
  1. 后来,另一个德川家族的将军家光(Ieyasu),也即德川家康的孙子,集中全国最好的工匠和最好的材料,胁迫贵族们出钱,在日光修建了许多建筑。

    Later in that same century , another Tokugawa shogun , Ieyasu 's grandson Iemitsu , assembled the country 's greatest artisans and finest materials , commanded an outpouring of cash from the cowed nobility and did more building at Nikko .

  2. 尽管德川家康非常自负,但他并不是个普通的军阀。

    However inflated his self-esteem , Ieyasu was no run-of-the-mill warlord .

  3. 身材肥胖,脸如浣熊,脚边还散落着敌人的头颅的日本堂堂幕府将军,德川家康的这个形象无法被看作“大众情人”。

    FAT , raccoon-faced , and with the severed head of one of his enemies at his feet , Ieyasu Tokugawa , Japan 's mightiest shogun , hardly looks like a heartthrob .