
diàn xiàn ɡǎn
  • telegraph pole
电线杆 [diàn xiàn gān]
  • [wire pole;telegraph pole] 架设电线用的杆子

  1. 卡车撞到了电线杆上。

    The truck crashed into a telegraph pole

  2. 汽车撞到电线杆上了。

    The car bumped into the telegraph pole .

  3. 电线杆顶端的电线相互交错,形成电线网。

    Wires criss-cross between the tops of the poles , forming a grid

  4. 我开车撞上了电线杆,把汽车的保险杠稍稍撞瘪了。

    I drove into a post and dented the bumper slightly .

  5. 电线杆上贴满了广告。

    The wire pole is pityed with advertisements .

  6. 放置在大型训练区域的高大的电线杆能通过痛苦但不致命的电击教鸟儿远离电线。

    Tall poles , placed in large training areas , teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful but undeadly electric shock .

  7. 几个配电变压器从电线杆上摔下来,副线及吊饰也垂下来

    Several distributor transformers had fallen from the poles , and secondary wires and service drops were down .

  8. 在Andaman岛,Bruguieragymnorhiza浸油防腐处理后用作输电线杆和电话线杆。

    Creosoted Bruguiera gymnorhiza transmission and telegraph poles were used in the Andaman Islands .

  9. 他全速开车,撞到电线杆上。

    He drove ( at ) full tilt into the lamppost .

  10. 强风把树和电线杆都吹倒了。

    The gales brought trees and telegraph poles to the ground .

  11. 电线杆与铁路线并排延伸

    As telegraph poles snake out alongside the railroad lines ,

  12. 骑单车的小男孩砰的一声撞到了电线杆。

    The boy on the bicycle went bang into a telephone pole .

  13. 但是对于电线杆来说,他有点过大。

    But he is too big for the light pole .

  14. 黄某慌忙逃跑,撞上电线杆倒地。

    Hwang hurried escape and hit the pole lying on the ground .

  15. 小心!你差点撞倒电线杆上去了。

    Watch out ! You almost ran into the lamppost .

  16. 电线杆倒了,把那人压在地上。

    The pole fell , pinningthe man to the ground .

  17. 他告诉我正抓着一根电线杆。

    He told me he was holding a wire pole .

  18. 我把我的自行车靠在一个电线杆上。

    I rested my bike up against a lamppost .

  19. 他开车向电线杆冲去。

    He drove his car running at the post .

  20. 他的头碰到电线杆上了。

    He knocked his head against a wire post .

  21. 他在睡觉,他的头后仰靠在电线杆上。

    His head thrown back against a telephone pole .

  22. 电线杆也到处在喷火花

    Power pole 's sparking all over the place !

  23. 你很走运没把我的车撞到电线杆上。

    You 're lucky you didn 't wrap my car around a pole .

  24. 科技不只是工具和电线杆和代码。

    Technology isn 't just about wires and widgets and levers and code .

  25. 鲍勃骑自行车一下子撞到了电线杆上。

    Bob smacked against the pole with his bike .

  26. 这台脚踏车之前被上锁在电线杆,但是现在不见了。

    The bicycle was belocked to the pole before , but now was gone .

  27. T恤衫被电线杆顶上的电力线钩住使灼灼起火。

    The T-shirt ignited when it caught on a power line atop a pole .

  28. 车子撞上了电线杆。

    The car hit the electric light pole .

  29. 他们拉紧了两根电线杆之间的电线。

    They strained the wire between two posts .

  30. 阿曼的傍晚,电线杆和油钻在淡橙色夜幕的衬托下勾画出一个个剪影。

    Telephone poles and oil rigs stand silhouetted against an orange-tinted evening sky in Oman .