
ruì diǎn yǔ
  • Swedish
  1. 他们说的是瑞典语还是丹麦语?

    Are they talking Swedish or Danish ?

  2. 她不仅讲自己的母语瑞典语,还讲英语和法语。

    She spoke not only her native language , Swedish , but also English and French

  3. 芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言

    Finnish and Swedish are the official languages .

  4. 关于这个完爆所有其他咒骂语的词最早可以追溯到挪威语fukka和瑞典语focka,都是“交配”的意思。

    The " F " Bomb The oldest theories trace the expletive-to-end-all-expletives back to Norwegian fukka and Swedish focka , both meaning " to copulate . "

  5. speedbump:把上面两个词连一起,就是speedbump(减速带),在瑞典语中的意思是放屁倒垃圾。

    Speed bump : Put the above two words together and you have the phrase speed bump , which in Swedish means fart dump .

  6. SpringRoo开箱即用地支持英语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语和瑞典语。

    Out of the box , Spring Roo supports English , German , Spanish , Italian , Dutch , and Swedish .

  7. 如果您熟悉C或C++,那么学习Java语言并不困难,这就像是会说瑞典语的人去学丹麦语一样。

    It isn 't that hard to learn the Java language when you already know C or C + + ; it 's similar to learning Danish when you already speak Swedish .

  8. 这里是旧城区,瑞典语叫做Gamlastan,小巷子里都铺着鹅卵石。

    This is the Old Town , Gamla stan , you know , with the cobbled little alleys .

  9. 当婚礼进行到赞美诗部分,罗克赛特女主唱玛丽·弗莱德里克森(MarieFredriksson)和百老汇《歌剧魅影》男星皮特·乔巴克(PeterJoback)分别用瑞典语和英语演唱,令新郎新娘十分动容。

    The bride and groom were visibly moved as the ceremony proceeded with hymns in both Swedish and English , and performances by Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson and Broadway 's " Phantom of the Opera " star Peter Joback .

  10. 后来我发现,在瑞典语中,米老鼠的意思是Mussie猪。

    Then I learned that " Mickey Mouse " in Swedish is Mussie Pig .

  11. 诺亚韦伯斯特(NoahWebster)曾预言,美式英语将会面临同样命运,总有一天美式英语会像源于德语的现代荷兰语、丹麦语和瑞典语一样,变得与未来英国人所说的英语完全不同。

    Noah Webster predicted a similar fate for American English , which would one day be as different from the future language of England , as the modern Dutch , Danish and Swedish are from the German .

  12. 作为CCXR的升级版,它的特点是闪闪发光的钻石碳纤维外壳,这也是其名“Trevita”的由来,在瑞典语中意为“三白”。

    This car is the predecessor to the CCXR and features a new shimmering diamond carbon fiber , named " Trevita " which in Swedish means " three whites " .

  13. 能说瑞典语、俄语、德语、法语和英语。

    Speaking Swedish , Russian , German , French and English .

  14. 而且,在瑞典语中,有很多种拼写方法,这有什么关系呢?

    Again , the Swedish spelling varied , but so what ?

  15. 她说你懂点儿瑞典语。

    She says you do know a little bit of swedish .

  16. 报告全文是瑞典语,附带有英文摘要。

    The report is in Swedish with an English summary .

  17. 语言:芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言。

    Language : Finnish and Swedish are the official languages .

  18. 信的一半是用瑞典语写的,另一半是用英语写的。

    Half the letter was in Swedish and the rest in english .

  19. 你学会了一点瑞典语吗?

    EG : Did you pick up any Swedish ?

  20. 其中一部是瑞典语表演。

    One of them is a Swedish performance .

  21. 在瑞典语中,这个词是尿的意思。

    In Swedish , the word means pee .

  22. 丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。

    Danish and Swedish are allied languages .

  23. 他们学习瑞典语或意大利语,因为他们的祖父母或曾祖父母来自这些国家。

    They study Swedish or Italian because their grandparents or great-grandparents came from these countries .

  24. 不,我只说瑞典语。

    I speak a little Swedish .

  25. 荷兰,德国,英语,法语,西班牙语,丹麦语,瑞典语,中文。

    Dutch , English , German , French , Spanish , Swedish , Danish and Chinese .

  26. 他错误地以为,他的芬兰同事也能像他那样流利使用瑞典语。

    He supposed ( wrongly ) that his compatriots spoke Swedish as well as he did .

  27. 而保加利亚语则是一种斯拉夫语言,其与俄语的相近程度不亚于丹麦语和瑞典语的关系。

    Bulgarian is a Slavic tongue , as close to Russian as Danish is to Swedish .

  28. 那是挪威语还是瑞典语?

    Is that Norwegian or swedish ?

  29. 你可以从这本宣传手册中了解更多关于协调号的信息(瑞典语和英语)。

    You can read more about the co-ordination number in this brochure ( Swedish and English ) .

  30. 用瑞典语唱着歌跳着舞

    dancing and singing in Swedish