
  • 网络risk identification;risk recognition
  1. 基于SVM的建设项目风险识别方法研究

    Study On Risk Identification Method of Construction Project Based On SVM

  2. 最后针对上述研究结果,提出了加强ST上市公司治理机制、监管机制、规范摘帽机制和加强审计风险识别等建议。

    Finally , the above findings , the ST listed companies to strengthen governance mechanisms , regulatory mechanisms that regulate uncap mechanism and the strengthening of audit risk identification and so on .

  3. 基于SWOT分析法的信息系统风险识别的应用研究

    The Application Research on Information Systems Risks Identification Based on SWOT

  4. 基于SCOR模型的供应链风险识别、评估与一体化管理研究

    Study of Supply Chain Risk Identification , Assessment , Integration Risk Management Based on SCOR

  5. 本部分工作研究了Vague集和粗集理论在企业风险识别中的应用,首先将Vague集理论引入风险因素的评判,然后在此基础上将粗集用于企业风险因素的识别。

    It researched the application of vague set and rough set theory in enterprise risk identification . First of all , vague set theory was introduced into evaluation of the risk factors .

  6. 其次,文章结合土耳其XX地铁升级改造项目,介绍了EPC项目风险识别的含义、过程和风险识别的结果。

    Then , this paper stated the meaning , the process and the results of risk identification referring to the EPC project of upgrading of XX railway in Turkey .

  7. 基于WBS-RBS的地铁基坑故障树风险识别与分析

    Risk identification and analysis of subway foundation pit by using fault tree analysis method based on WBS-RBS

  8. 利用专家访谈法和WBS-RBS矩阵法进行风险识别和估计。

    First , expert interview method and WBS-RBS matrix method are used to identify and assess the risks .

  9. 安全控制方面进行了WBS结构的分解及责任人的明确,设计了项目施工安全风险识别办法与防范措施、机组试车安全控制的程序。

    In the safety controlling aspect , it makes WBS structure 's dissolution and its related staff on-duty classification , designs project construction safety risk identification method and its preventive action , ASU trial operating safety controlling procedure as well ;

  10. 然后,使用因子分析的方法对模型进行了实证分析,得出了基于SCOR的公立医院供应链风险识别模型;最后针对研究所识别的公立医院供应链风险提出一些政策建议。

    Then , using factor analysis method to do data research , and get the model of risk management identify of public hospital based on SCOR . Finally , according to the public hospital identify supply chain risks ; we put forward some policy suggestions .

  11. 进境葡萄繁殖材料携带病毒的风险识别和管理

    The risk diagnoses and management of imported grape propagation material virus

  12. 灰色系统理论在企业并购风险识别中的应用

    Application of grey system theory in M & A risk decision

  13. 应用风险识别技术探讨丙烯腈装置非计划停车因素

    Exploration of Irregular Shutdown of Acrylonitrile Plant by Hazard Identification Technology

  14. 建筑工程安全的风险识别及评价方法研究

    Study on Method for Risk Identification and Evaluation in Construction Safety

  15. 战略联盟风险识别体系及防范机制研究

    Research on the Discerning System and Preventing Mechanism of Strategic Alliance Risk

  16. 基于界面管理的物流外包风险识别

    How to Identify the Risk of Logistics Outsourcing Based on Interface Management

  17. 航空产品研制项目的风险识别特征&因子建模技术研究

    Feature-Factor Modeling of Risk Identification for Aviation Product Development Project

  18. 商业银行利率风险识别实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of Interest Rate Risk of Commercial Banks

  19. 企业国际营销的文化风险识别与规避

    Identify & Avoid Cultural Risk in Enterprise 's International Marketing

  20. 项目管理中项目风险识别的综合评价模型及其应用

    Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Project Risk in Project Management

  21. 现代农村物流金融中心的风险识别、评估与控制

    Risk Discriminate , Estimate and Control on Modern Rural Logistics Finance Center

  22. 吉林省担保公司的风险识别和防范控制

    Risk Identification and Guard Control of Jilin Province Guarantee Company

  23. 他们都应该当心自己的风险识别责任。

    They should all be worrying about their risk-recognition responsibilities .

  24. 上海某深基坑工程风险识别与模糊评估

    Construction risk identification and assessment of a deep foundation pit in Shanghai

  25. 试述外贸企业业务风险识别与防范

    Identify and Defend the Foreign Trade Enterprises ' Business Risks

  26. 首先进行穿黄河工程的主要技术风险识别,分别对工程中的两项重点工程:土方工程与水工钢筋混凝土工程进行风险分析。

    The two important projects are Earthwork and Hydraulic Reinforced concrete work .

  27. 缺乏有效的风险识别和评估机制及内部审查体制;

    Lack of effective risk identification and assessment system and internal review system ;

  28. 风险识别是风险管理的基础;

    Risk identification is the foundation of risk management ;

  29. 其中技术基础部分,分别就国内外各种风险识别技术和风险测定技术的原理,作出了系统的总结,并进行初步的比较;

    Firstly , it summarizes the principles of risk recognition and risk measurement .

  30. 主要介绍风险识别和测度的理论内容。

    This part mainly introduces the theory contents of risk identification and measurement .