
  • 网络Risk reward;risk premium
  1. 其中关键的预期损失率即是由KMV模型推导计算出的风险报酬率。

    It is essential that the expected loss rate is the risk premium derived by KMV model .

  2. 期货资本资产定价理论对凯恩斯的风险报酬作出了新的解释。

    The theory of CAPM made a new anation to the risk premium introduced by Keynes .

  3. 汇丰外汇策略师许尚贤(DanielHui)表示:从风险报酬比来看,人民币已经超出亚洲其他任何一种货币。

    On a risk / reward basis , it has exceeded any other currency in the region , says Daniel Hui , senior FX strategist at HSBC .

  4. 本文通过引入风险报酬的概念,建立了基于风险报酬的资产组合选择模型,求出了风险报酬最大的资产组合,在此基础上深入地分析、研究了Markowitz型有效集中的资产组合选择问题。

    By introducing a concept of risk return , we propose a portfolio selection model , by which we obtain a portfolio with maximal risk return , and analyze and consider portfolio selection in Markowitz ' effective set .

  5. 偏好的风险报酬度量法及其在投资组合选择中的应用

    Measuring Method of Risk Return and Its Applications to Portfolio Selection

  6. 略论时间价值和风险报酬

    A Brief Study on Time Value and Risk Reimbursement

  7. 确定大家都能拿到风险报酬。

    Let 's make sure everybody gets hazard pay .

  8. 利用有风险报酬率和无风险最低报酬率函数关系计算肯定当量系数质疑

    Problems in Computing Certainty Equivalent Coefficient by Risk Rate Returns and Minimum Rate of None-risk Returns

  9. 第四部分通过对信息不对称下激励机制的设计和经营者风险报酬模型的建立,对公有制企业激励机制和约束机制进行了构建。

    In the third part , we design a model in unsymmetrical information and a model of administer risk reward .

  10. 讨论了主要投资品种的风险报酬特性,尤类是我国企业内部和对外投资项目的风险报酬特性;

    It discusses the feature of the return on risks , especially that of Chinese enterprises ' internal and external investment projects .

  11. 概率论与数理统计原理在投资风险报酬分析中的应用

    An Analysis of the Value of Private Information under Moral Hazard Application of the Theory of Probability and Statistics in Investing Hazard Emolument

  12. 闲钱的收益率和投资实业的预期收益率之间,相差的不只是风险报酬。

    The gap between he profit of idle money and its expected profits form investment is not just the reward of the risk .

  13. 与资金成本不同,资本成本体现的是健全的公司治理机制和对资本风险报酬的尊重。

    Different from cost of financing , cost of capital reflects sound corporate governance mechanism and the respect for the reward of risk of capital .

  14. 考虑到确定基准收益率的关键是确定风险报酬率,文中简要地介绍了商业房地产的风险因素。

    The key of making certain I_c is to ascertain risk reward rate , so the article briefly introduces the commercial real estate 's risk factors .

  15. 商品期货处于牛市时期,其有比股票市场更高的风险报酬,这意味着,其在牛市阶段能很好的降低股票市场的风险。

    During the bull period , commodity futures has higher risk premium than stocks , it implies that commodity futures can reduce the risk of stock market .

  16. 每月的夏普指数为(衡量风险报酬的指标)“真实可怕”的0.1(指数越高,风险调整表现就约好)。

    The monthly Sharpe ratio that measures returns against risk was a " truly awful " 0.1 ( the higher the ratio , the better the risk-adjusted performance ) .

  17. 而市场利率由于在偏好揭示、利率形成、风险报酬等方面的缺陷,又不能直接替代社会贴现率。

    The market rate of interest can not directly substitute the social discount rate for its defect on preference revealing , interest forming , the reward of risk , etc.

  18. 医生收入偏低,未充分体现其人力资本投资和风险报酬,结果造成人力资本投资不足,也降低了医生违规的机会成本。

    The income of medical professionals does not match their human capital investment and the risk compensation , which lead to insufficient human capital investment and lowers the opportunity cost of doctor 's rule violation .

  19. 剩余收益模型在考虑货币时间价值以及投资者所要求的风险报酬情况下,将企业预期剩余收益按照一定的贴现率进行贴现以后,加上当期权益价值,就是股票的内在价值。

    Considering the time value of money and the investors ' required risk premium rate , the intrinsic value of the stock is the current equity value coupled with enterprise expected residual income , which is discounted according to the discount rate .

  20. 伴随着人力资本理论的发展,越来越多的学者认识到人力资本的资产特征或属性,并认为人力资本的投资成本、收益分析以及风险报酬是评价人力资本的重要因素,尤其是在企业。

    With the development of human capital , many researchers realized the assets character of human capital . They thought that the concept of human capital 's cost , analysis of cost-profit and risk return are very important on evaluating human capital especially in enterprise .

  21. 产权比率高是高风险高报酬的财务结构。

    High-equity ratio is high risk and high reward financial structure .

  22. 提出了项目风险超额报酬率的概念;

    A concept , premium return rate of risk , is proposed ;

  23. 试论财务风险与报酬的关系

    On the Relation of Financial Risk and Financial Reward

  24. 心态作为一个风险或者报酬的代名。

    Mentality as a risk / reward agent .

  25. 风险与报酬比益函数

    Risk-return trade off function

  26. 这个工作教会我怎样为一些处于起步阶段的公司提高资本和风险与报酬的均衡。

    This role taught me how capital is raised and how risks and rewards are balanced for early-stage companies .

  27. 企业已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移给购货方;

    The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer by the enterprise ;

  28. 一般情况下,财务风险和报酬之间存在着相匹配的关系,即高风险、高收益;

    Ordinarily , the relation of financial risk and financial reward is match , which is high risk and high reward .

  29. 目前来说,我国对风险与报酬分析法、金融和成分析法、后续涉入法同时采用。

    For now , our country takes risk and reward analysis method , financial synthetic analysis method , continuing involvement approach .

  30. 伏隔核对于理解金融交易员决策的原动力风险和报酬也很重要。

    The nucleus accumbens is also important for understanding the primary drivers of financial traders ' decision-making : risk and reward .