
  • 网络credit;assets credit
  1. 个人资产信用评估指标的建立

    Setting-up Personal Asset Credit Rating Index

  2. 公司资产信用的理论基础就是公司独立人格理论及债的担保理论。

    The theoretical basis for the assets credit is independent personality theory and the theory of the debt security .

  3. 该部分集中分析了BOT融资信用结构的三个层次:BOT信用结构的核心信用基础是项目的未来现金流,现有的项目资产信用构成对未来现金流的信用支持。

    In this chapter , the author categorizes three hierarchies of BOT financing credit bases : the key basis of BOT credit structure is the future cash flow of the project which is ensured by the current project asset .

  4. 从资本信用到资产信用

    From the Capital Credit to the Assets Credit

  5. 资产信用维护的重要措施之一是资产信息的提供与获取。

    One of the most important measures to maintain asset credit is to provide and access to asset information .

  6. 通过这种转化也完成了信用制度的一次革命:从企业的整体信用基础向资产信用基础转化。

    This transformation has also completed the reformation of credit system from enterprise overall credit basis to asset credit basis .

  7. 在资产信用理念的指导下,公司可以接受的出资形式逐渐增多。

    Under the guidance of assets credit concept , the funding forms which could be accepted by companies are increasing gradually .

  8. 在公司信用观念从资本信用向资产信用转变的前提下,股东出资形式呈现出多元化的趋势,股权出资具备法律上的适格性,具有理论和现实的重大意义。

    On the basic of the corporation credit transform from capital credit to assets credit , Equity contribution presents a trend of diversification .

  9. 第二章对个人资信评估的基本概念进行了介绍,指出个人资信由个人资产信用和个人道德信用两个方面构成,提出个人资产信用是影响个人资信的主要方面。

    It is made up of personal moral credit and personal asset credit . And asset credit is as important as moral credit .

  10. 第四章针对现有个人资信评分体系存在的不足,着重对个人资产信用进行评估,并划分了个人资产信用等级。

    Chapter 4 . In order to resolve the problem that personal credit evaluation only evaluates personal moral credit and neglects personal asset credit .

  11. 模型的参数可以通过标的资产信用价差的期限结构进行估计。

    The Model parameters can be estimated though the term structure of the credit spreads of the assets and the daily quotes from the market .

  12. 公司信用基础是广义的资本信用,其涵盖了资产信用的内容。

    This article analyzes the concrete content of credit , and points out that the foundation of company is capital credit in a broad sense .

  13. 信用数据分为个人金融资产信用信息系统和个人一般社会信用信息体系两部分;

    The data base is formed with two parts , one for individual financial asset information system and the other for general social individual credit information system ;

  14. 第二阶段是公司信用基础的形成和发展阶段,主要表现是资产信用,这是公司信用的核心阶段。

    The second stage is the forming and development of company credit basis , mainly included assets credit . That is the core stage of company credit .

  15. 从而,论证了人力资本符合资产信用理念和资产效率价值目标,是可以作为一种出资形式的。

    So it proves that human capital line with assets credit idea and assets efficiency value targets , human capital can be used as a form of funding .

  16. 信用风险模型是近年来在一些国际性商业银行内部用于衡量银行资产信用风险的模型方法,它在有效测评商业银行信用风险方面发挥了重要的作用。

    In recent years Credit Risk Model is widely used within international banking groups , which plays a very important role in measuring credit risk of assets of commercial banks .

  17. 资本信用理论应修正僵化的注册资本信用,突出资产信用,并随着知识经济的发展而注入新的内容。

    The theory of capital credit in company law should correct the registered capital credit , emphasize asset credit and transfuse new elements into it with the development of knowledge economy .

  18. 本文认为,在新《公司法》框架下,公司信用的基调已从静态的资本信用转向动态的资产信用。

    It is believed by the author that under the framework of the New Corporate Law , the keynote of corporate credit has moved from static capital credit to dynamic capital credit .

  19. 资产信用则为了避免传递过程中信息的扭曲与失真,直接将关注点放到公司资产上,然而资产的流动性使得这种直接的考察十分困难。

    To avoid the information distortion in the passing process , the Asset Credit directly stress the corporation assets , which may be very difficult because of the fluxion of the assets .

  20. 将注册资本信用和资产信用统一在广义的资本信用概念中,并以之为指导建立债权人利益保护需要的资本信用体制模式;

    Integrate Registered capital credit and Property credit into the generalized concept of Capital credit , and take it as an instruction to establish Capital credit system model to protect creditors ' benefit ;

  21. 随着公司实践的发展,公司信用基础逐步由资本信用向资产信用转变,而这一转变引起了资本制度的变革。

    As the development of the company practice , company credit basis changes gradually from the capital credit to the assets credit , and this change causes the reform of the capital system .

  22. 现代资本信用理论走向衰落并被资产信用理论所超越,人力资本出资能促使公司资产的安全、发展等效益达到和谐统一。

    The modern theory of capital credit is on the eve of decline and be surpassed by the theory of assets credits , human capital funding can promote corporation assets ' benefits of safety 、 development etc. to harmony .

  23. 公司法理念和制度应建立在淡化注册资本信用,提高公司设立效率,加强对资产信用过程的监管,强调公司资产流动安全性的基础之上。

    The new concept and system of company should decrease the registered capital credit and base on increasing the efficiency of incorporation , attaching more attention to supervise the process of asset credit and putting emphasis on security of assets'floating .

  24. 树立资产信用的理念,在公司经营过程中,以公司净资产这个变量来考察公司的偿付能力,对公司运营中的盈余公积金、未分配利润等进行动态的分析,以达到保护交易安全的目的。

    With the idea of asset credit , corporate law shall examine the reimbursement ability of corporate with the index of net asset and dynamically analyze surplus accumulation fund and undistributed profit and other data in order to achieve the object of business security .

  25. CreditMetrics作为计算资产组合信用风险的模型,是一个联系信用和证券市场的简单、动态的架构。

    Credit Metrics , a model of credit risk calculation , is a simple and dynamic frame , which connects the credit market with bond market .

  26. Copula函数度量我国商业银行资产组合信用风险的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Measuring of Asset Portfolio 's Credit Risk of Commercial Banks by Copula Function

  27. 租赁资产的信用风险度量

    The Measurement of Credit Risk in Rent Capitals

  28. 回到账上的主要资产是信用卡贷款。

    The primary assets that will come back on to balance sheets are credit card loans .

  29. 第二,信用增级是为提升资产证券信用评级而采用的技术手段。

    The second one : Credit enhancing is a technical measure to enhance the credit evaluation of asset securities .

  30. 商业银行资产组合信用损失相关的度量研究

    The Portfolio Re - arrangement and the Credit Loss in Commercial Banks : A Measurement Analysis on their Relation