
  • 网络Alpine Meadow
  1. 他们沿着小煤溪的小径,穿过了高山草甸,俯瞰着一条充塞着冰川泥沙的晶莹透亮的河流。

    They follow Little Coal Creek Trail through alpine meadows overlooking a river bright with glacial silt .

  2. 新疆高山草甸草原植物群落夏季CO2排放日变化分析

    The Analysis of Daily Variation of CO_2 Flux in Alpine Meadow of Xinjiang

  3. 研究还发现,新疆高山草甸草原植物群落排放CO2的近71%来自土壤呼吸、根呼吸和凋落物分解。

    Moreover , our results also showed that there is amount of 71 % CO2 flux emitted in Alpine meadow ecosystem coming from the soil respiration .

  4. 其提取率(提取C占有机质C总量%):酸性土(高山草甸型和湿润森林型土壤)高于以钙质土为主的碱性土。

    The extraction ratio , which meant the percentages that extracted C occupied the whole quantities of soil organic carbon , was : acid soils ( soil of Dark felty soils , felty soils and wet forest soils ) alkaline soils which was mainly consisted of calcium soils .

  5. 亚高山草甸一般分布在海拔3000&4000m范围内,而分布在北京西部东灵山的亚高山草甸最低海拔为1800m。

    Subalpine meadow usually existed between 3000m and 4000m altitude while it was as low as 1800m in Dongling Mountain which was rare in the world .

  6. 采用TWINSPAN分类法将亚高山草甸旅游地段的草甸群落划分为为4个群丛,反映了在不同旅游干扰强度下,草甸植被动态变化特征。

    This simplifies the selection for tourism impact indicators for application purpose . ( 2 ) Meadows community in subalpine meadow travel section was divided into 4 groups with TWINSPAN . The meadow vegetation dynamic change characteristics was reflected under the different tourism disturbance intensity .

  7. 青海高山草甸土的形成及其肥力评价

    Formation and fertility of the alpine meadow soil in Qinghai Province

  8. 滇西北亚高山草甸草丛昆虫多样性研究

    Herb insect biodiversity in subalpine meadow of Northwestern Yunnan , China

  9. 高山草甸几种饲用灌木在牦牛瘤胃内的降解率

    Degradability of Several Feeding Shrubs in Alpine Meadow in Yak Rumen

  10. 五台山亚高山草甸小格局分析

    Study on small scale pattern of Subalpine Meadow on the Wutai Mountains

  11. 卧龙自然保护区亚高山草甸群落学特征及生态水文功能研究

    Community Character and Eco-hydrological Function of Subalpine Meadow in Wolong Nature Reserve

  12. 北京东灵山亚高山草甸旅游开发与保护研究

    Development and Protection of Subalpine Meadow Tourism in Dongling Mountain

  13. 雾灵山自然保护区亚高山草甸植物群落结构研究

    Study on the Structure of the Subalpine Meadow Community of Wuling Mountain

  14. 甘南亚高山草甸群落垂直结构的季节动态

    Seasonal Changes in Vertical Structure of Subalpine Meadow Community in Southern Gansu

  15. 亚高山草甸植被利用的综合评价

    The Comprehensive Evaluation on the Utilization of Subalpine Meadow Resources

  16. 放牧羊群对亚高山草甸草种的选择

    Selection to Grass Varieties of Grazing Sheep on Subalpine Meadow

  17. 不同植被类型高山草甸土呼吸作用的研究

    Studies on respiration of soils under different vegetations of the alpine meadow

  18. 高山草甸群落生物量在融雪梯度上的变化

    Changes in Community Biomass along Snow-melting Gradient in Alpine Meadow

  19. 五台山亚高山草甸群落生态关系分析

    Analyses of Ecological Relations of Subalpine Meadow Wutai Mountains

  20. 川西北亚高山草甸放牧退化演替研究

    Study On Grazing Degenerating Succession of Subalpine Meadow in Northwestern of Sichuan Province

  21. 亚高山草甸华灰早熟禾对气候变化的响应

    Responses of subalpine meadow Poa botryoides to climate change

  22. 五台山亚高山草甸的β多样性研究

    β - Diversity of Subalpine Meadows in Wutai Mountain

  23. 亚高山草甸类草地牧草生长发育与气象条件的关系研究

    Study on the relationship between grass growth and meteorological conditions in subalpine meadow

  24. 山西亚高山草甸青草期羔羊划区轮牧试验

    Rotation grazing experiment of lambs at fresh grass period on Subalpine Meadow in Shanxi

  25. 分析了亚高山草甸土壤呼吸变化规律及其影响机制。

    Changes and mechanism of soil respiration in subalpine meadow of Xinjiang were analyzed .

  26. 五台山亚高山草甸的人工神经网络分类与排序

    Classification and ordination of subalpine meadows in Wutai Mountains by artificial neural network methods

  27. 高山草甸垂穗披碱草人工草地群落特征及稳定性研究

    The Community Characteristics and Stability of the Elymus nutans Artificial Grassland in Alpine Meadow

  28. 高山草甸土壤过氧化氢酶活性的研究

    Study on Soil Catalase Activities of Alpine Meadow

  29. 亚高山草甸野生禾草在不同温度下的萌发过程研究

    Study of Germination Process of the Common Grasses in Subalpine Meadow under Different Temperatures

  30. 亚高山草甸不同坡向牧草产量动态的研究

    A Study on the Trends of Herbage Yield in Different Slopes on Subalpine Meadows