
  • 网络Electronics engineer;electronic engineer;electrical engineer;Electric Engineer
  1. 1953年,有一位50多岁名叫克里斯托弗.科克雷的原电子工程师

    In1953 , a former electronics engineer in his fifties , Christopher Cockerell

  2. 不过他们没有五年的时间成为电子工程师,我们只有一个月时间。

    but they don 't have five years to become an electronics engineer . We have one month .

  3. EDX总裁兼电子工程师阿南特·阿加瓦尔预测说,即时评分软件将会是一个有益的教学工具,可以让学生反复测试和写作,并提高答案的质量。

    Anant Agarwal , an electrical engineer who is president of EdX , predicted that the instant-grading software would be a useful teaching tool , enabling students to take tests and write essays over and over and improve the quality of their answers .

  4. IEEE就是电气电子工程师协会。

    IEEE is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers .

  5. 他同时还是IEEE美国电气电子工程师协会(IEEE)的院士。

    Besides , he has also served as the academician of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) of US .

  6. 电机和电子工程师学会(StdC95.1),2005年。

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Std C95.1 – 2005 .

  7. 这台新机器,是由电子工程师J.P.埃克特和J.莫切利设计的。

    The new machine was designed by the electronic engineers J.P. Eckert and J. Mauchly ,

  8. 徐博士年仅32岁,却已经当选为电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE)会员。

    Despite his young age , 32-year-old Dr Djie was recently elected as a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) .

  9. 电气电子工程师协会IEEE组织于本周三在洛杉矶召开了其举办的“改变世界”竞赛活动的首次颁奖大会。

    On Thursday in Los Angeles the IEEE ( formerly the acronym for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ) is holding its first IEEE Presidents'Change the World Competition award ceremony .

  10. 那之后敏捷软件开发已经传播到世界各地的大型分布式商业项目,影响了IEEE(电气电子工程师协会),PMI(项目管理协会),SEI(软件工程协会)以及美国国防部。

    It has since spread to large , distributed , commercial projects around the world , affecting the IEEE , the PMI , the SEI and the Department of Defense .

  11. IEEE802.16是美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)所制定的新一代宽带无线接入系统标准,本文介绍了IEEE802.16标准物理层结构以及SUI信道模型。

    This paper introduces the physical layer structure of IEEE 802.16 , a standard for a new broad - band wireless access technology , and SUI ( Stanford University Interim ) channel models .

  12. 掌握专用集成电路的设计技术是未来电子工程师的必备能力之一,除了理论学习之外,IC-CAD工具的应用及实际电路的测试技术同样是VLSI电路设计教学中的重要环节。

    ASIC design technology is an important capacity of the future electronics engineers . Except the theoretical presentations , the CAD tool applications and realistic chips measurements are also included in advance training courses of VLSI .

  13. 一位MIT的电子工程师RahulSarpeshkar有个方法可以解决这两个问题。

    Rahul Sarpeshkar , an electrical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , has a solution to both these problems .

  14. 2004年6月,美国电机电子工程师协会(IEEE)正式通过了802.11i标准,其设计目的就是要为802.11网络协议提供增强的MAC层安全性。

    IEEE 802.11i , an IEEE standard ratified on June 24 , 2004 , is designed to provide an enhanced security mechanism in the Medium Access Control ( MAC ) layer for 802.11 networks .

  15. 近一、二十年,电子工程师们在增加IC的密度和规模上投入了了大量的精力,相比之下,被数字芯片广泛使用的基本记忆单元电路的结构优化问题则较少受到关注。

    Technicians have been contributing a great effort to increase the density and the scale of IC chips during the last twenty years . As compared to this effort less attention was paid to investigate the structure of basic memory unit greatly used in digital chips .

  16. 夏威夷的情况并不是孤立的,明尼苏达州大学(UniversityofMinnesota)电气工程及计算机工程教授、电气电子工程师学会(InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers)智能电网项目负责人马苏德·阿明(MassoudAmin)说。

    Hawaii 's case is not isolated , said Massoud Amin , a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Minnesota and chairman of the smart grid program at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers , a technical association .

  17. Accellera的性质描述语言PSL,是用来对系统的功能进行规范描述的语言,2005年9月被国际电气电子工程师协会接受为新的标准IEEE1850。

    Property Specification Language ( PSL ), which has been approved as a new standard IEEE 1850 by IEEE standardization organization in Sep.2005 , is used to specify the function of hardware design .

  18. 采用MAXIM公司专用滤波器设计芯片MAX274/275及其配套的开发软件,给出了一种简洁、有效的滤波器设计解决方案,对于电子工程师设计电子系统的滤波器具有实际指导作用。

    A simple , practical scheme by using special chip of MAX 274 / 275 is proposed and its supporting software is designed by MAXIM Company . This solution will be of guiding significance for electronic engineers to design wave filters in electronic system .

  19. 加洲Irvine大学的电子工程师最近开发一种只需1.5V电压就能将AM信号转换为声音的纳米管。

    Irvine ( CA ) - Electrical engineers at the University of California Irvine have developed a1.5 volt biased carbon nanotube receiver which can convert AM radio waves into sound .

  20. 目前电子工程师进行电子设计时,常利用EDA仿真软件对电子电路、信号与系统进行辅助分析,优化电路设计,提高开发产品进程和设计人员的工作效率。

    When at present electronic engineer carries on the electronic design , often using the EDA simulation software to the electronic circuit , the signal and the system carries on the assistance analysis , optimizes the circuit design , enhances the development product advancement and designs personnel 's working efficiency .

  21. Endy博士十分喜欢生物砖这个主意,因为这样合成生物学家有标准化组件可以利用,而标准化组件正是电子工程师由于有摩尔定律的作用而享受的优势之一。

    Dr Endy likes BioBricks because they promise the synthetic biologist the standardised set of parts that has been one of the advantages enjoyed by the electronic engineers behind Moore 's law .

  22. 电气电子工程师学会代表团(美)第二次访华

    The second visit to China by the delegation of American IEEE

  23. 我是一个训练中的电子工程师。

    I am an electronic and electrical engineer by training .

  24. 他曾经受过电子工程师的培训并随后转移到软件开发领域。

    He trained as an electronic engineer and later moved into software development .

  25. 公司有数名资深的研发工程师和电子工程师。

    The company is in possession of several senior Engineers and Electronics Engineers .

  26. 事实上,我被培养成电子工程师。

    Actually I was trained as an electronic engineer .

  27. 电子工程师和建筑工程师要远比软件工程师们训练有素。

    Electrical engineers and construction engineers are far more disciplined than software engineers .

  28. 此电子工程师将为一家设计和制造水处理设备的美国公司工作。

    An Electronic Engineer is required for a leading US-based company designing and manufacturing water equipment .

  29. 电气与电子工程师学会

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

  30. 海伦成了一名电子工程师。

    Helen became an electronic engineer .