
zū jīn
  • rent;rental;charter hire;reprises;rent payable by lessee to lessor
租金 [zū jīn]
  • [rent;rental;rent payable by lessee to lessor] 租赁房屋、物品的金额

租金[zū jīn]
  1. 租金由承租人共同且分别承担。

    Tenants are jointly and severally liable for payment of the rent .

  2. 我们拖欠了两个月的租金。

    We 're two months in arrears with the rent .

  3. 汽车租金不限里程,但不包括燃油费。

    The car rental included unlimited mileage , but not fuel .

  4. 他们决定以低租金把那些较小的办公室租出去。

    They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents .

  5. 这套房子她每周要付租金200英镑。

    She pays £ 200 a week for this apartment .

  6. 你租这个地方的租金是多少?

    How much rent do you pay for this place ?

  7. 公寓租金按全部住满为基础计算。

    Prices are based on full occupancy of an apartment .

  8. 这套房间每月租金为500元。

    The apartment rents for $ 500 a month .

  9. 费用包括礼堂租金。

    The price includes the hire of the hall .

  10. 租金是每月300英镑。

    The rent is £ 300 per month .

  11. 租金可以由房东和租户协商确定。

    The rent is a matter for negotiation between the landlord and the tenant .

  12. 无论三个还是四个人住,周租金不变。

    The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants .

  13. 要是我算对了的话,我应该负担得起这笔租金。

    If I 've got my sums right , I should be able to afford the rent .

  14. 租金为每周100英镑。

    Rent is £ 100 p.w.

  15. 在我读大学期间,她打工挣钱来付租金。

    She worked to pay the rent while I went to college

  16. 大理石拱门的经销商们面临租金的大幅上涨。

    Traders in Marble Arch are facing huge rent increases .

  17. 一部分租金由市政委员会支付。

    A proportion of the rent is met by the city council .

  18. 成功地将租金降到每平方英尺1美元。

    It manages to knock rents down to $ 1 per square foot .

  19. 儿童汽车坐椅一周的租金才10英镑。

    Child car seats only cost about £ 10 a week to hire .

  20. 我收到一张我的信用卡公司寄来的汽车租金账单。

    I received a bill for the car rental from my credit card company

  21. 这些要求被置之不理。他关于支付租金的要求有时也同样未被理睬。

    These requests are ignored . His requests for rent are likewise sometimes ignored

  22. 你仍可以找到包括供暖在内每周租金150英镑的度假别墅。

    You can still find cottages for £ 150 a week , including heating .

  23. 他得到了一个新的免租金公寓。

    He was given a new rent-free apartment .

  24. 因为没有支付租金,她已经收到了市政会发给她的驱逐令。

    She has received an eviction order from the council for non-payment of rent .

  25. 布里连顿夫妇按时交纳租金,一个子儿也不欠他的。

    The Brilliantons paid their rent on time and did not owe him a penny

  26. 当然啦,市区正中心的租金是很高的。

    Of course , slap-bang in the middle of town the rents are high .

  27. 我们不担心,因为他们交租金总是非常及时。

    We didn 't worry because they were always so prompt with their rental payment .

  28. 他的房东把租金提高了一倍。

    His landlord doubled the rent .

  29. 我以每年450英镑的租金租了一所房子。

    I went into a leasehold property at four hundred and fifty pounds rent per year .

  30. 他们最近提高了我的租金。

    They recently put my rent up