
  • 网络venture leasing;venture lease
  1. 风险租赁及其在中小企业融资中的运用

    Venture Leasing and Its Use in Medium-small Enterprise

  2. 风险租赁适用于中小企业,尤其在中小企业融资渠道不畅的情况下更是如此。

    Venture leasing applies to medium-small enterprises especially when their financing channel is not smooth .

  3. 风险租赁&高科技企业融资的理性选择

    Venture Lease & A Reasonable Choice of Financing of High-technology Enterprises

  4. 文章提出了一个风险租赁支付定价公式。

    This paper presented a formula for valuating risky corporate lease payments .

  5. 风险租赁支付定价及套期保值

    Valuation and hedging of risky lease payment

  6. 本文详细介绍了风险租赁的概念、运作方式、特征以及重要意义,并指出风险租赁恰好就是这种创新行为的理性选择。

    This article comprehensively illuminated the concept , operating pattern , characteristics and importance of venture lease , and pointed out venture lease is happened to be the reasonable choice of financing innovation .

  7. 要做到这点,我们首先发展理论的期限结构风险资产租赁费率。

    To do so , we first develop a theory of the term structure of riskless lease rates .

  8. 由于承租方不承担所有权风险,租赁费用在收益报表中作为经营费用,租赁对资产负债表不产生影响。

    Since the lessee does not assume the risk of ownership , the lease expense is treated as an operating expense in the income statement and the lease does not affect the balance sheet .

  9. 融资租赁项目风险管理是融资租赁公司经营中的核心内容之一。

    The risk management for financial leasing project is one of the business operation focuses in the financial leasing companies .

  10. 企业筹资风险主要有银行借款筹资风险、股票筹资风险、债券筹资风险、租赁筹资风险、联营及引进外资筹资风险等。

    The financing risks of enterprises are mainly bank loan , stock , bond , tenancy , joint operation , importment of foreign fund and so on .

  11. 目前,国内关于融资租赁风险管理机制的研究还处于起步阶段,如何有效的预测及控制融资租赁的风险已成为融资租赁业能否快速健康发展的保障。

    Presently , the research about risk system of financial leasing companies has just a start , therefore how to effectively forecast and control the risks has become the keys of fast and healthy development of financial leasing .