
zū lìn
  • lease;rent;tenancy;hire;charter
租赁 [zū lìn]
  • [rent;lease;hire] 租借

租赁[zū lìn]
  1. Word和Excel在房屋租赁合同管理中的应用

    The Application of Word and Excel in the Management of the House Rent Contracts

  2. SD模型在我国汽车租赁行业发展趋势分析中的应用

    Application of SD Model in Development Trend Analysis of Rent Automobile in Our Country

  3. 作为共同租赁人,他们共同占用这份房地产。

    They hold the property as tenants in common .

  4. 所有租赁车辆仅供个人使用。

    All hire cars are for personal use only .

  5. 各处对单程租赁的收费都很高。

    There are hefty charges across the board for one-way rental

  6. 租户应该认真核对租赁合同。

    Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely .

  7. 随着汽车租赁业的两极分化,生意将流向较大的公司。

    As the car rental industry polarizes , business will go to the bigger companies

  8. 20世纪90年代早期,进入租赁行业很容易。

    In the early 1990s , it was easy to get into the rental business

  9. 房屋租赁者将获得购买所住房产终身保有权的新权利。

    People owning leasehold homes will be given a new right to buy the freehold of their property .

  10. 对于食品进口的焦虑甚至正在促使粮食进口国做出新的努力:在其他国家购买或租赁土地。

    Food-import anxiety is even leading to new efforts by food-importing countries to buy or lease farmland in other countries .

  11. 租赁信息。在您访问期间,您可以使用储物柜存放任何物品。

    Rental Information.Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit .

  12. 在魁北克省,许多房屋租赁从7月1日开始,持续整整一年,所以许多魁北克人在加拿大日这一天从一所房子搬到另一所房子。

    In the province of Quebec , many home rentals start on July 1st and last for exactly one year , and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another .

  13. 服装租赁曾被认为是替代快时尚的可持续又省钱的选择,在租衣平台RenttheRunway和凯莉·西蒙兹等公众人物的推广下走近了百姓的生活。凯莉·西蒙兹曾穿着租来的衣服举行婚礼和出席七国集团峰会。

    Renting clothes has been thought of the sustainable and frugal4 alternative to fast fashion , popularised by companies such as Rent the Runway and public figures like Carrie Symonds , who rented her wedding dress and her outfits5 for the G7 conference .

  14. 但转租不得超过本合同约定之租赁期限

    But sublets not to surpass renting of deadline this contract agreement .

  15. 研究发现,服装租赁对气候造成的影响最大。

    It found that renting clothes had the highest climate impact of all .

  16. 然而,世界经济论坛今年的一份报告指出,服装租赁业产生的碳排放量占到了全球排放量的5%。

    A report by the World Economic Forum8 this year suggested that the industry generates 5 % of global emissions9 .

  17. 在库房和租赁者之间来回运送服装的运输量很大。

    Renting involves a large amount of transportation , taking the clothes back and forth2 between the warehouse3 and the renter .

  18. 这些租赁合同同时终止。在出租人签署租赁合同之前,承租人必须要收到合同副本。

    The leases are coterminous . Before the lessor signs the lease , the lessee must receive a copy of the contract .

  19. 分享经济的商业模式来自于我们人类最古老的本能——合作、共享、慷慨、个人选择以及灵活多变。具体模式包括租赁、易物、借贷、赠送、交换以及合作组织等所有权共享形式。

    Sharing economy business models emerge from our oldest instincts as humans - – cooperation , sharing , generosity and forms of shared ownership such as cooperative structures .

  20. 这项新研究指出,假如服装租赁公司把自己的物流系统变得更环保,那么租赁对环境的影响将和转售相当。

    The new study suggests that if rental companies change their logistics to make them more climate friendly , renting would , environmentally , be on a level with reselling .

  21. 出现赤字的90多个国家的净债务(根据飞机租赁调整)平均是EBITDAR(衡量航空公司利润的指标)的6倍。

    The 90-odd that are in the red have on average six times as much net debt ( adjusted for aircraft leases ) as EBITDAR ( a measure of airline profits ) .

  22. 研究发现,许多服装租赁品牌都在滥用“循环经济”一词作为漂绿手段。

    The study found many rental brands misuse10 the term " circular economy " – the system where clothes are passed from person to person before being recycled – as a form of greenwashing .

  23. 发表在芬兰科学期刊《环境研究快报》上的这项研究评估了5种拥有和处理衣服的不同方法对环境造成的影响,包括租赁、转售和回收。

    The study , published by the Finnish scientific journal Environmental Research Letters assessed the environmental impact of five different ways of owning and disposing of clothing , including renting , resale and recycling .

  24. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider,应用服务提供商)平台以软件应用租赁服务为核心,充分利用互联网技术,实现资源的共享以及管理的集中,能有效降低信息化成本。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is centered on application service of software for the purpose of sharing resources and lowering social costs .

  25. 从达飞集团分拆出来的全球船舶租赁公司(globalshiplease)已在纽约上市,该公司拥有达飞的多艘船舶。

    CMA CGM has spun off and listed in New York global ship lease , which owns many of its ships .

  26. ERP租赁问题探讨

    ERP Tenancy Problems Discussion

  27. 一家全球汽车租赁公司了解可支持其关键业务动力的SOA解决方案的价值主张

    A global car rental company understood the value propositions of a SOA solution that would support its key business drivers

  28. DVD租赁、酒店预定、汽车出租。

    DVD rental , hotel booking , car rental .

  29. ASP模式是近年来迅速发展起来的一种基于互联网的新型商业租赁服务模式。

    ASP mode is a new Internet-based commerce service mode for rent that grows up quickly recent years .

  30. 我国加入WTO以后,与世界经济接轨是其主要的发展途径,融资租赁业在我国必将得到快速发展。

    With the WTO 's entry of our country , it is an important avenue to great economic development that to get joint with the world economic .