
  • 网络risk-averse;risk averse;Risk-aversion;risk avoidance
  1. Stone等人发现了图形效应,即相对于数字而言,图形表征能激发个体更强的风险回避。

    Stone et al . suggested " graphical effect ", that is graphical representation can stimulate stronger risk avoidance of individuals than numerical representation .

  2. 通过压力测试法、情景分析法、风险回避、损失预防、风险转移、风险自留、保险等风险管理方法来提供专业知识支持。

    By the methods of stress testing , scenario analysis , risk avoidance , loss prevention , risk transfer , risk retention and insurance , the banks can provide expertise to support .

  3. 投资者的羊群行为分析&风险回避下的BHW模型

    Investors ' Herd Behaviors-The Study of BHW Model Under Risk Aversion

  4. 积极风险回避与消极风险回避的比较分析

    Analysis of the Compare Between Active Risk Avoiding and Passive Risk Avoiding

  5. 这种风险回避会发现意外的受害者。

    That risk aversion may find surprising victims .

  6. 一种新的发电商风险回避模型研究

    Study on a New Risk-Avoid Model of Generators

  7. 风险回避在25岁左右开始起作用,而自然死亡率开始上升。

    Risk-aversion begins to kick in around 25 , and natural causes start to rank .

  8. 其次,信息外部表征方式可通过认知和情绪两条通路来影响风险回避行为。

    Second , the external representation can impact risk-avoidant behavior by cognitive and emotional pathways .

  9. 因此,选择中普遍的风险回避并非偏好反转的必要条件。

    A tendency of general risk-avoiding in choice-making is not a precondition of the preference reversal .

  10. 此外,信息外部表征方式会同时激发个体的认知和情绪,进而影响风险回避行为。

    The results also showed that external representations stimulated cognitive and affect , thereby impacted risk-avoidant behavior .

  11. 选址阶段地质灾害风险回避主要是对构造不稳定的回避。

    The geological hazard risk obviation in stage of the site choosing is mainly to avoid the labilization of tectonics .

  12. 本文就未来市场价格的不确定情形讨论了企业的产出决策,证明了风险回避的决策者的产出水平低于风险中立的决策者的产出水平;

    In this paper , output decision of the firm is discussed about the uncertainty of the price in future market .

  13. 在消费与投资模型中引入风险回避系数,来研究带有风险回避的最优消费条件和投资公式。

    We lead the risk aversion into the consumption and investment models to study the optimal consumption plans and portfolio formulas .

  14. 农业产业化经营组织的形成,是在市场经济不断发展、农业商品化和专业化程度不断提高的背景下,农业生产者与其他参与主体追求市场风险回避和节约交易费用的结果。

    The form of Agricultural industrialization is the result of market economy , agribusiness and specialization developed to a certain extant .

  15. 风险回避投标人的竞价随着风险回避系数和资产估值方差的增大而降低。

    For risk averse bidders , bidding price is decreasing with increase of risk aversion coeffcient and variance of the asset valuation .

  16. 该文首先在燃料市场和电量市场之间构造出交叉商品组合,在此基础上引入摆动期权合约设计了发电商的风险回避模型。

    Cross-commodity unit is constructed between energy market and electricity market , based on which risk-avoiding model is designed incorporating swing options .

  17. 在适当的相对风险回避指数下,储蓄存款增加的30%左右可以由这些因素解释;

    Nearly 30 % of the increase savings deposit could be explained by these factors corresponding to a reasonable value of relative risk aversion .

  18. 文章最后针对绝对风险回避者,在期望效用最大的意义下,给出了组合证券投资的最优比例的计算公式。

    Under the assumption that investor is averse to risk and the criterion of expected utility maximum , the calculated formula of the optimum ratio of portfolio investment is given .

  19. 因为他笔下的个人主义,如强调个体利益,风险回避等,已经成为我们文明的主导精神,不是吗?

    The type of individual he tried to create , careful , self-interested , risk averse , this has become ? the dominant ethos of our civilization , has it not ?

  20. 并总结了风险回避、自留、转移、控制措施,以及具体风险因素的防范措施。

    Also , the measurement of risk prevention , risk reservation , risk diversion and risk control as well as the prevention measurement for the risk factors are summarized in this paper .

  21. 结果表明,不同于指数效用,对具有常值相对风险回避系数效用函数的投资者而言,不确定性投资机会的定价与择时与投资者当前财富数量有关。

    Thirdly , we assume utility is a function with the constant and relative risk aversion coefficients . Some results are derived about the value and timing of the option to invest .

  22. 特别是该机制给予边际机组相对较多的容量成本补偿,有助于风险回避的峰机组投资商的进入。

    Specially , the new mechanism would compensate the marginal units more for capacity cost than other units , thus it would conduce to entities of these peak unit investor with risk disgust .

  23. 文章还从风险回避、风险自我防范和风险转移三个方面详细阐述了风险的处置方法。

    There are three methods to handle the risk in this article , one is risk evasion , the other one is assumed by the contractor itself and the last one is transferring risks .

  24. 作者建立了考虑远期合约时,购电商为风险回避者的决策模型,并利用古诺模型来模拟市场中发电商的行为策略。

    Here , a decision-making model of buyers evading the risk is presented when forward contracts market is considered , and the Cournot model is used to simulate the strategies of suppliers in electricity market .

  25. 针对山西省普通高校学生体育活动伤害事故发生的现状,运用风险回避、风险控制、风险转移三种风险管理方法。

    According to the reasons of the school sports injury accident in ordinary university of Shanxi Province , the theory of risk management is introduced in the article , which mainly include risk aversion , risk control , risk transfer .

  26. 本文分析了风险回避策略作为风险处理方式的优点和缺点,并从感受器、加工器以及记性系统三个方面对积极风险回避策略和消极的风险回避策略进行了比较分析。

    This paper analyzes the advantageous and defaults of the strategy of risk avoiding which is the method of dealing with risk , then comparatively analyzes passive risk avoiding and passive risk avoiding from the point of sensillum , processor and memory system .

  27. 实证研究表明,尽管上市公司在决定独立董事角色的现实定位中起着关键的作用,但在上市公司与独立董事动机的相互作用下,独立董事具有花瓶效应、决策效应和风险回避效应。

    This empirical study finds that independent directors have " vase " effect , decision effect and risk-avoidance effect under the motivation interactions between listed companies and independent directors , even though listed companies play a key role in determining the role position of independent directors .

  28. 本文根据不同的相对风险回避指数,模拟了利率、通货膨胀、股市收益率、股市收益率方差等因素对2001年6月至2005年9月平均储蓄存款的影响。

    According to various index of relative risk aversion , simulation results are provided to clarify the impact on the average demand for money between July 2001 and September 2005 of such factors as interest rate , inflation , the return of stock market and the volatility of stock market .

  29. 国债衍生产品由于具有很好的分散风险和回避风险的功能,在国外经常被用来作为利率风险管理工具来控制利率风险,在国内却运用很少。

    Bond derivative , which can decentralize and avoid risk , is often used to control rate risk in developed countries , but seldom used in China .

  30. 本文适应国家经济发展和经济体制改革的需要,在分析我国国有企业委托代理关系的基础上提出国有企业委托风险的回避措施。

    In this paper , adapting to economic development and system reform of our country , based on the analysis of consigning-acting relation of our state-owned enterprise , put forward the measure for the state-owned business enterprise how to get round risk .