
  • 网络Risk team;venture team
  1. 而自组织团队和风险团队在资源需求上有显著差异。

    Core Team as System Architect and Centralized Venture Team have indistinct difference , too .

  2. 核心团队和风险团队在资源需求上没有显著差异;

    System Integrator as Coordinator Team and Core Team as System Architect have indistinct difference ;

  3. SOA治理团队和风险管理团队合作对(SOA带来或激化的)风险进行评估变得非常关键。

    It is critical that the SOA governance team partners with risk management teams to assess risks that are brought about or intensified by SOA .

  4. 因此,大多数公司都设立了风险管理团队,由该团队的人员提供QA审核。

    As a result , most companies have risk management teams whose personnel provide QA reviews .

  5. 我们没有风险控制团队用Powerpoint向大家展示。

    We have no risk control group we can trot out with a PowerPoint presentation .

  6. 拒绝风险的团队将做一些无价值的日常工作。

    Teams that reject risk will be relegated to routine work of little value .

  7. 存在道德风险的团队契约

    Optimal Team Contract under Moral Hazard

  8. 风险企业家团队的分工和专业化对于产出分配的影响是重要的。

    Division of labor and specialization in venture entrepreneur team play a great role in the distribution of the output .

  9. 要减少该风险,团队可以在目标运行时环境中建立原型,并用屏幕阅读器测试。

    To mitigate this risk , the team could build a prototype in the targeted runtime environment and then test it with a screen reader .

  10. 一个不同的风险评估团队,或者说一个由更多思路开阔的多面手赋予其灵感的团队,能否让通用汽车避免在过去六个月付出超过17亿美元的代价召回2800多万辆汽车的厄运呢?

    Is it possible that a different risk group – inspired by broad-minded generalists – could have prevented the recall of more than 28 million vehicles over the last six months at a cost in excess of $ 1.7 billion ?

  11. 事实证明,能够控制大型金融集团所承受风险的高管团队与管理机制是很难找到和建立的:即使是詹姆斯迪蒙(JamieDimon)头上的光环似乎也失去了光泽。

    It has proved difficult to find executives and management systems able to control the risk exposures of large financial conglomerates : even the halo above Jamie Dimon looks tarnished .

  12. 高校教师的绩效特征主要表现为:专业性、积累性、风险性、团队性及能力的正态分布性。

    The performance characteristics of university teachers are specialization , accumulation , risk , team , ability normal distribution .

  13. 而一群新股东完全可能把他们认为冒了太大风险的管理团队扫地出门。

    A new group of shareholders could throw out corporate management teams that they thought were taking on too much risk .

  14. 通过启用有效的度量和控制,并且促进良好的沟通,它还帮助减轻风险并提高团队效率。

    It also helps to mitigate risk and improve team effectiveness by enabling effective measurement and control and promoting good communication .

  15. 制定项目方案,监督管理设计进度,识别管理风险,协同团队和供应商的工作的状况。

    Own project schedules , monitor and report project status , identify and manage risks , including working with other teams and the vendors .

  16. 另一个常见风险是敏捷团队可能认为自组织是一种二元态,但实际上自组织却是一个连续体。

    Another common risk is that Agile teams may perceive self-organization as a binary state of being when in fact it is a continuum [ 1 ] .

  17. 最后,本文根据创业团队异质性对创业决策构成要素与创业团队风险感知、团队互动的影响构建了基于创业团队异质性的创业决策过程模型。

    Finally , based on the impact of entrepreneurial team heterogeneity on constituent elements of entrepreneurial decision-making , risk perception , and team interaction , the paper builds the entrepreneurial decision-making process model based on the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity .

  18. 提出建立跨越组织边界,依托项目全寿命周期信息平台,以合作关系为组织环境的项目风险管理虚拟团队,实现对项目风险的共同管理,提高风险管理的效率。

    The virtual risk management team spans the organization boundary , regards cooperation as organization environment and relies on the project total lifecycle information flat . The virtual team carries out risk management and the efficiency of risk management is enhanced .

  19. 本文在研究的选题上填补了以往研究的空白,首次将工程项目全过程、全要素、全风险和全团队造价管理方法应用到商品住宅领域。

    The study based on the topics fill the gaps of previous studies , It will be the first time the entire process , all elements , all risks , the whole team management methods applied to the cost of commodity housing areas .

  20. 同时,借鉴国外倡导全过程、全要素、全风险和全团队造价管理的理念和方法,提出以人为本、加强管理控制的措施。

    At the same time , the paper proposes the measures of using people as base and strengthening management control by borrowing the concepts and methods of the cost management of full stage , full factors , full risks and full team advocated by ( foreigners ) .

  21. 风险投资项目管理团队与项目的关系研究

    Analysis of the Relationship between Venture Capital Project Team and Venture Capital Project

  22. 反之,医生们和产婆们应该让孕妇们明白她们所面临的风险,整个保健团队都要控制好这些风险。

    Instead , GPs and midwives should tell women that they are at risk , and that their health care team will manage the risk .

  23. 然后从公司治理、风险管理、核心团队、人力资源、信息系统建设、文化与品牌、营销体系、财务管理等方面提出了战略实施措施。

    To achieve the objective , this paper defines a strategic plan in every aspect of running a company including corporate governance , risk management , marketing system , financial management , human resources , IT system construction , and building of core team , brand and corporate culture .

  24. 互联网企业在并购后整合中主要面临战略整合风险、文化整合风险、团队整合风险、业务整合风险、技术整合风险和顾客整合风险。

    These risks which are Chinese internet enterprises faced include strategic integration risks , cultural integration risks , team integration risks , business integration risks , technology integration risks and customer integration risks .

  25. 通过风险分析和风险管理,项目团队可以制定相应的策略,更新项目管理计划,确保项目能够按照计划顺利进行。

    Through risk analysis and risk management , a project team can developing new strategies , update the project management plan to ensure the project to be proceeded smoothly as planned .

  26. 然而由于风险负责人的围,可以从负责细部风险的初级团队成员,到只对高层次风险有兴趣的专案赞助者或资深经理,因此风险描述上也允许有一些层次上的差异。

    However this also allows for some variation in the level of risk description , as risk owners can range from junior team members who might be responsible for detailed risks , through to the project sponsor or senior managers who are only interested in the higher level .

  27. 其作用概括起来就是提供了一个风险信息数据库,形成了一个持续优化的风险信息采集机制,培养了一个具备先进风险管理文化的团队,打下了一个良好的风险管理的基础。

    In summary , this provides a risk information database , forms a good mechanism to collect risk information , trains a team with advanced risk management culture , and lays out the foundation for a good risk management .