
zū lìn hé tonɡ
  • Lease contract;leasehold mortgage bond
  1. 租户应该认真核对租赁合同。

    Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely .

  2. 这些租赁合同同时终止。在出租人签署租赁合同之前,承租人必须要收到合同副本。

    The leases are coterminous . Before the lessor signs the lease , the lessee must receive a copy of the contract .

  3. Word和Excel在房屋租赁合同管理中的应用

    The Application of Word and Excel in the Management of the House Rent Contracts

  4. 本论文以融资租赁合同法律关系为研究对象。

    This thesis regards financing lease contract as the research object .

  5. 注册地址,租赁合同的原件。

    Registered address , original copy of the leasing contract .

  6. 融资租赁合同中承租人索赔权研究

    On the lessee Right to Claim in the Lease Contract of Financing

  7. 违反财产租赁合同的责任。

    Liability for breach of a contract for the lease of property .

  8. 房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?

    Housing rental contracts : the rental housing area is ?

  9. 第二章对国际融资租赁合同的法律特点进行了分析。

    Chapter Two analyses the legal nature of the international financial leasing contract .

  10. 融资租赁合同应当采用书面形式。

    A financial leasing contract shall be in writing .

  11. 该租赁合同有效期为6个月。

    The lease have only six month to run .

  12. 好啦,我们继续说租赁合同。

    Anyway , if we could get back to the lease agreements here .

  13. 工程机械租赁合同条款的探讨及问题防范

    A Discussion in Contracts of the Construction Machinery Leasing

  14. 场地证明:租赁合同、产权证明。

    Certificates of business place : lease contract , certificate of property title .

  15. 融资租赁合同法律性质探究

    On the Legal Nature of Financial Leasing Contracts

  16. 筑路机械租赁合同签订应注意的问题

    Caution for Contract Signing of Construction Machinery Lease

  17. 房东拒绝给他续签租赁合同。

    The landlord refused to renew his lease .

  18. 工程机械租赁合同探索

    An Inquisition Into Rental Contract of Construction Machinery

  19. 公司房屋租赁合同及房产证复印件;

    The prove file of leasing office and the title deed ( copy ) .

  20. 租赁合同是调整出租人与承租人关系的基础。

    The tenancy contract is the basis for regulating the relations between lessor and tenant .

  21. 这对一个租赁合同来说是不好的别称,因为他们容易被颠倒或者出现打印错误。

    These are bad nicknames for a lease because they are easily reversed or mistyped .

  22. 已同意租赁合同期为25年。

    It has been agreed that the lease will run for twenty - five years .

  23. 我们得谈谈新的租赁合同以及工人的薪资福利问题。

    We need to talk about new lease agreements and the workers ' comp package .

  24. 第二部分:融资租赁合同。

    Part II : Financial leasing contracts .

  25. 吴继炜称,这些投资者面临着包括租赁合同种类不同在内的各种挑战。

    There are challenges , Mr. Gaw said , including different types of rental contracts .

  26. 客户在购买一套一居或两居室公寓时,要签订一个为期70年的租赁合同。

    When you buy a one or two-bedroom flat , you sign a 70-year lease .

  27. 房屋租赁合同中承租人优先购买权研究

    The Study of the Pre-emptive Rights of House Leasing Contract Baltic Air Charter Party 19621962

  28. 《合同法》对光船租赁合同适用其关于租赁合同的规定。

    Bare boat charter party applies to the stipulations on the wealth leasing in contract law .

  29. 举个例子,亚洲租赁合同的期限通常都比较短。

    One example is the fact of much shorter leasing contracts which are common in Asia .

  30. 不止如此,申请时还要呈交办公室的租赁合同。

    Not only that , the office leasing contract should be provided when making an application .