities , especially for the patient infected with human immunodeficiency viruses , or with diabetes and other disease need anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy .

  15. 由于RD项目属于高风险项目,因此本文对RD项目所具有的各种可能的风险因素进行了深入分析,鉴别了可能存在的实物期权。

    As R D project belongs to the high risk project , all kinds of risk element that can exist in R D project are analyzed and the Real Options that can exist in R D project are identified .

  16. 结论:我们的主要经验表明SRS在高风险组(因气胸导致显著的死亡率)患者的治疗中可获得合理的治疗结果。

    Conclusions : Our preliminary experience indicates that SRS has reasonable results in this high-risk group of patients , with pneumothorax being a significant morbidity .

  17. 采用失败模式及影响因素分析(FMEA)、风险排序和过滤等风险工具对各因素进行风险分析和评估,找出生产过程中污染微生物的高风险因素。

    We hope to find a high microbiological risk factor by performing risk assessment on each factor through Failure Mode Effects Analysis , Risk ranking and filtering .

  18. 它不但找回DCF方法所低估的价值,还运用自身的优越性,帮助企业生成各种不同的实物期权(决策灵活性),从而增加了创业企业在高风险情况下的价值。

    It could get back the underestimated value of DCF and help enterprises create various real options ( decision flexibility ), consequently , adding the value during high risks .

  19. Perea博士表示,希望到2015年,预防接种活动将在非洲所有高风险国家全面展开。

    Dr Perea expressed hope that vaccination campaigns would be carried out throughout all high risk African countries by2015 .

  20. 目的调查一种缺失型遗传性持续性胎儿血红蛋白综合征(HPFH)的基因型和表型的关系;探索进行β地中海贫血(地贫)复合这种缺失型HPFH的高风险胎儿的快速产前诊断方法。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between genotype and phenotype of a deletional hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin ( HPFH ) found in a Chinese family and explore an approach to rapid prenatal diagnosis for compound heterozygote of HPFH defects with β thalassemia .

  21. 资金密集、高风险和高收益并存;

    The fund intensive , high risk and high income coexists ;

  22. 这样的薪酬结构会促使雇员投资高风险资产。

    Such pay structures encourage employees to invest in high-risk assets .

  23. 产科医疗高风险因素分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure of High Risk Factors in Obstetrics Medical Treatment

  24. 所以初步诊断,这是一个具有高风险的职业。

    Therefore , the initial diagnosis , this is a high-risk occupation .

  25. 金融房地产的不断膨胀,给国民经济带来了高风险。

    The expanding of fictitious economy brings about high risk to economy .

  26. 但同时金融衍生产品业务又有其高风险性特征。

    But while financial derivatives business has its high-risk characteristics .

  27. 医学的双重效应决定了医疗行为的高风险性。

    The medical double effects have determined its high risk .

  28. 成人高风险性软组织肉瘤的多形性治疗

    Multimodality Treatment in Adult Patients with High-risk Soft-tissue Sarcomas

  29. 实证数据表明:证券类客户存在高风险的特点。

    Security clients have the character of high risk .

  30. 证券投资高风险高收益诠释

    An Interpretation of " High Income with High Risks " in Security Investment