
  • 网络risk aversion;Risk Averse;Risk-averse;risk avoidance;risk off
  1. 风险规避与内陆出口方贸易术语的选择&以FOB与FCA贸易术语为例

    On Choice of Risk Aversion and Landlocked Exporter Trade Terms-As an Example to FOB and FCA Trade Terms

  2. 当保险人表现为常数绝对风险规避(CARA)时,初始准备金对保险人并无影响;

    When the insurer is constant absolute risk aversion ( CARA ), the initial reserve has no effect on insurer 's behavior .

  3. 最后对MR物流公司营销战略控制与风险规避也做了详尽的阐述。

    Finally , the author also set forth elaborately about how to control the strategy and evade risks in the actualization .

  4. 试从竞争和风险规避策略角度分析了本土CRO的生存策略。

    Try to analysis the survive strategy for native CROs from how to compete and prevent risks .

  5. 基于FPT的入境旅游市场季节风险规避研究&以台湾客源为例

    Study of Inbound Tourism Market for Avoiding Seasonal Risk Based on FPT & A Case of Taiwan Tourist Market

  6. 理性卖者是出于对继续持有的风险规避和对股票内在价值的判断而做出决策的交易者,他们会在IPO上市后选择获利离场。

    Reason to continue to hold to sell out of stock of risk aversion and the intrinsic value judgments and traders to make a choice , they will choose the first day of the IPO market profit taking .

  7. 然后考查了离散时间采购的近似最优策略,结果表明风险规避的决策者采用分散采购策略,而风险中性的决策者会采用bang-bang采购策略。

    Then the approximate optimal strategy of discrete-time procurement is investigated . A risk-averse DM uses a decentralized procurement strategy , while a risk-neutral DM uses a bang-bang procurement strategy .

  8. 在2008年席卷全球的金融危机爆发之前,REITs的高流动性、风险规避性、高收益性对全球房地产金融市场产生了深远的影响。

    Before the 2008 financial crisis throughout the world , the high liquidity , risk aversion , together with the high profitability of REITs produced far-reaching effects to the global real estate financial market .

  9. 经理人的风险规避特性不同于BS期权定价模型的风险中性假设,因此,经理股票期权的公司成本和经理人价值不同,股票期权的激励测度应是经理人价值对于股票价格的微分。

    Risk-averse executive is different from the risk-neutrality assumption of the basis of Black-Scholes option price theory . So the company cost is different from the executive value , and the executive incentive from stock options should be the derivative of the executive value with respect to the stock price .

  10. 根据值函数和风险规避系数的定义,说明经非线性变换后的值函数满足带有风险规避系数的HJB偏微分方程。

    Based on the definition of the value function and the coefficient of risk aversion , the nonlinear transformation of value function was proved to be in agreement with HJB partial differential equation with the coefficient of risk aversion .

  11. 基于新产品协作开发的供应链知识风险规避

    Supply Chain Knowledge Risk Mitigation Based on New Product Collaborative Development

  12. 军队医院基金项目的申报评估与风险规避

    Risk aversion and evaluation of science research projects in military hospital

  13. 冰蓄冷中央空调市场营销定位及风险规避研究

    Market Positioning and Risk Research of Ice-Thermal-Storage Center Air Conditioning System

  14. 并在此基础上从不同角度对其风险规避行为作了探讨。

    Then , it approaches the behavior from different angles .

  15. 融资风险规避与高速公路建设管理

    The Elusion of Financial Risk in Expressway Construction and Management

  16. 蜜蜂是伟大的组织者、风险规避者、分布式决策者。

    Bees are great organizers , risk Mitigators , and distributed decision-makers .

  17. 由金融风险规避不当造成的全球范围的经济危机已给千千万万的投资者敲响了警钟。

    Worldwide Financial crisis derived from inadequate risk aversion alarmed numerous investors .

  18. 浅析当前铅锌冶炼企业的经营风险规避

    Analysis on managing risk avoidance for lead zinc smelt plant

  19. 数字图书馆著作权风险规避研究

    Research on How to Avoid the Risks of Copyrights in Digital Library

  20. 企业多元化经营的现实价值与风险规避

    The Value and Risks of the Business-variety Strategy of Enterprises

  21. 关于信用筹资及其风险规避的探讨

    Discussion on raising funds on commercial credit and risk avoidance

  22. 危险废物暂存库渗漏风险规避措施与实践

    Risk Evade Method and Practice of Hazardous Waste Impoundments Leakage

  23. 金融危机下家庭金融投资及其风险规避

    On Domestic Investment at Financial Crisis and Its Risk Aversion

  24. 造纸业税政解读与企业纳税风险规避

    Interpretation of taxation policy of papermaking industry and enterprise tax risk avoidance

  25. 基于风险规避的物流外包企业最优化模型

    Optimal Model of Logistics Outsourcing Enterprises Based on Risk Evasion

  26. 商品期权是一种很好的商品风险规避和管理的金融工具。

    Commodity option is an ideal method of risk aversion and management .

  27. 风险规避与企业的产生和发展

    Risk Aversion and the Firm 's Forming and Developing

  28. 成本收益、风险规避与人力资本投资

    Cost earnings , risk avoidance and human capital investment

  29. 远期汇率与风险规避和国际组合投资

    Forward Rate / Risk Evasion and International Groupage Investment

  30. 基于会计基础工作的内部控制风险规避研究

    A Research of Internal Control Risk Aversion Based on the Accounting Basic Job