
  1. 服装租赁曾被认为是替代快时尚的可持续又省钱的选择,在租衣平台RenttheRunway和凯莉·西蒙兹等公众人物的推广下走近了百姓的生活。凯莉·西蒙兹曾穿着租来的衣服举行婚礼和出席七国集团峰会。

    Renting clothes has been thought of the sustainable and frugal4 alternative to fast fashion , popularised by companies such as Rent the Runway and public figures like Carrie Symonds , who rented her wedding dress and her outfits5 for the G7 conference .

  2. 研究发现,服装租赁对气候造成的影响最大。

    It found that renting clothes had the highest climate impact of all .

  3. 然而,世界经济论坛今年的一份报告指出,服装租赁业产生的碳排放量占到了全球排放量的5%。

    A report by the World Economic Forum8 this year suggested that the industry generates 5 % of global emissions9 .

  4. 这项新研究指出,假如服装租赁公司把自己的物流系统变得更环保,那么租赁对环境的影响将和转售相当。

    The new study suggests that if rental companies change their logistics to make them more climate friendly , renting would , environmentally , be on a level with reselling .

  5. 研究发现,许多服装租赁品牌都在滥用“循环经济”一词作为漂绿手段。

    The study found many rental brands misuse10 the term " circular economy " – the system where clothes are passed from person to person before being recycled – as a form of greenwashing .

  6. 其中包括眼镜零售商沃比派克(WarbyParker)以及Bonobos、Birchbox和服装租赁服务Rent-the-Runway等。

    They include eyewear retailer Warby Parker , Bonobos , Birchbox , and Rent-the-Runway .

  7. 尽管哈佛和斯坦福经常公开发表他们有多么热爱初创企业之类的废话,但要是你在申请作文中宣称你想创办服装租赁网站RentTheRunway,甚或Snapchat,那将会是一个减分项,特别是如果你没有任何创业经验的话。

    Despite all the public BS about how much Harvard and Stanford love startups , if you had said you wanted to start Rent The Runway or even Snapchat in your admissions essay , that would have been a negative , especially if you had no startup experience .

  8. 服装租赁店里的圣诞老人服装早已没有存货了,罗斯租了一件犰狳服装。

    The rental shop is all out so he rents an Armadillo costume instead .

  9. 一项研究揭示,长久以来被奉为时装业可持续发展危机解决之道的服装租赁对地球更有害,不如直接丢弃衣服更环保。

    A study has revealed that renting clothes , long touted as one of the " answers " to fashion 's sustainability crisis , is worse for the planet than throwing them away .