
  • 网络Service Operations Management
  1. 基于SOX法案的通信企业服务运营管理问题研究

    Researching on Service Management Optimization in Mobile Communication Companies Based on SOX

  2. 国外商业银行如何进行服务运营管理?

    How do foreign commercial banks carry out service operation management ?

  3. 国外银行服务运营管理理论分析作为监管资本的次级债及国外商业银行的实践

    Theoretical Analysis on the Western Service Operation Management Subordinated Debt : Practice in Banks as Supervisory Capital

  4. 因此深入研究服务运营管理的相关理论,并用其指导我国服务运营管理实践已成为当务之急。

    Therefore it 's crucially important to research service operation management related theories to guide China 's service operation management practice .

  5. 互联网环境下的在线服务运营管理应该先进行项目风险规划。

    Based on the ant colony optimization , a new algorithm is proposed for the project risk programming of online services enterprise .

  6. 第二部分是本篇论文的重点,着重阐述了服务运营管理几个重要的组成部分,包括服务接触、质量管理、能力与需求管理和排队管理。

    Part 2 is the core of this paper . It describes the key components of service operation management , such as service contact , quality management , competence and requirement management and queuing management .

  7. 笔者认为解决问题的关键是完善A银行厦门分行服务运营管理体系,重点建立以客户为中心的服务观念,更新服务运营管理,提高银行服务质量的基础上进行各种配套设施的建设。

    Therefore , the solution is to improve the banking services management system , focusing on the establishment of " customer-centric " service management concepts , improving the various facilities of the building on basis of the serving quality .

  8. 电子商务在中国的飞速发展为电子商务型呼叫中心外包需求带来广阔的市场空间,同时也为提供外包服务运营管理的呼叫中心运营商提供了难得的发展机遇。

    The rapid development of e-commerce in China-based call center outsourcing for e-commerce has brought a broad market demand for space , and provides outsourcing services for the operation and management of call center operators to offer a rare opportunity for development .

  9. 服务运营管理理论是西方已初步形成的服务管理研究的最主要的内容之一,它以日常服务运营管理为主题,揭示服务运营管理内在的规律。

    The Service Operation Management , which emphases on daily operation management to uncover the intrinsic law of the daily Operation Management , is one of the most important themes of the Service Management Theory that has been elementarily formed in recently years .

  10. 直到近年,逐渐有学者研究金融服务与运营管理相互协调的问题。

    In recent years , some scholars began to study on the coordination of financial service and operation management .

  11. 通过对存量客户以及一批重要潜在客户发放问卷收集数据,提出了在产品、服务以及运营管理方面存在的一系列问题。

    Based on the stock as well as a number of important potential customers a questionnaire to collect data , put forward in terms of products , services , and operations management a series of problems .

  12. 论高速公路服务区运营与管理

    Talk about Operation and Management in Service Zone of Express Highway

  13. 服务运营的容量管理应采取获得生产效率的策略,隔离核心技术和最小化服务生产系统,并对整个系统进行生产线管理。

    Management of service operation should adopt the tactics which can obtained the production efficiency , isolate key technology and minimization service production system , and make the production line management to the whole system .

  14. 大型服务系统及其运营管理是目前诸如管理科学与信息科学中最重大的科学问题之一,也是在社会经济生活中备受关注的热点课题。

    Service systems and their operation management are one of the most important and attractive scientific issues in , such as , the management science and information science , and they also are hot topics in industrial and business areas .

  15. 然而,我国服务行业的运营管理水平还比较低,既严重制约了服务行业的快速发展,也不适应市场经济发展的要求。

    However , the level of our operational management of the service sector is relatively low , which not only seriously hamper the rapid development of service industries , but also do not meet the market demands of economic development .

  16. 研究表明,精益管理理论和线性规划方法不仅仅适用于制造企业的生产运营管理,同样适用于类似快递等服务行业的服务运营管理。

    Studies have shown that Lean management theory and linear programming method is not applicable to manufacturing enterprises manufacturing operations management , equally applicable to similar courier service sector such as operations management services .

  17. 高速公路交通工程设施系统与高速公路的行车安全、通行能力、服务水平、交通运营管理、投资效益等有着直接密切的关系,是高速公路道路主体工程的有机组成部分。

    The traffic engineering facility system of the expressway and traffic safety , traffic capacity , service level , traffic operation and management , investment benefit , etc. have directly close relations . It is the organic component of the road major project of the expressway .

  18. 同时,服务商的选择作为服务供应链运营管理的前期重要工作,也是今后研究的重要趋势之一。

    At the same time , the choice of service provider as an important work in the early period of the service supply chain operation management is also one of the important trend of the future study .

  19. 对服务组织进行绩效评价是服务组织运营和管理的前提,建立一般性服务系统绩效评价的指标体系,并对服务系统绩效进行综合评价,对促进服务业绩效提升具有重要的参考价值。

    Performance evaluation of the service organization is the premise of the operation and management of the service organization . The establishment of a general service system performance evaluation index system and comprehensive assessment of service system , have important reference value to promote the services sector performance improvement .

  20. 第三,分析高速公路运营管理引入服务理念的理论背景、现实条件和必要性,从而提出建立基于服务的高速公路运营管理模式。

    Thirdly , it analyzed the theory background , the practical condition and the necessary of introducing the service idea to expressway operation management , accordingly it put forward establishing the operating management mode of expressway based on service .

  21. 其次,对我国高速公路建设现状、运营管理现状以及服务存在的问题进行详细分析,并且对服务存在问题的成因进行探讨,为将服务理念引入高速公路运营管理中做铺垫。

    Secondly , it analyzed the recent status of the expressway construction and management , the existing problems of expressway service , and discussed the cause of problems , which made matting for introducing the service idea to expressway operation management .

  22. 通过对服务管理理论中服务接触、服务质量、排队管理和生产能力与需求管理等四个方面的深入分析,以期对我国商业银行服务运营管理有所启示。

    Studying on Service Touch , Service Quality , Queue Management , and Supply-demand Management , which are the four sectors of Service Management , is expected to get some suggestions to the Service Operation Management of Commercial Bank of China .