
  • 网络risk response;risk handling;risk treatment;risk coping
  1. 风险应对措施还包括风险规避、风险转移等措施。

    Risk response measures also include risk avoidance , risk transfer and other measures .

  2. 重点介绍了风险应对措施,使搬迁项目的风险规避或减弱。

    Focuses on the risk response measures , to avoid or reduce the relocation project risk .

  3. 在上述研究基础上,制定了具体的风险应对工程措施和非工程措施,有效控制了DS水闸枢纽工程进度风险。

    Based on the researches above , the detailed engineering measure and non-engineering measure for risk handling is designed to control construction-schedule risk of DS WKP effectively .

  4. 论文将进度预警模型应用于DS水闸枢纽工程,给出了进度点的警情值,从而为风险应对提供了理论依据。

    The dissertation also applies schedule early-warning model to the DS waterlocks key project , gives the sign value of schedule points , provides risk handling with theory foundation accordingly .

  5. 同时,本文中也具体规划了东软集团BPO业务的发展目标、重点业务领域、业务模型、经营战略和风险应对策略等。

    Meanwhile , this article has described the BPO business goals , key business items , business model , development strategies and risk avoidance .

  6. 建筑工程项目风险应对方法研究

    Study on the measures to deal with project risk of building engineering

  7. 我国城市灾害风险应对现状及对策研究

    The Deficiencies in Urban Disaster Risk Control in China and Its Countermeasures

  8. 金融危机背景下的供应链金融业务的风险应对机制&以仓单质押贷款业务为例

    The Risk Based on Financial Crisis of Supply Chain Financial Services Coping Mechanisms

  9. 第3章论述了施工过程中常规风险应对及控制措施。

    The third chapter discusses the construction process of conventional risk control measures .

  10. 主要内容包括投资项目的各种风险应对措施。

    The main investment projects include the risks of ways to deal with coping strategies .

  11. 搬迁得以顺利完成,得益于后期的风险应对措施。

    Removal has been completed smoothly , due to the risk of late response measures .

  12. 风险应对通常有风险规避、风险转移、风险分散和风险自留等方法。

    Risk responding includes risk eluding , risk transferring , risk dispersing and risk receiving .

  13. 提出了风险应对的对策及在合同风险控制中需要注意的几个问题。

    Put forward the countermeasures and risk response in contract risk control some problems needing attention .

  14. 中国农户的收入风险应对机制与消费波动:来自陕西的经验证据

    Chinese Farmers ' Income Risk Coping Mechanisms and Consumption Fluctuations : An Empirical Study from Shanxi Province

  15. 第五部分对上述风险应对和监控提出了具体的方法和措施。

    In part 5 , detailed approaches are proposed in monitoring and coping with the above-mentioned risks .

  16. 国际比较视野的利率风险应对:我国寿险业证据完善风险管理机制应对银行利率风险

    Interest Rate Risk Prevention and Control in International Comparing Perspective : Example of Chinese Life Insurance Industry

  17. 同时,对该项目风险应对和风险监控等也进行了比较全面的论述和探讨。

    At the same time , the project risk response and risk monitoring are also discussed and discussion .

  18. 风险应对包括风险自留、风险降低、风险转移和风险回避四种基本形式。

    Risk resolution has four basic forms including risk assumption , risk reduction , risk diversion and risk evasion .

  19. 从宏、微观两个层次提出了较详细的工程项目采购风险应对策略。第6章结论与展望。

    This part proposes detailed risk countermeasures from macro and micro levels respectively . 6 . Conclusions and prospects .

  20. 针对虚拟化项目的特点,我们在制定风险应对策略时尽量采取主动的风险应对方法。

    According to the project of virtualization projects , we mainly apply active risk response methods when preparing risk strategy .

  21. 本文对风险应对的国内外研究现状进行了分析,对相关理论和方法进行了论述。

    This paper analyses the research on risk response planning at home and abroad and discusses some related theories and methods .

  22. 之后,结合风险应对原理以及卷烟出口实际经验提出应对方法。

    After that , I combined with the principle of risk and the experience of cigarette export to put forward methods .

  23. 国外文献对发展中国家农户非正规风险应对机制进行了较为充分的研究,国内文献对正规风险应对机制的研究较多。

    The present overseas literatures have researched informal coping-with-risk mechanisms fully and the present inland literatures have researched formal coping-with-risk mechanisms fully .

  24. 并以某县城污水处理工程项目为例,将该模型运用到实例中。最后,风险应对。

    Taking a county sewage treatment projects for example , we apply the model to the instance . Lastly , risk response .

  25. 根据以上几点,分别提出了改进的隧道通风方案和瓦斯风险应对措施。

    According to the above points , some suggestions to improve the tunnel ventilation scheme are proposed and gas risk countermeasures also .

  26. 为了提高飞机装配项目风险应对的效率及可靠性,提出一种将神经网络和框架知识系统相结合的风险应对方法。

    The expert judgment risk response method used now in aircraft assembly project need to be improved for its subjectivity and complication .

  27. 通过挣值分析法对该项目的进度、费用进行分析,对采取的风险应对方法效果进行监测。

    This paper also analyses the process and expenditure of the project through earned value analysis to monitor the effect of risk response plans .

  28. 在风险应对方面,采用的策略和方法主要有:风险规避、风险缓解、风险接受、风险应急应对策略。

    In the aspect of risk response , the main methods and strategies consist of risk avoidance , relief , acceptance and emergency response .

  29. 我国信托业的发展应重视推进信托产品的多元化和建立风险应对机制两个方面。

    In the process of trust trade development , importance should be attached to the pluralism of trust products and the establishment of risk-guiding mechanism .

  30. 本文通过实证分析证明所建评价模型的有效性,并针对所评价项目给出风险应对计划。

    The availability of evaluation model is proved in the part of empirical analysis and some risk response planning of case project are put forward .