
zū lìn bǎo zhènɡ jīn
  • Lease deposit;deposits from lessees
  1. 甲方收取租赁保证金,须向乙方开具收据。

    Party A shall open a receipt for Party B after collecting down payment for lease .

  2. 租赁保证金的数额由租赁双方当事人约定。

    The amount of the lease security deposit is agreed on by both parties of the lease .

  3. 房屋出租时,甲方可以与乙方在合同中约定收取房屋租赁保证金。

    When the house is rented , Party A may charge Party B the house lease security deposit stipulated by the contract .

  4. 如租赁保证金不足赔偿甲方损失的,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿差额的损失。

    Where the lease security is insufficient to offset party a 's loss , Party A has the right to ask Party B to refund the balance .

  5. 若租赁保证金不足以补偿甲方所蒙受的损失,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿其实际损失。

    Where the lease security deposit can 't compensate for Party a 's losses , Party A has the right to ask Party B to compensate for the actual losses .

  6. 乙方须在起租日之前向甲方支付相当于个月的租金共计(币)整作为租赁保证金;

    Upon the signing of this agreement , Party B shall pay to Party A the security deposit of . ( currency ) being month , for the case of loss or damage to the provided furniture or facilities .

  7. 这种情况下,甲方有权没收全部租赁保证金,并有权追索因乙方该等行为给甲方造成的损失。

    In this case , Party A has the right to confiscate the total amount of the lease security deposit , and has the right to press for the payment of the losses to Party A caused by Party b 's behavior .

  8. 甲方有权从乙方所支付的租赁保证金中作相应扣除,如若租赁保证金不足以抵扣的,则甲方有权把该等开支及费用未获抵扣部分视作债权,向乙方追讨。

    Party A has the right to deduct from the lease security deposit paid by Party B.where the lease security is insufficient to offset , Party A has the right to consider the expense and cost not offset as the right of credit to recover them from Party B.

  9. 租赁关系终止时,房屋租赁保证金除用以抵充合同约定由乙方承担的费用外,剩余部分应当归还乙方。

    When the lease terminates , except the amount offsetting the charge undertaken by Party B as stipulated by the contract , the rest of the house lease security deposit shall be refunded to Party B.