
  • 网络Rental costs;lease expense;rental fee
  1. 由于承租方不承担所有权风险,租赁费用在收益报表中作为经营费用,租赁对资产负债表不产生影响。

    Since the lessee does not assume the risk of ownership , the lease expense is treated as an operating expense in the income statement and the lease does not affect the balance sheet .

  2. 即使砂料是加砂水刀运行成本的三分之二,也必须快速生产工件以消耗间接费用(劳动力、设施、租赁费用)。

    Even sand is two thirds of operation cost of sand filling water cutter , and also must be rapidly produce the work pieces to consume the indirect expenses ( labor force , facilities and lease expense ) .

  3. 球杆的租赁费用为195迪拉姆(约合人民币335元)。

    Fees for rental clubs are 195 dirhams .

  4. 罢工者还说,三亚市很多不支付车辆租赁费用的无照计程车抢走了他们的生意。

    The strikers also say many unlicensed cabs operate in Sanya without paying rental fees and steal their business .

  5. 55%的学生说,如果使用电子教材意味着教材租赁费用不会增加的话,他们会选择电子教材。

    Fifty-five percent said they would choose e-textbooks if using them meant their textbook rental fee would not increase .

  6. 工程建设中施工设备的租赁费用、运输费用、安装费用在工程总成本中占有一定的比例。

    Rent , transition cost and setup cost of equipment share a certain proportion of the total project cost in construction project .

  7. 根据客户组合方式的不同,讨论了由于租赁费用、运费等的不同所节约的费用,导致共同化所产生的费用分担不同的各种计算法。

    We focus on cost allocation algorithms , which are different from each other , under different combinative meaning which lead different cost saving .

  8. 国际贸易的不平衡,导致世界各地进出口箱量和箱型不平衡,由此产生了大量的空箱调运和空箱租赁费用。

    With international trade imbalance , caused imbalance of import and export container volumes and types around the world , caused a large amount of rental costs and transportation costs .

  9. 每月费用:11000元费用包括:所有的汽车相关费用:汽车租赁费用:汽油费:司机工资包括其各种社会保险:汽车保险:汽车的保养维修费用。

    Monthly expernse : 11000 RMB this expense shall include : all relevant expenses of shuttle car ; expense of car lease , gasoline fee , salary of driver , including all social insurances ; car insurance , maintenance fee of shuttle car .

  10. 实验表明,该方法能有效减少跨数据中心科学工作流执行时的数据传输量,从而提升了科学工作流执行效率以及减少了云资源租赁费用。

    The experimental results show that the proposed strategy can significantly reduce the volume of data transfer among different data centers , and hence improve the performance of running scientific workflows and cut down the cost of doing science on the clouds as well .

  11. 第三条与融资租赁有关的融资费用,适用《企业会计准则第21号??租赁》。

    Article 3 The financing costs related to the financing leases shall be subject to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 - Leases .

  12. 在合同期内因乙方原因提前终止合同,乙方须首先付清实际租赁期间的相关费用并赔偿相关费用。

    In case of terminate the contract in advance caused by Party B , he shall pay the total rent and be responsible for related expenses .

  13. 雷诺-日产计划通过一项租赁方案剥离电池费用,以进一步降低消费者的购车费用这使得它们能够以与同类传统汽车相当的价格销售电动汽车。

    Nissan and Renault plan to reduce the cost to consumers further by decoupling the cost of the battery from the car under a leasing scheme , allowing them to sell the vehicles at a price comparable to similar conventional cars .

  14. 尽管中国电信集团将收购CDMA网络,但其在香港上市的子公司中国电信,将只会向母公司租赁该网络至2010年,租赁费用是CDMA业务收入的28%。

    While China Telecom 's parent group would acquire the CDMA network , its Hong Kong-listed arm would lease it for 28 per cent of the business 's revenue a year until 2010 .

  15. 不同的虚拟机租赁方案会导致完全不同的租赁费用开销,这是服务提供商必须考虑的问题。

    Different strategies to rent VMs will result in different rental cost , which has become an important issue for service providers .