
  • 网络lease credit
  1. 用Logistic模型的实证研究结果得到了我国金融租赁信用风险的判别方程,为我国金融租赁风险管理提供了方法上的一个模板。

    By the conclusion of positive study using Logistic Model , the credit risk discriminant of domestic financial leasing is gained , and we can use this template to progress our risk management .

  2. 具体可以从银行信用、证券信用、保险信用、金融租赁信用等方面进行考察。

    Now we can examine it from the specific aspects of the bank credit , security credit , finance leasing credit etc.

  3. 汽车租赁业信用管理的信息集成

    Information Integration in Credit Management of Auto Rent

  4. 以市场驱动的环境中,可使用各种激励性措施把产品推向上游。例如为货物退回提供存款和现金,向替代性采购提供租赁和信用。

    In market-driven system , the product is " pulled " upstream using various incentive policies , such as deposits , cash for product return , leasing and credit towards a replacement purchase .

  5. 租赁资产的信用风险度量

    The Measurement of Credit Risk in Rent Capitals

  6. 现代租赁与其他信用形式的区别

    Differences Between Finance Lease And Other Credits

  7. 本文的主要观点和内容:企业筹资方式是指企业筹措资金所采用的具体形式或手段,主要有:吸收直接投资、发行股票、发行债券、银行借款、融资租赁、商业信用等。

    The financing modes covers absorbing directly investment , issuing stock , borrowings from banks , leasehold and commercial crediting and so on .

  8. 信托投资公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司和信用社比照执行。

    The trust and investment companies , finance companies , finance leasing companies and credit cooperatives shall conduct by reference to these Measures .

  9. 融资租赁将银行信用、商业信用和消费信用有效叠加实现了资源的优化配置。

    Financial Lease unites Bank Credit , Business Credit and Spend Credit effectually , and then it realizes the fine disposition of natural resources .

  10. 然后对金融租赁公司的信用风险进行了分析,探讨了银行系租赁公司信用风险的成因以及信用风险管理的问题,为全文信用风险管理的研究奠定了基础。

    Then , this article analyze the credit risk of the bank financial leasing company , analyzing the causes of credit risk of the company and the problems of the credit risk management , laying foundation for the study of credit risk management .

  11. 突破现代租赁业发展的信用瓶颈

    Breaking the credit bottleneck of modern leasing industry development

  12. 解决现代租赁业发展的信用瓶颈的关键是建立全国范围内的信用体系。

    The key to breaking the credit bottleneck of modem leasing industry development is to establish nation-wide credit systems .

  13. 融资租赁结合了银行信用、商业信用和消费信用,是一种创新的金融工具,能有效避免企业对银行信贷的依赖。

    Financial lease combine the bank credit , commercial credit and consumer credit . It is an innovative financial instrument which can effectively prevent enterprises from relying on bank credit .

  14. 金融租赁的业务特征,相对其他金融业务,金融租赁面临的信用风险、利率风险、流动性风险以及操作风险具有更大的复杂性。

    Because of the characteristics of financial leasing business , financial leasing exposes more complexity than other financial services in credit risk , interest rate risk , liquidity risk and operational risk and so on .

  15. 同时还从承租人和出租人的角度研究了铁路运输装备融资租赁的风险和风险控制措施,认为在铁路运输装备融资租赁业务中,信用风险和市场风险是最主要的风险因素。

    Meanwhile , the article regards the credit and market risk as the most importation risk factors in railway financing leasing business by investigating railway financing leasing risks and risk control measures from the perspective of the lessee and lessor .

  16. 融资租赁作为现代租赁业的重要标志,与现代租赁的其他形式相比,其承租人不仅可以通过租赁获得设备的使用权,而且可以把租赁信用作为融通资金的手段。

    Financial leading is the important symbol of modern leasing . Compared with other forms , its lessee can not only own the using right of certain equipment but also make it means for financing funds .