
yín hánɡ xìn yònɡ
  • bank credit
  1. 股票期权定价及银行信用风险VaR实时计算作为应用,完成实际仿真系统设计及实验。

    Stock option pricing and bank credit risk VaR real-time calculation as applications , real simulation systems and experiment have be accomplished .

  2. 本文从风险缓释工具入手,解释了抵押品对违约概率和违约损失率和信用风险VaR的影响,对银行信用风险控制有着十分重要的理论与现实意义。

    The paper starts with Risk Mitigation tool , try to explain how mortgage affects PD , LGD and credit risks VAR , Research of this sort is significant in theory and practice of Bank credit risk management .

  3. 基于Web的EDI网上银行信用证业务系统设计

    Design of EDI Network Bank Letter Credit Business System on Webbased

  4. CICS在银行信用卡系统中的应用

    An Application of the CICS in the Credit Card System

  5. 建立在IBM主机上的银行信用卡系统在确保给用户提供良好的信用环境的同时,更要注重提高并发处理的能力。

    The credit card system which bases on IBM mainframe , should pay more attention to enhance concurrency while ensure to provide users good credit environment .

  6. 基于KMV模型的中国上市银行信用风险评价

    Credit Risk Assessment for Listed Banks in China Based on KMV Model

  7. 以不良贷款率作为信用风险衡量标准,尝试构造商业银行信用风险评估的Logit模型,并结合t检验和主成分分析法对模型进行实证分析。

    This paper uses non-performed loan rate to measure credit risks of commercial banks , and constructs the Logit model for credit risk evaluation .

  8. 考虑到银行信用对中国货币政策实施的特殊作用,本文基于VAR模型对权重的估计,计算了中国货币状况指数;

    Taking into account the special function of the bank credibility in Chinese currency , this paper calculates the index of Chinese currency position based on the estimate of the option weight via VAR model .

  9. 本文综述了目前衡量银行信用风险的各类方法和模型,并基于Z-Score模型实证分析了我国商业银行的信用风险。

    This paper reviews some kinds methods and models to measure banking credit risk and empirically study Chinese commercial bank credit risk with Z-score model .

  10. 只有当主权信用替代了私人银行信用时,市场才恢复了表面上的稳定最初是英国的北岩(northernrock)案,随后是美国的贝尔斯登(bearstearns)案。

    Only when sovereign credits were substituted for private bank credit , first in the case of the UK ( Northern Rock ) and subsequently in the case of the US ( Bear Stearns ) , was a semblance of stability restored to markets .

  11. 进而证明Logit模型具有非常可信的识别、预测及推广能力,是商业银行信用风险评估的有效工具。

    The Logit model has very authentic ability to identify , measure , predict credit risks and keep stabilization . It is an effective tool in the evaluation of credit risks of commercial banks .

  12. 本文将JPMORGAN信用风险计量法引入我国商业银行信用风险的研究,通过样本分析对商业银行信用风险的VaR进行测算,进而对银行的信用风险状况和资本要求进行评估。

    The paper introduces Credit Metric of JP Morgan to the research of credit risk of commercial banks , calculates the credit risk VaR of commercial banks of our country by stylebook analysis and evaluates the credit risk and capital requirement of them .

  13. 区域性中小商业银行信用风险管理研究

    A Study on Credit Risk Management of Regional Small-Medium Commercial Banks

  14. 国内商业银行信用评级体系案例研究

    Case Analysis of Domestic Commercial Bank 's Credit Rating System

  15. 商业银行信用卡市场竞争策略研究

    Research on competition strategy of banks in credit card markets

  16. 征信体系建设与商业银行信用风险管理

    Construction of Credit Information System and Credit Risk Management for Commercial Banks

  17. 电子货币对商业银行信用创造能力的影响

    Influence of Electronic Money on Credit Ability of Commercial Bank

  18. 商业银行信用风险内部评级法研究

    Study on Internal Rating of Credit Risks of Business Banks

  19. 银行信用卡市场的竞争对策

    The Competition Countermeasure in the Market of Bank Credit Card

  20. 信息非对称下的商业银行信用风险及客户授信等级评判研究

    The Research of Credit Risk in Commercial Bank under Information Asymmetry and

  21. 第二部分为国内外银行信用风险管理研究的文献综述。

    Chapter 2 is the domestic and foreign literature review .

  22. 商业银行信用证贸易融资业务风险研究

    Risks Study on Trade Finance under Letter of Credit to Commercial Bank

  23. 商业银行信用风险模型的比较及其借鉴

    The Comparison and References of Credit Risk Measurement Model for Commercial Bank

  24. 商业银行信用风险预警管理系统研究

    A Study on Commercial Bank Credit Risk Early-warning Management System

  25. 我国商业银行信用指标体系及综合评价

    Chinese commercial bank credit and the comprehensive evaluation index system

  26. 对商业银行信用风险监测评价的新思考

    The Consideration on the Supervision and Evaluation of Credit Risk of Commercial Bank

  27. 中国商业银行信用卡市场占有率预测

    How to Forecast Credit Card Market Share in China

  28. 本文鉴于此,选择商业银行信用管理绩效评价问题从理论上进行研究,以其为商业银行信用管理理论的进一步发展与研究,做一些开创性的工作。

    This paper researches evaluating of the performance of commercial bank credit management .

  29. 基于数据仓库的商业银行信用风险管理研究

    Research about Credit Risk Management of the Comercial Bank Basing on Data Warehouse

  30. 招商银行信用卡业务市场分析和发展方案研究

    Market Analysis and Development Research of China Merchants Bank 's Credit Card Business