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  • Denver
  1. 丹佛在10个被考虑的地点之中具有优势。

    Denver has the inside track among 10 sites being considered

  2. 丹佛队在加时赛中以23比20击败克利夫兰布朗队夺得冠军。

    Denver had won the championship by defeating the Cleveland Browns 23-20 in overtime .

  3. 在许多诸如丹佛这样的城市,一种被吸引到市区的多元化、有活力的经济为居民提供了稳定的工作机会。

    In many of these cities such as Denver , a diverse and vigorous economy attracted to the urban core has offered stable employment for residents .

  4. 据美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)丹佛分部报道,丹佛市外的一个学区已决定将一周的上课时间缩短为四天(周二到周五),按照这一新时间表开展课程的第一个学年已经开始。

    A school district outside Denver has decided to shorten its week to four days — from Tuesday to Friday , and the first school year on this new timetable just started , CBS Denver reports .

  5. 1984年,我以每年170万美元的薪水加盟了丹佛野马队。当然,我给我母亲买了梦想中的房子!

    In 1984 , I began to play the Denver Bronces for $ 1.7 million a year , And Certainly , I bought my mother the house of my dream !

  6. 据《丹佛邮报》报道,虽然这听起来像是梦想成真,但这意味着学生们将不得不学习更长时间,以弥补所失去的时间。

    Although this may sound like a dream come true , it means students will have to sit though longer school days to work more for the hours they 've lost , according to The Denver Post .

  7. 据《丹佛邮报》报道,这并不是该州第一个实行一周四天制的地区:这里55%的学校都是这样做的,但其中大部分学校都位于乡村地区。

    This isn 't the first district in the state to introduce a four — day week : 55 % of the state 's schools do this , but most of them are in the countryside , according to The Denver Post .

  8. 这些发现表明生产史可能与更短的端粒之间存在着联系。该研究的概述在美国公共卫生协会于丹佛市举办的会议上发布。

    These findings suggest that a " history of live birth may be associated with shorter telomeres , " the researchers wrote in their abstract , which was presented at the meeting of the American Public Health Association in Denver .

  9. 丹佛的《落基山新闻报》于本月早些时候停刊,因为其所属的E。

    The Rocky Mountain News in Denver closed earlier this month after its owner , E.

  10. 爱国者队进攻核心汤姆·布拉迪在丹佛的SportsAuthorityField体育场很难得分,而野马队的四分卫佩顿·曼宁则取得了两位数的得分。

    Tom Brady in the Patriots ' offense struggled at Denver 's Sports Authority Field and Peyton Manning at Broncos won by double-digit .

  11. 上上周,我出席了美国经济学会(americaneconomicassociation)在丹佛举行的年会,在会上听到的一些报告让我产生了怀疑。

    Last week I attended the annual meeting of the American Economic Association in Denver , and some of the papers I heard gave me pause for thought .

  12. 今年早些时候,总部位于丹佛的投资集团janusinternational推出了一只europeanequityfund,面向美国以外的机构投资者销售。

    Earlier this year , Janus international , the Denver-based investment group , rolled out a European Equity Fund , targeting institutional investors outside the US .

  13. 我还没见到ai和甜瓜组合的情况,但是我能感觉到丹佛会下跌的。

    I havent seen the new AI Melo combo yet , but I feel the melt down is awaiting in denver .

  14. NPR新闻,纳山·黑弗尔报道丹佛报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Nathan Heffel in Denver .

  15. 他目前在丹佛Rails用户组中(akaDeRailed)。

    He is currently hosting the Denver Rails User Group Chapter ( aka DeRailed ) .

  16. 在科罗拉多州丹佛市召开的全美企业经济学家协会(nationalassociationofbusinesseconomists)会议上,瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数还在日臻完善的过程中,而且谷歌尚未决定是否会将其发布。

    At the National Association of business economists conference in Denver , Colorado , Mr Varian said that the GPI was a work in progress and Google had not yet decided whether to publish it .

