
zū jiè
  • concession;foreign settlement;leased territory
租界 [zū jiè]
  • [concession;foreign settlement] 强国根据不平等条约在弱国的都市或境内租借的地区

租界[zū jiè]
  1. 法国建筑师保罗·慕乐(PaulMuller),是一位活跃于近代天津法租界的著名建筑师。

    French architect Paul · Muller ( Paul M ü ller ) , who was active in French concession of Tianjin , China in modern times , is a celebrated architect .

  2. 汉口租界公共建筑存续关系研究

    Research on the Maintain Relationship of Public Architecture in Wuhan Concession

  3. 我们悄然进入位于昔日公共租界(InternationalSettlement)的一幢现代风格建筑后,服务员把我们带至楼上的素餐厅,这儿的幽静私密包间几乎清一色用日式极简主义风格打造。

    We have slipped into a modern building in the former International Settlement and have been shown upstairs to the restaurant , where our quiet private room is decorated with an almost Japanese minimalism .

  4. 鲁迅在整个晚年一直住在上海都市化并享有特权的外国租界中:享受天伦之乐,逛逛自己最喜欢的书店,举办晚宴或者是看看《人猿泰山》(Tarzan)的电影。

    Through his last years , Lu Xun continued to shelter in Shanghai 's urbane , privileged foreign enclaves : enjoying family life , browsing favorite bookshops , hosting dinners , going to Tarzan movies .

  5. 一个“千禧”世代的年轻人,正在上海前法租界居民区的包子铺排队买包子。这位年轻人说自己在家已经吃了一碗脆谷乐(Cheerios),来这儿想再吃点包子,补充点“硬货”。

    One young millennial queueing at the neighbourhood " baozi " or steamed bun stall in Shanghai 's former French concession , said he was there for a bit of a bun " chaser " to the bowl of Cheerios he had consumed at home .

  6. 20世纪30年代上海公共租界非疾病因素导致的伤亡考察

    Review on Non-Disease Factors-Induced Casualty During 1930s in Shanghai International Settlements

  7. 上海租界城市管理法规的发展与演变

    The Evolution of Statutes Regarding City Management in Shanghai Foreign Concessions

  8. 上海租界时期的公共雕塑

    The Public Sculpture in Shanghai During the Period of the Colony

  9. 上海租界的城市化效应汉口地区血友病调查报告

    The Urbanization Effect of Shanghai Concession Areas Hemophilia in Hankou Wuhan

  10. 租界之界&汉口租界的边界与边界效应

    The Boundary of Foreign Settlement and Its Effect in Hankou

  11. 天津原奥租界历史街区保护开发研究

    Research on Protection and Exploitation of Austrian Concessions History Block in Tianjin

  12. 租界城市天津的过去、现在及未来

    Past , Today and Future of Colonized Concession City Tianjin

  13. 土地的所有人不知道他们所有的租界地的范围。

    Landowners unaware of the extent of their own holdings .

  14. 30年代上海租界教育改革研究

    Study of the Educational Reform in Shanghai Concession in 1930s

  15. 天津市意大利租界民族路片区改造分析

    Reconstruction of Minzu Road in Italy Concession Area of Tianjin

  16. 上海等大城市被强行划分为列强的租界;

    Large cities like Shanghai were dissected to concessions to imperialist powers .

  17. 租界是近代中国在国际上受尽屈辱的历史见证。

    Concession is the historical witness of being humiliated in the world .

  18. 近代中国公共租界比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Public Concessions in Modern China

  19. 租界与近代上海房地产

    Concession and the Real Estate of Shanghai in Modern Times

  20. 汉口租界的报刊与传播控制

    The Press and the Control of Mass Communication in Hankow 's Settlements

  21. 收回汉口英租界原因之再认识

    Further Understanding of the Causes of Regaining the British Concession in Hankou

  22. 中、美西北地区近代城市化进程比较人力车:近代城市化的一个标尺&以上海公共租界为考察点

    Comparison on modern urbanization between the northwestern areas in America and China

  23. 战时上海的租界问题

    The Problem of Foreign Concessions in Shanghai during Wartime

  24. 租界是近代中国半殖民地化的一个重要标志。

    Concession was an important sign of the half colonization of modern China .

  25. 向银行租界保险箱是很容易的。

    It 's very easy that tolease the saft deposit boxes for bank .

  26. 论租界文化对新感觉派欲望化叙事的影响

    The Influence of Concession Culture on the Desire Narrative of New Sense School

  27. 租界文化体验对现代小说创作的影响

    Influence of Concession Cultural Experiences on Modern Fiction Composition

  28. 汉口原租界区城市空间演进解读

    An Understanding of the Urban Evolvement of the Former Leased Area in Hankou

  29. 左翼文学思潮的兴起与租界文化的关系

    The Ris in g of Left-W in g Literary Trend with Concession Civilization

  30. 租界、教会与近代中国的秘密社会

    Concession , Church and Modern Chinese Secret Society