  17. 斯科特·霍斯利,NPR新闻,丹佛。

    Scott Horsley , NPR News , Denver .

  18. 美国丹佛的网络初创公司FullContactAPI的总裁巴特-洛朗表示,在各家争相雇佣顶级人才的竞争市场中,他想让自己的员工心情愉快,充满干劲。

    The CEO of Denver-based internet start-up FullContact API said in a market that is competitive for top talent , he wants to keep his employees happy and refreshed .

  19. 除非你就读的是科罗拉多州丹佛的ArrupeJesuit高中。

    unless you go to Arrupe Jesuit High in Denver , Colorado .

  20. 丹佛电视台消息显示,正是的讨论会并没有开始,因为Holmes已经准备退学。

    According to a Denver TV station , a formal meeting never happened because Holmes had decided to drop out of school .

  21. 这名27岁的年轻人在丹佛(Denver)的应用程序开发公司IbottaInc.做业务开发工作,每年赚4万美元。

    The 27-year-old works in business development at app developer Ibotta Inc. in Denver , where he makes $ 40000 a year .

  22. 丹佛——杰克·布朗尼(JakeBrowne)坐在一张黄色山羊皮椅子上,手指悉心拨弄一支大麻花蕾。

    Jake Browne was seated in a yellow suede chair , carefully rotating a marijuana bud between his fingers .

  23. 新开的威斯汀丹佛国际机场酒店(WestinDenverInternationalAirport)就在主航站楼旁边,为旅客提供了一个港湾,里面有室内泳池和热水浴缸。

    The new Westin Denver International Airport Hotel , just beyond the main terminal , provides harbor for waylaid travelers and includes an indoor pool and hot tub .

  24. 在C厅,丹佛餐馆(Denver)的分店RootDown供应从农场到餐桌(farm-to-table)的美食,包括可以打包上飞机的生食和三明治。

    At C Gates , Root Down , a branch of the Denver restaurant , offers farm-to-table fare , including raw items and sandwiches packed for the plane .

  25. 这些男人属于一个名为美国居家奶爸网(NationalAt-HomeDadNetwork)的组织。今年秋初的一个周末,他们在丹佛举行年度聚会(这是个难得的夜晚,不用带孩子)。

    The men are part of a group called the National At-Home Dad Network , which on an early fall weekend had gathered here for an annual retreat ( and a rare night without the kids ) .

  26. 丹佛智能发育筛选检查(DDST)在国内的应用:回顾与瞻望

    The use of DDST in china : Retrospect and Prospect

  27. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛几位嘉宾在丹佛加入我们的节目,还有洛杉矶的MaryAnn,我最喜欢的牧师,来自SanMarinoUnitedChurchofChrist教区ReverendArtCribbs教堂。

    Joining me live from Denver and L.A. and also in L.A. , along with Mary Ann there , one of my favorite pastors , the Reverend Art Cribbs of the San Marino United Church of Christ .

  28. 过去他确实没有音乐方面的才能,少年的母亲对CBS丹佛电视台记者说,过去我会问他,你听不出下一个音符是什么吗?

    ' He really had no talent , ' his mother Elsie Hamilton told CBS Denver . ' I would say , Can 't you hear what 's next ?

  29. Bernstein办了一家名为“生态水之源”的公司,还在YouTube开了一个频道,在丹佛植物园教授生态水培技术,最近还出了一本书。

    Ms. Bernstein started her own business called the Aquaponics Source . She has a YouTube channel , teaches aquaponics at the Denver Botanic Gardens and recently published a book .

  30. 今天的CNN学生新闻从两起涉及校园暴力的悲剧开始。在美国马萨诸塞州的丹佛有7所学校。昨天,官方关闭了所有这些学校。

    Today 's edition of CNN STUDENT NEWS begins with two tragedies involving school violence . There are seven schools in Danvers , Massachusetts . Yesterday , officials closed all of them .